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Some Other Beginning's End


By Carrie PetersonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

There was still hope inside the hearts of the man and the woman. They escaped months ago and managed to hide but still feared being forced back into what remained of their society. Governments all over the world collapsed years ago and any hope of reestablishing a civilized life was something of folklore. The first few days of freedom were gripped with terror and uncertainty. Both knew they would never go back. They knew that death was more comforting than the torturous existence from which they had escaped.

“Adam, I had that dream again. We need to keep moving north.”

“What’s north? The Luna people are above the river and the Soleil people are to the south. We have to stay here.”

“If we cross the river away from the bridge, we should be fine. Luna never stray far from the main crossing. You have to trust me! There is a hidden place in the forest that will keep us safe. I know it sounds ludicrous but…” she trailed off …

Conversations were a luxury. They rarely spoke. Communication between any man and woman was forbidden unless arrangements had been made by the leaders of the new world tribes and even those meetings were rare. Since being on the run, both of them kept talking to a minimum but nothing could slow the disturbing thoughts in their minds.

“Fine, Adam whispered, we’ll move north when the sun sets but you have to promise me you’ll stick to the plan if we’re caught.”

The woman stuck up her pinky, crossed her heart with it and winked a promise his way. She hoped he couldn’t see how her hand shook slightly while making this gesture.

They slept that afternoon and were both rocked with vivid dreams of their lives before what everyone had now called “The Falling Star Conflicts”. Regions had been divided based on what cosmic event had transpired and each ruling class was more insidious than the other. The Luna council had enslaved the women. The Solei council took control of the men and in their twisted minds believed that they would restore mankind. Since technology had failed worldwide, humans had started seeking answers from the stars once again. Adam met the women during a lunar eclipse when each regime participated in trade agreements. These meetings were a way to keep the peace between the powers that be but to also destroy the souls of the ones chosen to repopulate the world.

Adam softly shook her shoulder.

“Are you awake? We need to leave while there’s still a little light.”

She blinked slowly, half aware of where she was. Her heart quickened but slowed almost instantly when she saw his face come into clear view. There was a serene moment between the two of them and neither wanted it to end. What if this was the last time they would feel any sort of comfort? She gazed at his dusky, brown eyes trying to memorize each feature of his face. Adam stood up and pulled her from her reverie.

“I hope you can swim Sunshine!” She glared at him.

“What?!” He questioned innocently.

“Nothing, she scoffed, just please don’t use anything relating to stars, moons, or suns to describe anything ever again.” Adam nodded. “You got it, Pin. Let’s go.”

Not wanting to even ask where the nickname, Pin, came from, she stood up and brushed the dirt from her skirt and they both headed toward the edge of the Timonem River.

The sun was setting in the sky and the light reflecting off of the water was a brilliant dance between oranges and yellows. They waded in and the mud squished between each of their toes making it difficult to stand.

“Go ahead and dip down,” Adam said.

The cool sensation felt almost baptismal as their heads went under the murky depths. The sound of the water rushed around Adams' ears and he felt truly alone for the first time since he could remember. He felt fingers curl around his arm and drew the woman closer to him. They resurfaced together and had covered more distance than they expected. The late afternoon sun warmed their faces and made it easy for them to think of a tranquil world. Maybe they could stay in the middle of the river, treading water forever and eating fish. These childlike desires are getting us nowhere, he thought.

“Come on, let’s start swimming. The current will take us most of the way so conserve your energy. I’m trusting in you to get us to safety even though I feel like a complete moron for putting all my faith in a dream you had.”

She glanced at him and said, “I wish I could tell you how I know we’re doing the right thing but what do we have to lose at this point?”

Adam laughed, “Well, you could lose that designer outfit you’re wearing there.” The woman rolled her eyes. “Let’s go, you dork!”

Adam was right. The current pulled them across the river in a diagonal line and once they reached the other side they crawled out and both plopped over on their backs gazing up at what remained of the sun in the sky. The orange and yellow now gave way to hues of deep purples. They lay there for a while soaking in the peace and quiet. “Okay Pin, let’s go.”

The forest grew dark rather quickly and felt more ominous with every step. The stars above seemed to mock them and the moon never seemed to shine bright enough for any sort of guidance. Adam was thankful for summer. Not only did they not have to worry about the elements, but the leaves weren’t crunching beneath their feet betraying their location to the Luna or Soleil. Their journey through the woods was quiet and both of them reflected on a million things all at once. He was just about to speak when she put her hand up and stopped. Fear gripped Adam as he looked around, frantically waiting to be captured; knowing that this would be the end of his life. After what seemed like an eternity he whispered,

“What!? What is it?!”

She turned and smiled and said, “We’re here.”

Adam didn’t know what “here” was but just as he was about to spit out a sarcastic remark he saw something incredible. She reached her hand out and grabbed what looked like long, bulky vines and pulled them towards her. Like magic the vines pulled open what could only be described as a hidden door in the forest. On each side were giant, grey stones covered in green moss and beautiful wild flowers. The vegetation hadn’t been disturbed in ages.

“Come on! Let’s go!” and they stepped through the entrance.

The garden was like nothing they had ever seen. The moon ceased to exist and in its place was pure sunlight and bliss. The air was warm and filled the lush topiary with a calming breeze. Off in the distance they could hear the brilliant poems of a thousand song birds all at once. Adam turned to go back through the door, realizing that something was wrong here. It had just been night, they were walking through the woods and...the door was gone. In its place were hundreds of blooms of bleeding heart flowers, hanging in hues of pink and white.

“What is this place? Where is the door? What is that in your hand?” Adam pleaded.

“I don’t know, I just found it on the ground here” she said.

In her hand was a heart-shaped locket made of such intricate beauty that it was hard to look away from it. Etched across the surface were intricate designs made of gold and swirls of pearl. Slowly, she moved her hands towards her chest and held the locket close to her own heart.

“I dreamed about this necklace, Adam. Inside it contained all of human suffering and evil and we were supposed to find it, find it here in this garden. Do you feel that pulsing?”

Adam shook his head, clearly confused and a whisper barely escaped his lips.

“I don’t feel anything. I’m sorry.”

She grabbed his hand and pulled it towards her until both of their palms were covering the locket. In an instant he felt the pulsing too and then clarity rushed towards both of them at blinding speeds and they both fell backwards and were thrown to the ground.

In just a split second in time they both witnessed eons of generations. They felt the sorrow and pain of billions of lives and both of them wept. The locket had the power to reset the world and it was the decision that was put before the two of them, in this garden, on this night.

“Why did you call me Pin?” she asked after their tears ceased to fall.

Adam seemed surprised by the question and said, “Well, you never did tell me your name. I only told you mine when we met because, well, we were going to be forced to make a child together so I figured you’d at least want to know my name. I gave you, what I thought, was a cute nickname”

“I’m sorry, Adam,” she said. “I guess we never had time for etiquette. Everything was taken from us and the only thing I had left to guard was my name. I swore I’d never tell a soul”.

She stared at the locket in her hands and said, “My name is Eve”.

Neither of them spoke again after that. They both knew the insurmountable task that was put before them. The locket would grant the world and mankind a second chance or they could choose to live in this garden of paradise, together forever in perfect harmony. Their eyes met and pure love and fondness passed between the two of them. Adam and Eve reached for the locket and they both pushed the clasp that held everything known to humanity in place. Slowly it opened…...the walls of the garden started to disappear around them and suddenly, there was nothing but them.

In the beginning…..

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