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Stranger with the Locket

The Flash that Brought Hope

By Derrick RyalsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Far off the Eastern Coast is one of the last remaining settlements free from any outside threat... Up until today at least, as many bewildered settlers begin to gather outside before three domineering bandits known to most as Techs. Accompanied with the Techs are three of their Stooges. Once-human monstrosities that are void of all life, surely being controlled in some horrifying way. As settlers continue to show, a deafening high pitched horn is set off by the Lead Tech. “Alright, people. I’m giving you a minute for you all to step out,” he says with a stern expression.

Not too far from the commotion, Hilde steps out from the settlement’s tavern with a stern expression of her own. She’s a stranger to these lands, but a quick look would show that she’s here on a mission. “Looks like you were right Hilde,” her acquaintance Barlow says as he stops at her side. “We can thank the tipster for that,” she responds with eyes on the intruders. “Let’s see what happens.” The two jog forward with heads low. Barlow observes the lifeless Stooges as they await order. “You sure about this?” Hilde notices his concern. “Don’t think we have a choice at this point,” she responds before pointing at a nearby crowd. “Let’s blend in with them.” Barlow nods and the two maneuver their way into position. Now with a better look, Hilde studies the Stooges that remain motionless. A grotesque combination of decayed flesh and metal. Whoever thought to create these abominations is absolutely sick she thinks to herself. “May I ask what’s the problem?” A booming voice from close by steals Hilde’s attention. She turns to see a rather tall older gentlemen limp his way through the cluster of settlers and towards the impatient Lead Tech who paces with frustration. Must be the mayor, she guesses. As the mayor passes by, Hilde notices the many scars on his face. And had a helluva life, she adds. The mayor stops in front of the Lead Tech, towering over him like an adult to a child. “What is the problem.” The Lead Tech smirks as he looks up at the man twice his size. “The problem, or should I say you’re problem, is that there is a lot of open land out here.” he glances back at the Stooges with admiration. “A lot of open land for expanding our reach. Our army.” Hilde grits her teeth with boiling anger. The thought of using the dead for mindless brutes sicken her to the core. The Lead Tech turns back to the mayor. “There’s also a valuable source of food and water to keep my men in working order. And your dump of a community stands in the way.” The mayor’s eye widens with concern. “We were sure to stay clear from you and your cities, camps, and fortresses. You can’t just come storming over here to take over with no remorse.” The Lead Tech chuckles and stares into the mayor’s eye with assurance. “We can. And we will.” Many worried settlers begin to whisper amongst each other, prompting the mayor to take a step closer with clenched fists. An awkward standoff ensues as the two lock eyes. “Hilde?” Barlow whispers. “I think this is it.” Hilde lets out a breath of anxious air. “Not yet.” She watches as the mayor continues to hold his ground. “I won’t let you,” The mayor grunts as he begins to tremble after a rush of adrenaline. Hilde sees that he’s there’s a lot of self doubt in him. The Lead Tech breaks eye contact and looks over his shoulder at the closest stooge. As if telepathically given order, the Stooge springs to life with eyes that now glow a brimstone orange. It then pushes the Lead Tech steps aside, and pounces at the mayor who is only able to gasp as he is plummeted to the ground. Not good. Hilde watches helplessly as the creature snarls on top of the mayor with jagged teeth. She then reveals a silver heart-shaped locket from under her shirt. Although usually kept hidden, she knows its now time to see what it’s truly capable of… If what she’s been told is true. Hopefully, she thinks. Otherwise I’m dead or worse. Hilde clutches the locket, allowing its mechanical innards to pulse in her hands.

She knows there’s not much time left to act, but she closes her eyes anyways. Thinking back to the time her life made a drastic change. Back to the time as a little girl and her mother went missing… When her panicked father handed her this locket, instructing her to run away to an old friend of his. “Keep running,” he told her as he wiped the tears from her eyes. “And never look back.” And she followed those instructions... Found the old friend, trained under his guidance (a decade and a half to be exact), and eventually learned what the true purpose of the locket is… “To save human-kind.” The old friend proclaimed.

