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Reign Another Day

Welcome to Lonuria

By Cameron HeglerPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Reign Another Day
Photo by Alex Mihai C on Unsplash

Trying to soothe her thoughts, Audrina still tasted the remnants of the morsels that hit her lips. She was only allowed sweets every so often or else be chastised for her frame and a ‘queen should never be chastised’. She could hear the words of her mother echoing in her mind as she let the moist richness of the chocolate cake rest on her tongue before staring at the crumbs left on her plate.

“I hope you enjoyed, your highness.” Said the cook as she went to offer a bow, but Audrina lifted her hand to stop the notion before she herself offered a bow.

“It is I who should be praising you, Sweet Vera.” She measured as she lifted a napkin to her lips to remove what might have remained of the dessert.

Being Queen was something she’d always been prepared for, but now that she was in service with her mother and father’s passing, The Imperial Planets were on the brink of war. There were those who felt she did not have the gumption to lead. Despite this, the quick bite she had was enough to soothe her mind. If only her problems could be solved so easily as offering cake to the people.

She couldn’t hide the smile that formed on her lips as she remembered how well that worked out for another queen of Ancient Earth and erased the idea from her mind as she carried on through the palace. There were halls of gold, aligned with the pristine white of marble that enhanced its vision. Decadent draping that covered windows made from Fulgurites where the sand and lightning meshed to create glass on Lonuria, her home world. Every inch of this palace had been hand crafted by the people of her civilization and every design came from the mind of her father. His architectural genius had been combined with some of the most forward thinking minds of their civilization to revolutionize the planet and now all of that could be in jeopardy because of another.

That was often times the repeat pattern of history, were it not?

As she stepped into the grand hall and reached her destination she paused to turn and glance out over the men and women who had gathered here, all leaders in different sects of her planets and all of them equally as ambitious as the other. There was Alana: The innovative high judge of the Imperial Court; Carrick: the exuberant long-haired crafter who led her armies; Then there was Oisin: Eyes as blue as the sea to match the prevalent nature of his pull in the Intergalactic Congressional Committee. All of these advisors and each as equally eager to capture her throne as the next, and all of them capable of betrayal at any time.

“Thank you for joining me today.” She measured now glancing at some of the others who hadn’t been named, She was soft and whimsical in the way that she spoke as she moved to sit in the throne chair. Her ladies in waiting scurried to either side of her as she sat, the high collar of her dress giving her an even more intimidating look as she remained tight-lipped for several moments more.

“I am sure you’ve all heard the news around Lonuria, of war on the rise. Many have believed my response to be . . . lacking.” She peered around the room now glancing to read their expressions. The same ones she’d learned to read when she was a child and her father had brought her here to learn of her duties.

“I would hope that my leaders would be capable of proving said notion incorrect if they would like to consider further service.” She said now having made her entire glance around the room before she softly placed her hands on the arm of the chair. She waved her wrist and commanded each leader to explain their plans for the security and protection of the kingdom.

The meeting was long and drawn out, much like they always were, before she’d been promised all would be well, but her paranoia made it so that she could not be so easily convinced.

As she exited the meeting room, calling the talks for the day she ascended the golden stairs back to her Royal Chamber, she was lost in thought as she went over everything that had occurred at the meeting. So many things to care for that she was never fully capable of letting her mind be at ease. She drifted back to the little bit of solace the sweets from earlier had given her even if for that brief moment.

In a sudden flash the lights suddenly went dark and then a cloud of smoke ascended the stairs, her throat burned as she immediately dashed upward doing her best to escape the thick smog, her brain began to rush as she heard something wisp by her, a clang of metal struck the bannister beside her as she looked upwards, in what little visibility she had stood the figure of a man, tall and illustrious with a mask of a great bird covering his face. Had he come to take her life? Was this her end? She wasn’t certain!

Screams echoed from her ladies who helped her dress and she found it harder and harder to breathe, but she refused to stop her ascension up the stairs as she pushed herself forward she found the air clearer in her rise and she had even balled up her fist to swing at the intruder when he spun around and slid behind her, as she turned she saw a group of others storming the stairs and rising.

The palace was under siege.

