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By informerh hPublished 2 years ago 23 min read

This was an assignment that I had written for an English class in college decades ago. Once I have submitted it my professor she said, that as she read it, was like watching a movie. This is the first part of 3 part story Originally the title of this story was called Sculpted. However, after ten years I added the prefix Re: in front of the title. Because I added more content to it and made the story even more appealing. It is with great pleasure that I present to

Re: Sculpted

By Harold Byrd

I believe that sculptures are the physical manifestations of human experiences which have been capture in the moment forever by an artist, in stone or in a similar texture-based material. Now those who behold these sculpted master pieces will have their own, unique interpretation of its beauty. Thereby confirming that adage which says “that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I hoped that these lines that I have memorized, would win me the sympathy of my Art History teacher.

Especially after I had presented to her, my attempted sketch of a model posing. This intro Art course was kicking my butt and I only hoped to get a C to pass it. Only if I had known that this class was strictly, a drawing class would I have, not enrolled. I had to take this class to reach my goal of becoming a graphic designer. After all I did enroll in the Art Institute of Philadelphia. I wait until the end of class before I present my, sketch to the teacher. She takes one look at it and judging by the expression on her face; I could tell she was displeased.


Not only was she displeased with my sketch but also puzzled by it. Yet there was also another element to her expression as well; and that was the element of embarrassment. My teacher then shifts her eyes from the sketch, then to me. My teacher then reminds me that the assignment was to sketch and draw the model, according to my perception. I was about to respond but she cut me off and said “furthermore you were supposed to add detail and depth perception; to your finished product.”

I responded by reciting the words, which I had memorized earlier. When I was finished my teacher still questioned me regarding the lack of detail and depth perception. We both looked at the sketch and begin to chuckle nervously. The only thing that I could say, I said. I confessed to my teacher that despite how hard I tried, that I just was not gifted artistically. She then said that she admired my efforts but could not, give me a passing grade.

Were my dreams of becoming a graphic designer, crushed? What she did next was unexpected and surprising Before walking over to her desk, she said to me that my sketched; resembled a stick figure. She then sat down in a chair behind her desk. She then said that if I could draw her using the basic principles, that I had learned during; the first couple of weeks of class, then she would pass me.

This should be easy I thought to myself, as I took a seat at one of the empty desks. I opened my sketch book to a blank page, and begin to sketch my teacher, I started by drawing some guiding line Next I moved onto working on edges, curves, adding shadow, light, and depth perception. It was not my best drawing but five minutes later, I emerged from the classroom with a passing grade.

It was a sympathy bare minimum passing grade, all that mattered to me was that I had passed. I wish that passing Art History would be a sympathetic pass. I will worry about that later. Now my thoughts shift to another general course, Writing & Researching a course that; I know that I am sure to pass. Ms. Ferguson my secret crush is the instructor of this course. Ms. Furgerson stands at five feet five inches tall, brunette colored hair and speak with a slight Irish accent, Often, I drifted off and stare deep into, her eyes while she teaches. I enjoyed and excelled at this course because creative writing is my God given talent.

Now for the past couple of weeks Ms. Ferguson had been instructing us on how to write our final essay. She taught us how to incorporate various styles of writing into our final essay. Our assignment was to write a one-to-four-page essay, on the top of public displays of art. Ms. Fegersoun said that she would be grading, not so much on details, but creativity. Therefore, last week we took a field trip around the Center City area, viewing different public displays of art. We viewed such displays as “Government of the people” by Jackquel Lipchitz, “Your Move” by Da ke. Martinez and plenty of others.

After our tour was over, we walked back to the Art Institute, which was located on the 16th and Chestnut Street. Now before Ms. Fegerson dismissed the class, said that she wanted to see a draft our essay next week. Before I left the classroom, I passively glanced at there, to admire her beauty one last time. However, she meant glance and knew that I was crushing on her. so, I quickly grabbed my things and left the classroom, trying not to blush. Now having completed my courses for today, I walked over to Love Park. It was a cool spring afternoon.

