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Sir Columbus, I need to speak with you

Discovery of a gleaming stone alters the history

By Laszlo HatvaniPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Koa, the Apache guy

Once upon a time, in a world similar to our own, there was a young man named Koa. He was an Apache Indian born in modern-day America, but he never felt at home. Koa was always fascinated by the stories about their people's history that his grandfather told him, and he spent a lot of time reading history books. He grew up differently than any other boy in his tribe, preferring to spend his time outdoors, hunting, gathering herbs, and riding horses, learning how to live in harmony with nature.

Koa discovered a strange artefact while exploring the mountains near his home. It was a gleaming stone with an otherworldly energy pulse. As he picked it up, Koa felt a sudden jolt, and before he knew it, he was hurtling through time and space.

As Koa opened his eyes to find himself in 1492, just off the coast of Spain. This was similar to how he frequently dreamed about it, but he only realised it later. Koa had always been curious about what had happened in the past. He got it now it in the reality.

Koa quickly realised that this was his best chance to change the course of history, and he was determined to stop Columbus and save his people from the horrors that lay ahead.

He waited until Columbus came ashore, then approached him.

"Please excuse me, sir," Koa said. "I need to talk to you."

Columbus was taken aback by the young boy's words. "I don't need any more sailors, so leave!"

But he asked, "Who are you?" when he noticed the particularly excited sparkle in his night deep eyes.

"My name is Koa," the youngster Apache replied. "I am a time traveller from the future. I'm aware of what happens if you take a different path to India. You will found a new and large continent what will named to "America". There are many people living in harmony and peace, but this will all lead to the annihilation of Native Americans."

Columbus laughed at first, but he was intrigued too. "What exactly do you mean by destruction?"

Columbus initially laughed, but he was intrigued as well. "What do you mean by 'annihilation?'"

Koa explained to Columbus how Europeans would bring diseases to which "Native Americans" would have no immunity, take their lands, and destroy their culture and way of life.

Columbus listened intently to Koa's speech and was moved by his zeal and concerns.

„Young Koa, you've almost won me over" - remarked Columbus. "But I wish to sail a fresh route to discover India. We want to see how easy it is to acquire limitless power and fortune, as well as how the world's development never stops. We are unable to act on other way. Only we have the owner of authentic culture and civilization, one day it will permeates every corner of the globe. Future generations will rejoice and celebrate over us."

The story is going on but how and where?

Koa sadly seen as Columbus went back to his ship, Santa Maria and wanted to sail towards the West in an effort to locate on shorted way to home of richness, called "India".

However, Koa's beloved grandfather, old Mekko, has taught him an important lesson: "Don't give up on your real dreams easily; this is the only way you'll get and live your own life. You are a man, who on this way become hero because you are willing to fight for his dreams and truth."

So he went to the court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, where he was granted an audience with the monarchs. They were initially sceptical of the young and strange Apache, but Koa persisted, using his well knowledge of history to persuade them to stop Columbus from setting sail on a new but wrong path, which would result in so many suffering and death.

"Sir Cristopher, please behave like our great ambassador..."

Koa was only partially successful despite his best efforts. The king and queen did not completely prevent Columbus from sailing there, but they did agree to send now and in future their own ships to establish peaceful trade relations with the native people. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was a step in the right direction.

Koa, relieved and disappointed, same time felth both, picked up the strange stone once more and was transported back in time. But something was off; when he looked around, he noticed a world he didn't recognise.

Proudness of truth

There was egsist looks like a modern era, but skyscrapers and bustling cities of his youth had vanished. Koa saw vast plains wit rich gras, old trees on towering mountains, and sparkling clean lakes aroun everywhere. He'd arrived in an alternate reality where "Native Americans" had never experienced the horrors of colonisation. Instead, they had thrived, establishing their own greenful cities, villages, and thriving community while preserving their ancient cultures and ways of life.

Koa wandered through this new world, taken aback by its beauty and majesty.

What surprised Koa the most were the people he encountered. Like him, they were all Native Americans. They spoke different languages and had different traditions, but they had a strong bond with the Eart and with one another.

Koa approached one of the villagers and inquired as to his whereabouts.

"You're in our lands, our great ancestors named it "Lakes of Blue Clouds," the woman explained. "The land that was never colonised by any enemies. The land in which we could always live in harmony with nature. Even if people from other worlds come here from time to time, they are all different children of our God, but we welcome them and they always respect us for it. We have good relationships because we each have our own desires and habits."

Feel the freedom

He met countless people, each with their own unique story and positive perspective, and he learned so much about how his own people might have lived if history had not intervened on immoral and selfish path.

As Koa explored this new world, he realised that his mission was not yet complete, because this wonderful world is not his original own, while he may not have been able to completely change the past and future, only creat a door for alternative reality, he could still make a difference in his own present worlds. Koa returned to his time, armed with the knowledge he had gained from his travels, determined to help his people and protect the natural world they called home.

As a result, Koa became a warrior, a protector, and a champion for all those who had been wronged by historical injustices. He'd always remember his time travels and the lessons he'd learned along the way. And, despite the fact that he knew he could never truly change the past, he was determined to shape a better future for himself and future generations.

Even if he had completed his time travels but because of the new knowledge and inspiration he was grateful and useful in the his own present.

Teen years later

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Want you more story about Koa´s amazing life? :)

MysteryShort StorySci FiHistoricalFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Laszlo Hatvani

To be useful in the world, - I already felt this as a moral foundation in my childhood. In my opinion, the purpose of art is not only self-expression, but rather the improvement of the world and people through given experience.

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