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Report on the First Section of Chapter 13 of the Miao Township Witch Ancestor in the First Part of Folk Strange Stories

Report directly to the director at the unit?

By 徐金升Published 10 months ago 3 min read

In front of a nine-story building on the outskirts of this city, I was staring at the nine characters on the copper plaque by the door: "Bureau of Folklore Affairs Research." If it weren't for the address listed on the application form, I doubt I'd be able to find this Bureau of whatever it was.

What exactly is this place? This is the capital city, even outside the Fifth Ring Road, land is precious. How could there be such an empty space with a lone building standing? Downstairs, I stopped a woman to ask for directions. She looked at the sign across the street and told me, "Bureau of Folklore Affairs Research? I've never heard of it."

To go in or not to go in, that's the question? Just as I was lost in thought, a familiar voice from behind asked, "Hey buddy, do you know where the Bureau of Folklore Affairs Research is?" I turned around and saw a plump face grinning at me.

"What the...!" I was a little surprised to see him.

He chuckled, "Oops, my bad. Well, well, what a coincidence, you're here to report too?"

I was taken aback, "What do you mean I'm here to report too? What's this got to do with you? Weren't you in the Narcotics Division?"

Upon hearing this, he looked somewhat conflicted, "Don't mention it, I've been transferred here."

Turns out, just like me, after returning to the Narcotics Division, he was promoted a rank and carried the title of section chief. But before the position even had time to cool, almost on the same day I retired, he received transfer orders to report to the Bureau of Folklore Affairs Research.

Though not exactly a stranger, he's at least half-familiar. There was just one thing that was bothering me—I asked him about the Bureau of Folklore Affairs Research, but unfortunately, he was in the dark too and couldn't explain anything.

"We've come this far, so why worry? We survived the Dead Man's Pool together, so why fuss over this bureau?" He seemed indifferent and pulled me inside.

The place wasn't much different from a regular office. But now, it was a little after ten in the morning, and surprisingly, there weren't many people around. We wandered around the ground floor, up to the second floor, and only then, by the elevators, did we spot someone.

The guy was tall and lean, in his thirties to early forties. Upon hearing we were here to report, he scrutinized me and my companion, raising an eyebrow here and there. His expression was inscrutable, with a half-smile that was hard to read. "Here to report? Go to the sixth floor, to Director Gao's office."

Report directly to the director's office instead of the HR department? I thought maybe I wasn't being clear, so I repeated it. Annoyance flashed across the tall, thin man's face, "Didn't I just say it? Sixth floor, Director's office!" Having said that, he walked into the elevator without looking back.

"Could you be a little more talkative?" my companion grumbled at the closed elevator door. I patted his shoulder, "Let's go, enough chitchat with the elevator."

We reached the Director's office as soon as we exited the elevator. The same tall, thin man was standing by the door. Could he be Director Gao? I wondered briefly, but my companion, who appeared to be straightforward, walked over and extended his hand, "You must be Director Gao? I'm..."

The tall, thin man pursed his lips, "Did I look like a guy who weighs over two hundred pounds to you? Go inside, Director Gao's waiting for you."

Before my companion could retort, a voice from within the office said, "Have they arrived? Haowenming, bring them in." The tall, thin man gestured to my companion and me, "Go in, the director's waiting."

This was the first time I had stepped into a director's office, and now, it didn't seem like such a big deal. The only difference was that it was a bit larger, more well-decorated, had better office furniture, and was better lit than usual.

The office was divided into an inner and outer space. The outer area was like a living room, and the inner section was the actual director's office. My companion and I followed the tall, thin man into the room. A middle-aged man, even larger than my companion, was sitting behind the desk, looking at us with a friendly smile.


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