As I walked, I glanced down at my phone, to check the time. The time was 3pm.The weather forecaster had said that a pending rain storm, was due to move into the area, around 4:30pm.

I sat down on one of the in-Love Park, for about a half an hour. Just trying to take in the scenery and enjoy the cool breeze of spring. However, there were not too many people visiting the park today, only a few skate boarders. I admired their hand to eye coordination as they performed various tricks, such as kick flips, grinds, and olies. Then I began my journey home which was a twenty-minute journey.

The remaining days of the week was filled with dark thick clouds, which released sheets of; down pours periodically. I don’t remember how I spend my weekend, it seemed to go by fast. Now here I find myself on a partially cloudy Monday morning. Although Spring was in full bloom, the past few days were cloudy, dark, dreary, and rainy. During those days the temperatures struggling to make it into the upper sixty.

However, today after the clouds have departed, temperatures were expected to; rise into the upper seventies. I still carried my umbrella with me as I my house. As I walked down the front steps, that lead up to my house I, paused and glanced up into the sky. Overhead I saw rays of sunshine that were trying to break through the layers of clouds. My journey back to Center City Philadelphia was a twenty-minute journey via SEPTA.

Once I arrived, I began my quest to find a public display of art to write about. My objective today was to complete my final essay for Ms. Fergerson’s class. Although the assignment was not due until next week, I was going to submit mines today. This week Ms. Fergerson only require that we submit a draft of our essay to her. I submitted my draft to her electronically, over the weekend. Now I was attempting to retrace the path that we had taken, last week on our field trip, around the City Hall area. Last week we viewed public displays of art such as “Government of the people” by Jacques Lipchitz, “Your Move “by Daniel Martinez &

“Frank Rizzo “by Zenos Frudakis to write about. My first stop would be to locate “ The CraftsM” by Benjamin Franklin. I must have walked about ten minutes, before I had reached my destination.

Benjamin Franklin’s display of public art was thought provoking. However, it wasn’t intriguing enough to write an essay about. So, I continued with my quest, which lead me to walk over to Love Park. Once I arrived, I sat down on a bench, pulled my small notebook from my back pants pocket; and began to write. The following is an account about what I had observed during the time that I spent in Love Park. On a partly cloudy yet humid Monday, a gathering of common folks was underway at Love Park.

From the Love Sculpture down to the benches which were arranged in circular formation around the; Ellen Phillps Memorial Fountain, this was the place to be if you needed to cool down. The best part about this park is that there is no admission fee. Amongst the people sat a man who was, quietly taking notes; on what he observed. The name of that man was Harold and he had visited Love Park last week. Currently Harold is trying to create a scene based around, the sights and sounds which he is observing today.

Now in the center of the park stood a symbol which sustained life, this symbol was welcoming, refreshing and cool H20. It spewed forth from the Ellen Phillips Memorial fountain like a. Volcanic eruptions. I watched as the water spewed forth high into the air, and then came crashing back down into the pool; of water with such forth that periodically I could feel beads of water grazed my face. Briefly I shifted my eyes, away from the Ellen Phillp’s Memorial fountain, over to the Love Sculpture. This sculpture served as the entry point to the park.

The sculpture was stationed on top of square shaped metal frame. The letters Lo sat on top of the letters VE, perfectly symmetrical. The Love sculpture was painted in a luminous red color paint. The sculpture sat high enough above ground, that people were able; to take pictures in front of and on the sides of the sculpture. As I continue to glance at the Love sculpture I was intrigued at how; the sunlight reflected off of the luminescent paint; thereby bringing the sculpture to life. I noticed that two of my classmates were also, standing by the sculpture.

So Naturally I get up from where I was sitting and walk towards them. Once I was in earshot range, I yelled out “LOOK AT THOSE TWO LOVE BIRDS!’ Tim & Tracey were madly in love with each other; However, they have not publicly acknowledged their feelings to one another yet. Although everyone in our class, including our teacher knows how they feel about each other. Tim is tall. Has an athletic build, broad shoulders, and nice eyes. Tracey stands between 5ft 2” and 5ft 6” in height, slender but not too slender, has colored eyes and burgundy hair to match.

