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Take a chance

taking a chance on love

By Oladapo Bolanle Published 9 months ago 6 min read
Take a chance
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Emma sat by the window of her small apartment, gazing out at the bustling city below. The rain tapped rhythmically against the glass, its gentle patter providing a soothing background to her thoughts. She sighed, her mind a whirlwind of uncertainty and longing.

For years, Emma had played it safe. She had followed a predictable routine, working at a steady job, spending time with friends and family, but never daring to step out of her comfort zone. She had always been the cautious one, afraid of taking risks that could potentially disrupt her carefully constructed world. However, deep within her heart, a quiet voice whispered that life was meant for more than just routine.

As the rain intensified, Emma's thoughts turned to the invitation that had arrived earlier that day. It was an invitation to her high school reunion, an event that held both excitement and trepidation. She hadn't seen many of her classmates in years, and the thought of facing them again made her anxious. But as she stared at the invitation, a surge of determination welled up within her. Maybe it was time to take a chance, to break free from her self-imposed limitations.

The days leading up to the reunion were a whirlwind of emotions and preparations. Emma spent hours poring over her closet, trying on different outfits, and debating whether she should go at all. But amidst the uncertainty, a spark of excitement grew stronger. She imagined herself walking into the reunion with confidence, reconnecting with old friends, and maybe even making new ones.

On the night of the reunion, as Emma stood in front of the mirror in her chosen outfit, she took a deep breath. She had opted for a simple yet elegant dress that she felt good in. She applied a touch of makeup, allowing herself to feel a little glamorous. With a final glance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

The venue was abuzz with laughter and chatter as Emma stepped inside. Nervous but determined, she walked further into the room. Familiar faces greeted her, and she exchanged pleasantries with old classmates. As the evening progressed, her confidence grew, and she found herself engaging in conversations she never thought she would have the courage to initiate.

Amidst the crowd, Emma's eyes locked onto a figure across the room. It was David, her high school crush. David had always been charismatic and charming, and Emma had never mustered the courage to approach him back then. But tonight was different. Tonight, Emma had decided to take a chance.

Gathering her courage, Emma navigated through the crowd, her heart pounding with every step. As she reached David, she smiled and said, "Hey, remember me?"

David looked at her for a moment before a smile spread across his face. "Emma, right? Of course, I remember you. You were always the quiet one in class."

Emma chuckled, feeling a mix of embarrassment and nostalgia. "Yeah, that was me. But I'm trying to change that."

As the night wore on, Emma and David talked about their lives since high school. Emma learned that David had pursued a career in music, something he had always been passionate about. He regaled her with stories of his travels and experiences, and Emma found herself hanging onto his every word. She was captivated by his enthusiasm and zest for life.

As the evening came to a close, David hesitated for a moment before saying, "You know, I always thought you were really smart and interesting, even though we didn't talk much back then."

Emma felt her cheeks flush, touched by his words. "Thank you, David. That means a lot."

David smiled warmly. "Listen, Emma, I'll be performing at a small cafe downtown tomorrow night. It's an intimate setting, and I think you might enjoy it. Would you like to come?"

Emma's heart raced at the invitation, but she knew this was her chance to take another step outside her comfort zone. With a determined smile, she replied, "I'd love to."

The next evening, Emma stood outside the cafe, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She reminded herself that she had already taken one chance by coming to the reunion, and this was just another step forward.

Inside the cafe, the dim lighting created an intimate ambiance. David was on stage, strumming his guitar and singing a soulful melody. Emma found a seat near the front, mesmerized by his performance. Throughout the evening, their eyes met several times, and Emma felt a connection she had never experienced before.

After the performance, David joined Emma at her table. "I'm glad you came," he said sincerely.

"Me too," Emma admitted, her confidence growing with every passing moment.

As they talked, the cafe began to empty out, leaving them in their own little world. Eventually, David reached across the table and took Emma's hand. "Emma, I have to confess something. I've always regretted not getting to know you better in high school."

Emma's heart skipped a beat, and she looked into David's eyes, seeing a vulnerability that matched her own. "David, I feel the same way. But maybe it's not too late to change that."

In that moment, they both realized that taking chances wasn't just about stepping outside their comfort zones; it was about opening their hearts to new possibilities. As they held hands and shared stories, Emma felt a sense of warmth and happiness she had never known before.

Over the next few months, Emma and David's connection deepened. They spent time exploring the city together, trying new activities, and supporting each other's dreams. With each passing day, Emma became more certain that taking a chance on love had been the best decision she had ever made.

One evening, as they walked along the city's waterfront, David turned to Emma with a serious expression. "Emma, there's something I want to ask you."

Emma's heart raced, sensing that this was a pivotal moment. David got down on one knee, a small box in his hand. "Emma, will you take another chance with me? Will you be my partner in this journey called life?"

Tears welled up in Emma's eyes as she looked at David, her heart overflowing with emotion. "Yes, David. A thousand times yes."

Their love story became an inspiration to their friends and families. Emma's decision to take a chance on attending her high school reunion had led her to a love she had never imagined possible. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most beautiful moments in life came from embracing the unknown, taking risks, and opening one's heart to the possibilities that lay ahead.


About the Creator

Oladapo Bolanle

Your mind is a wonderland of your imagination 😍🫰

so set your mind right 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️

I believe we can all do better 🙏..

send tips 😍likes, comment and subscribe 👍

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