We’ll see. Hilde opens her eyes to the mayor’s cries as well as perturbed settlers now conversing with panic. The Lead Tech clears his throat, still with a cocky smirk. “We are close to yet another war, people!” He shouts, causing everyone to go silent. “So I’m giving you an option to either join us, where you will be working hard. But you will be secured.“ The Lead Tech looks down at the mayor and points. “Or be on the ground like this fool. Submitting your life in order to join our ranks.” He looks back up at the sea of settlers. “Trust me. We have more than enough to handle you all at this very moment.” Absolute scum. Hilde squints with anger as she imagines the innocent being murdered, becoming mindless cannon fonder. “It’s time,” she utters as she watches the Stooge press down harder on the the pinned down mayor. Barlow nods with confidence. “And I’ll stay at your side. No matter what.” Hilde takes a deep breath. Her eyes glued on the active Stooge. The key to taking down a Stooge, huh? She gently makes her way out of the crowd and in the open. This is it. “Enough!” She shouts… All eyes immediately go to her. That sounded better in my head. The Lead Tech’s smirk widens as he looks Hilde up and down. “What do you think you can accomplish shouting out like that?” Hopefully some dead Stooges, Hilde thinks as she takes a step forward. “None of these people are going anywhere. And you’re going to tell me who I need to take down in order to put a stop to your sick projects.” The Lead Tech takes a quick look back at his subordinates then back to Hilde, who maintains her bearing. “Okay,” he nods. Within seconds, another Stooge springs to life and charges at Hilde. Before she can react, the Stooge grips her by the neck and raises her off the ground. With hands attempting to loosen the Stooge’s grip, Hilde is only able to kick out with desperation. “No!” Barlow screams out, and runs to Hilde’s aide. As he attempts to strike, the final Stooge awakens and drops him with a single blow from an open hand. Hilde’s heart sinks as she awaits her true fate. Not the stranger with a gift to put a stop to these demons’ existence. But a humiliated failure. She gags with bloodshot eyes glued on her soon to be killer… No way. I refuse to go out like that… Unexpectedly, a soft electrical hum emits from Hilde’s locket followed by a blinding flash of blue light, causing the Stooge to drop her as it screams out in agonizing pain with hands clutched to its head. Hilde gasps for air as the others follow suit. The mayor pushes his captor off and slowly gets back on his feet. “Take them down!” He shouts with a hoarse voice. Without any hesitation, a mob of settlers rush at the Lead Tech. “No, wait!” He screams out as they swarm and bring him to his knees. “Don’t let them escape!” An angry woman yells out, as the remaining Techs attempt to flee. Unfortunately for them, they don’t make it far due to a few settlers that are quick on their feet. Ignoring the ruckus, Hilde remains on the ground. She holds her locket and stares at the three deceased Stooges that lay before her. That light. It’s like it fried their brains or something.

A few days have passed since the confrontation with the Techs. And although there’s fear of more showing up in search of their own, the settlers somehow manage to go back to their everyday lives. Fully rested and prepped for their next journey, Hilde and Barlow make their way out of the settlement. “Hey!” Both Hilde and Barlow turn back to see the mayor. “You sure you can clear out that nearby camp those Tech’s mentioned?” The mayor nods at Hilde’s locket. “It didn’t look like you knew how to operate that.” Hilde looks down at the locket. “I didn’t at the time,” she replies. “But now I at least know it has something to do with me knowing how to communicate with it.” Despite being a bit confused by the response, something tells the mayor she’ll know what to do. “I’m putting my trust in you.” He remarks. “Another visit won’t be as nice as the first.” “No worries,” Hilde assures, then turns back to the open roads ahead. As her and Barlow begin their long trek she wanders to herself what could happen next. She knows there’s a lot more to learn about the locket, but she’s more than ready to do so.


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