I shouted once again as I drew closer to them, “LOOK AT THE LOVE BIRDS”. Tim and Tracy stood close to one another, in front of the Love sculpture. However, once they heard my voice and saw me approaching, they put some distance between themselves. As if to say” we’ve been caught”.

They turned only to see me standing behind them. I then greeted Tim with a firm handshake and ask, “What are you two doing here?” Tracy responds trying her best not to reveal their true intentions; and says” We are … umm. Just enjoying the scenery” Now attempting to stop my probing questions, Tim countered and asked me the same question. I explained to him that I was writing my essay based on, the Ellen Philp’s Memorial Fountain.

We then slowly walked back to the bench where I had sat. Once we had sat down, I then let Tim and Tracy read over; what I had written so far. Both puzzled by the title, Tracy asked, Gems Incorporated? Yeah, do you remember a couple of weeks ago, when Ms. Ferguson had explained; the elements of writing that she wanted us to include in our final essay?

When I begin to write a story, I like to create unique titles to capture my readers attention. Therefore, I chose the title Gems Incorporated. Tim chuckles and ask, “is that the only reason why you chose that title?’ Come on Harold I know that you are crushing on, Ms. Ferguson. You are right Tim I am crushing on her, not only did I choose that title because it is unique but also to flirt with her.

We all laugh at my blatant honest confession. As Tracy begun to rise from the bench, she asked me; “so Harold what are you going to do I responded and said, “I guess once the semester is over, I will ask her out”. Tim looks at me skeptically as if to, “you know that she is going to shoot you down.” Tim has now risen from the bench, and is now standing, by Tracy’s side. They both look down at me, expecting a response.

I will never know unless I try, I respond to Tim. My crush is sort of like, your crush that you have on Tracy.

Its intense which drives you to wish that Tracy was, your “baby boo girlfriend”. Every time that I see Ms. Ferguson , I try not to blush and mask my feelings for her. I then stand and walk way leaving the two ( especially Tim) awkwardly embarrassed. I then refocus on completing my main objective and walk over to another bench. This bench that I sat at was closer to, the circular steps which; lead down to the Ellen Phelps Memorial fountain. From this perspective I now had a different angle, from which to observe from.

Now looking upon the fountain once again I noticed that a father and son had; stepped inside of the pool. I watched as they begin to splash each other with water, as they slowly begin to make their way; to the center of the pool. However, they stopped a few feet away from the center, where the fountain spewed water. I watched as the son extended his hand out attempting to catch, the descending water as it came crashing back down into the pool of water. Moments later I watched as the father and son slowly begun, to swaddle back to the edge of the pool; and climb out.

I continued to watch when suddenly I felt the presence of someone sitting next to me. I look to the left and right of me and see two Latinas females; sitting beside me. They were beautiful and I loved how the spoke. If I know who to speak Spanish, I will try to strike up a conversation with them. Therefore, nervously I tried to continue to write down what I observed, without looking to my left or right. If I looked in those direction I would have blushed, and it would have showed. I continued to look forward hoping that I could find something interesting to write about.

When suddenly, an argument broke out a few benches away. The argument was so loud that other people heard it. Sort of thankful for the ruckus yet also concerned, I stand up from the bench and walk; down to another bench leaving the girls behind. The argument was between a young couple and with each passing moment it grew in intensity. The cause behind the argument was over the fact, that the couple had agreed to swap phones. Resulting in the girlfriend receiving a call from another girl, on her boyfriend’s phone. The argument became so intense that everyone stopped and listened. Here is what we overheard,

Girlfriend: yelling and with tears streaming down her face responds




Narrator: Once the couple realizes that they are both in the wrong the tone of the argument begins; to subside. However, I along with everyone else still could hear, the couple’s conversation.

GIRLFRIEND: “I swear to you that he is just a friend “

Boyfriend: “yeah right a friend who you, just slept with. You thought that I did not know

My friend Marvin is the roommate of the guy that you slept with”

“I can’t believe that you did that!

