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the motherboard

By Kingto LIPublished 6 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Umberto on Unsplash

In the shadowy corridors of my memories, there exists a tale that transcends the realms of the ordinary. It was a night that would forever haunt my dreams, a night when the malevolent SCP-003, also known as "The Biological Motherboard," unleashed its unholy presence upon the world.

It all began innocently enough – a late-night exploration fueled by curiosity and the thrill of the unknown. Little did I know that the cold, metallic walls of SCP Foundation Site-x would become the canvas for a macabre masterpiece of horror.

As I traversed the dimly lit hallways, a distant hum echoed through the air, resonating with an unsettling rhythm. The atmosphere grew thick with an unnatural tension, and an electric charge lingered, setting the stage for the impending nightmare.

Drawn by an inexplicable force, I found myself standing before the imposing containment chamber of SCP-003. The ominous glow emanating from within beckoned like a siren's call, promising answers to questions I had yet to formulate. With a deep breath, I pushed open the heavy door and stepped into the abyss.

The room was bathed in an eerie, pulsating light, casting grotesque shadows that seemed to dance with a life of their own. In the center of the chamber lay SCP-003, a grotesque amalgamation of organic and mechanical components, resembling a nightmarish motherboard fused with flesh.

As I cautiously approached the anomaly, the air crackled with an otherworldly energy. The hum intensified, and the walls seemed to pulse in sync with the monstrous entity at the room's core. It was as if the very fabric of reality strained under the weight of SCP-003's malevolence.

In the dim glow, I discerned two figures, their faces etched with terror, trapped within the proximity of the abominable anomaly. Their eyes pleaded for salvation, and their movements were sluggish, as if ensnared by an unseen force. It was then that I understood the true horror of SCP-003 – a malevolent force that not only defied the laws of nature but also ensnared the souls of the unsuspecting.

The room's temperature plummeted, and a sickening aroma of decay permeated the air. I could feel the oppressive weight of an otherworldly presence, a force that sought to consume all in its path. My every step forward seemed to be met with a resistance that transcended the physical, as if the very air opposed my intrusion.

As I reached out to the trapped figures, their ghostly whispers filled my ears, recounting tales of agony and despair. The tendrils of SCP-003's influence wrapped around them, draining the life force from their bodies. I knew then that my own existence teetered on the precipice of a horrifying fate.

With a surge of determination, I delved into the arcane intricacies of SCP-003, desperately seeking a way to break the malevolent grip it held on the tormented souls. The room pulsed with an unholy energy, shadows writhing in protest against my intrusion.

As I labored against the eldritch forces, the figures' struggles intensified. Their eyes, once filled with despair, now reflected a glimmer of hope. It was a race against time, a battle against an entity that transcended the boundaries of comprehension.

In a climactic moment, as if the universe itself held its breath, I unraveled the cryptic nature of SCP-003. With a primal scream, the oppressive force relented, and the figures were freed from their spectral prison. The room, once a maelstrom of malevolence, returned to an uneasy calm.

As I stumbled out of the containment chamber, the echoes of the haunting encounter lingered in the air. The two souls, now liberated from the clutches of SCP-003, cast grateful glances in my direction before fading into the shadows. The scars of that night were etched into the very fabric of my being, a testament to the horrors that lurk within the SCP Foundation's clandestine archives.

And so, with a heavy heart burdened by the weight of the supernatural, I share this harrowing tale. SCP-003, The Biological Motherboard, remains a cryptic enigma, a reminder that the line between the known and the unknowable is thin, and that some secrets are better left buried in the shadows.

HorrorShort StorySci FiFantasy

About the Creator

Kingto LI

inference, thoughts

detective stories, sad stories, personal stuff.

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