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Snail Girl appears in your house

Beautiful,Brave and working hard girl comes to your house herself,how do you think?

By David cenPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Snail girls appears in your house when you are out.

The story of "Tian Luo Gu Niang", or the "Snail Girl," is a popular Chinese folk tale that tells the story of a young girl who is transformed into a snail and later rescued by a kindhearted young man. The story is filled with dialogue and colorful characters, making it a favorite among children and adults alike.

Tian Luo Gu Niang was a beautiful and kind-hearted young girl who lived in a small village at the foot of a mountain. She was known for her love of nature and often spent her days wandering in the woods and collecting herbs.

One day, while she was out gathering herbs, Tian Luo Gu Niang came across a snail who was in danger of being eaten by a bird. She rescued the snail and took it home with her, where she cared for it and treated it like a pet.

As time went on, Tian Luo Gu Niang became increasingly attached to the snail. She would often talk to it and tell it all her secrets and dreams. One day, while she was sleeping, the snail crawled onto her face and whispered a magic spell. When Tian Luo Gu Niang woke up, she found that she had been transformed into a snail herself.

Terrified and alone, Tian Luo Gu Niang crawled through the woods, searching for help. She came across a group of ants who were busy building a nest. She asked them for help, but they laughed at her and told her that she was useless as a snail.

Feeling hopeless, Tian Luo Gu Niang continued on her journey. She came across a group of frogs who were playing by a pond. She asked them for help, but they too laughed at her and told her that she was foolish for becoming a snail.

Finally, Tian Luo Gu Niang came across a young man named Liang Shan Bo. Liang Shan Bo was a kind and compassionate person who was known for his love of nature. When he saw Tian Luo Gu Niang, he immediately recognized her as a snail who had been transformed from a human.

Liang Shan Bo listened to Tian Luo Gu Niang's story and promised to help her. He took her under his care and protected her from harm. Together, they traveled through the woods, searching for a way to break the spell and restore Tian Luo Gu Niang to her human form.

As they journeyed, Tian Luo Gu Niang and Liang Shan Bo talked and sang together, becoming close friends. They shared stories of their childhood, their hopes and dreams, and their love for nature.

One day, they came across a wise old turtle who lived in a cave at the top of a mountain. The turtle listened to their story and told them that the only way to break the spell was to find the snail who had originally whispered the magic spell to Tian Luo Gu Niang.

Tian Luo Gu Niang and Liang Shan Bo set off on a journey to find the snail. After many adventures and challenges, they finally found the snail and convinced it to break the spell. Tian Luo Gu Niang was transformed back into a human, and she and Liang Shan Bo fell deeply in love.

The story of Tian Luo Gu Niang is a beautiful tale of love, friendship, and the power of nature. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity and challenges, there is always hope and the possibility of transformation.The story of Tian Luo Gu Niang is a classic Chinese folk tale that has been passed down through generations. It is a story that is beloved by many for its themes of love, friendship, and the power of nature.

One of the most striking aspects of the story is the character of Tian Luo Gu Niang herself. She is portrayed as a kind and compassionate person who has a deep love for nature. Her transformation into a snail is a symbol of her connection to the natural world and her ability to adapt to new circumstances.

Throughout the story, Tian Luo Gu Niang faces numerous challenges and obstacles on her journey to find a way to break the spell. Her encounters with the ants and the frogs highlight the importance of empathy and compassion towards others, even those who may seem different or insignificant.

The character of Liang Shan Bo is also an important part of the story. He is portrayed as a kind and compassionate person who is able to see beyond appearances and recognize the true worth of others. His friendship with Tian Luo Gu Niang is a testament to the power of human connection and the ability to find common ground with others.

The story also contains many elements of Chinese folklore and mythology. The wise old turtle who lives in a cave at the top of a mountain is a common figure in Chinese mythology, often portrayed as a symbol of wisdom and longevity.

Finally, the story of Tian Luo Gu Niang is also a reminder of the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Despite the many challenges she faces, Tian Luo Gu Niang never gives up on her quest to break the spell and return to her human form. Her journey is a testament to the power of hope and the possibility of transformation, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Short StoryYoung AdultLoveFantasyfamilyClassical

About the Creator

David cen

Share Chinese Sory,which you never heard before.China has 5000 years history and it is A kingdom of artifacts.Such as Chinese Kongfu,Qigong etc.

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