Narrator: the boyfriend continues to speak…



Narrator: As I continued to observe I began to shake my head in disbelief. While the other spectator was shocked, at the boyfriend’s decision. The fact remains that they are both in the wrong, for cheating on each other. Though how the boyfriend responded was childish and immature. Now the girlfriend with tears, streaming down her face shotts….


BOYFRIEND he hands her back her phone and takes back his and says” “No we can’t”

He then slowly begins to walk away leaving his girlfriend, standing there alone. However, she chases after him …

I was seconds from his fist contacting the girl when out of nowhere a strong winter like gust of wind blown. It was oddly strange because temperatures were in the upper 70’s. The wind was so cold that it stunned us all. Just like that the argument had been dissolved but not resolved, I turned and looked up in the sky and it was completely dark though the sun still could be seen partially giving the clouds an eerie thunder stormy look to them.

I then returned my attention back towards the couple who were still a little furious but nothing to warrant another shouting match. I then asked the dude if he was going to hit her, and he shot that “mind your business “look at me. I explained to him that I wasn’t going to let that happen and if he tried too then it would be me and him. I strongly am against that punkish type of behavior. I then watched as the both of them parted their separate ways, yet again there was a sudden distraction that took my focus off of them. It was hard for me to pinpoint exactly where the sound was coming from it seemed like it was coming from all around.

I turned to look at the fountain and shrieked at what I saw. The pool of water that once was so welcoming and refreshing had somehow solidified though the fountain itself continued to spew water in every direction. What was going on, had I somehow stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone? There was a source of unknown light that rested upon the fountain. The Love sculpture had fallen to the ground the sound of police sirens and helicopters had filled the air. People were screaming and pointing in horror as mini metallic evil cupids emerged from the ground.

In the place where the Love sculpture had fallen stood a gigantic metallic evil cupid directing all his minions to dip their arrows into the solidified pool of water. I didn’t stick around to see what happened next, I ran out of Love Park screaming Help someone must help those people. A senior citizen that had happened to be passing by came to my aid. Thank you Thank you I said panting heavily, what’s wrong son he said; but I couldn’t get out the words all I could do was point into Love Park. You mean that you don’t see what’s going on the park, I managed to sputter out. OF course, I see there are people taking pictures of the Love sculpture and the Ellen Phillip’s Fountain. What’s wrong with you and then he continued on his way.

Uncertain what reality was I just stood there trying to mentally sort through things. Excuse me a voice from behind me shouted. I turned only to see that I had blocked a long line of people’s way so I moved out of there way. I felt warmth so I looked up into the sky and beheld the sun was out in full array without a cloud in sight. Why was I the only that could see the horrific events that was playing out in Love Park? Why was the sun out and like nothing ever happened? Had I imagined the whole thing; no I could not come up with something this horrible as this. There was only one way to know for sure and that was to head back into Love Park.

Upon my reentrance into the park I was paralyzed by fear because of what I had seen. The evil cupids were shooting people with arrows that solidified them in a unique way. Not even the senior citizens were speared; I witnessed as one person that tried to run to safety get struck by an arrow in the leg. The leg of the person began to liquidly and simultaneously turns into a fleshly textured skin, within seconds the person had completely turned into a live sculpture. Other people had suffered the same fate, the screams of that proceeded from the mouth of the fallen victims was unbearable.

The gigantic evil cupid had swatted down a helicopter, police cars were turned on their sides some were on fire. In vain police officers were shooting bullets at the gigantic evil cupid, bullets that only were absorbed as it contacted the gigantic evil cupid’s metallic skin. The love park that I had known was destroyed; benches were broken the ground ripped apart, people had been turned into live sculptures. The mini evil cupids had now stopped shooting their arrows and were now collecting their victims. Fifteen victims in total had fallen to this massacre; finally, I was able to move the fear that once had bound me had dissipated.