She half-expected him to try and stab her then or to end her, but instead she saw the same metallic weapons that had been aimed at her previously now piercing the skin of the intruders. Before he turned to her wrapping his hands around her waist and they flew towards the roof of the palace. She couldn’t help the scream that escaped her, as the rise was quicker than she’d expected. He placed her down onto her feet once more and she took a moment to catch her breath.

“My Queen” He measured before pointing to one of the ships she had in her ship yard. She shook her head signifying that she wouldn’t go.

“I will not leave my people behind.” She stated, still hearing the screams from her ladies plaguing her ears. He basically incurred that he wasn’t asking however, as she went to protest further he’d wrapped his arms around her again and dragged her inside as she flailed against him.

“You will be safe here.” He measured before closing the hatch and heading to the front of the ship. It was some time before he removed his mask and she wasn’t sure how long they’d been in flight. Everything seemed to be moving at the speed of light and her mind hadn’t quite had the time to catch up with her body.

“Where are you taking me?!” She demanded but he didn’t respond, instead he stared blankly ahead. The set of his shoulders showed pensiveness as he continued their flight. When she felt the turbulence she knew they were heading high into the skies of Lonuria, removing the buckle from her seat she climbed herself into the cockpit but she was stunned when she realized just who he was.

“F. . . F. . Father?” She measured and he turned to look her way, he did look exactly like her father but much younger as if the days of life had never touched him. He could only smile at her notion.

“Not quite.” He stated. He explained to her what had transpired, how he knew of the attack on the palace and the attempt on her life, and how he’d come to save her.

“How do you look so much like him?” She questioned and he could only smile further.

“Because he is also my father.” He measured and she wasn’t sure how that were possible, but it was certainly difficult to deny looking at him.

In a matter of days her Kingdom had changed hands, suddenly the land was a land of tyranny and she’d been saved by the mysterious man who she now called family, they hid away in the mountainous regions of Lonuria and as she’d entered the camp of the warriors known as the Silver Lunars, she watched as they bestowed powers well beyond her imagination. Twisting and moving the earth as if they had full control of its power, it seemed as if the tidal forces that responded to the planet’s moon, also responded to the genetic template of these fine warriors.

Several days had gone by while she plotted her revenge, attempting to gather information on Alana, Carrick, and Oisin to see just who had laid seige. She wanted so badly to overturn and reclaim the crown. As she slept and dreamed that night suddenly something occurred to her. When the smoke had lifted in the palace, it had come out of nowhere, only those with extraordinary powers could have done so. As she awoke she found a group of his men surrounding her then.

“You won’t get away with this!” She yelled.

“I already have.” He stated now taking her down to the floor as he looked menacingly into her eyes. Her own brother, her own flesh and blood, the only legitimate claim to her throne. She should have known that she couldn’t trust him.

“And now I’m king.” He stated taking a pulsar blade and running it up her wrist as she screamed out in pain.

Her life wasn’t over just yet though. . .

She was dragged before the public a few days later, she’d been injured enough to last until her execution. It was the only way her people would have accepted her disappearance. The Silver Lunars now owned Lonuria, as she stood high above a platform where she would soon meet the magma core of Lonuria.

“She should have let them eat cake.” She marveled and a twisted grin came to her face as suddenly a group emerged from the crowd, mystical men in daunting blue robes. The ground began to shake, she turned on her heel discarding a robe of her own and the holo-projection that displayed her image. Standing beneath was Carrick himself as the army fought to seize the silver lunars. Descending the palace steps, Audrina stood in a dress the color of midnight. Now looking down at her so-called sibling. A twisted and confused expression on his face as he had been deceived.

“I was wondering when my father’s illegitimate child would make his move. There is nothing I do not see or know, dear brother. I believe it is customary to wear black when mourning one’s family is it not?” She asked. His hands were tied behind his back as she nodded to Carrick to lift him up from his feet and drop him into the fire. A symbol for anyone who made a move on her Kingdom.

Turning away to walk back towards the palace she couldn’t help the tear that strolled her cheek. She may have not been as soft of a queen as they believed, but she wasn’t born without a heart.

That night to put her mind at ease, she had a piece of Vera’s sweet chocolate cake. She would reign another day.

Short Story

About the Creator

Cameron Hegler

Amateur Fiction Writer, hoping to grow a platform and share my work with the world. Follow me if you love Sci-fi, Dystopian, or LGBT+ stories.

Reach out to me:

Facebook: Cameron.Hegler

Email: [email protected]

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