I walked over to the gigantic evil cupid and shouted “WHY DID YOU DO THIS? “. The gigantic evil cupid bent down and all of his followers came rushing to his aid, but he motioned with his eyes towards the fountain. The mini evil cupids quickly gathered up their victims and placed them around the Ellen Phillip’s Memorial Fountain. I did this because of the couple’s argument that it had disturbed the positive energy that this park produces. This is Love Park and there shouldn’t be anybody here disrupting isn’t in love.

What about the innocent people the seniors, why weren’t they spared? I was just following orders the gigantic evil cupid responded. Whose orders I shouted back; the order of the one whom made the generous donation towards the production of the sculpture Vince King. Things were beginning to make sense in an odd sort of way, so I continued with my questions. How come people on the outside were oblivious to what was occurring inside of the park?

Those people Since they were not in the park when the argument had broken out their was no reason that they should experience the ramifications of a moment that they wasn’t a part of, as for the innocent people they were not innocent because unlike you they didn’t even make an effort to intervene. Now that you know in the future warn those that are attempting to disrupt the peace of Love Park, and with that the gigantic evil cupid stood up and walked over towards the fountain

He then raised his armed and reached behind into his sack of arrows that was on his back and pulled out an arrow. With a wicked grin on his face he once again turned towards me aiming the arrow and launched it. There wasn’t any opportunity for me to run so I braced myself for impact; I always thought that I would meet my end by some sort of electrocution.

As the arrow speeds towards me I could see the evil cupids laughing, the last imagine that I recall is of the gigantic cupid breaking apart the Ellen Phillips Memorial Fountain. The arrow was now only inches away from my face I squinted my eyes and in amazement the arrow swiftly ascended into the air. Next there was a huge flash of blinding light and I felt covered in some sort of liquid. No I shouted I was suffering the same fate as the others; help!!! Sir calm down; No you got to help me get to stop the evil cupids; Sir calm down and open your eyes.

Slowly I opened my eyes only to find out that I was sitting inside of the Ellen Phillips’s Memorial Fountain’s pool. What happened I asked the park ranger which I came to realize it was the park ranger that was telling me to calm down. As I climbed out of the pool the park ranger pointed with his finger towards a lady that was standing only a few feet away. Sir you had asked this lady if she could take a picture of you standing in the pool, apparently you lost your balanced as she shoot the photo. All you alright the park ranger asked; I’m… Alright.

I thanked the park ranger and then walked over towards the lady that had token my picture. I’m really sorry that you fell in, luckily, I brought a towel with me here dry off. That is some camera you have there I said as I took the towel. It’s one of those Polaroid cameras usually it doesn’t produce such a bright flash, I haven’t used it in awhile. Well thank you for the towel and for the picture and with that I made my way out of Love Park.

Months later I returned to Love Park and to my amazement and horror there were the sculpted people that had been the victims of the evil cupid massacre. Dad how do they make it look so realistic; I heard a kid ask. I moved closer to examine the sculptures which had been painted in the same illuminist colors that the Love sculpture was. Somehow the evil cupids had rearranged their victims’ facial expressions.

They weren’t displayed in “the moment of time “in which was horrific enough but in an eloquent manner. Ironically, the couple that had the argument was now displayed holding a box of chocolates and roses, while the others were displayed in similar fashion. Suspiciously I looked around while the words of the evil gigantic cupid echoed in my thoughts. Suddenly the sky grew dark, then I heard screams and shouting; I was running out of time I had to find the source and warn them.

I focused and spotted the source a woman was on the ground bleeding while her boyfriend held his hand as though it was sore from hitting. As I ran towards the two yelling to stop the winds had increased in speed and the temperature was dropping rapidly. I continued to run but it was too late, though I was sort of relieved because others had come to the woman’s aid. They lead her away to safety just in time while her boyfriend remained the only one in the park.

Finally, I reached him and said you going to wish that you hadn’t did that, and then I dropped him with one punch. The ground broke apart , the fountain viscously erupted spewing water like never before, the Love sculpture fell to the ground and cracked, the sky completely blacken by clouds. Once again, the gigantic evil cupids and his minions had appeared. I returned my glance towards the guy on the ground and said I told you, then one of the evil cupids handed me an bow and arrow which I took in submission


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