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Redistribution of Land

Excerpts from Bucolica

By Rob AngeliPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
Sketch by the author after Poussin's Et in Arcadia Ego


Roman Civil War(s) and the Pax Augustae [American Civil War and the Pax Romana]: Empire and Public Things: moveable herds and the great epochs of Manifest Shepherding, pumped-up by state funds, said to be truly destined. Elizabethan land redistributed, this dear dear land laid out for lease, rearrangement after the punishment pains of civil rebellion musketeers. Newly owned, the pastoral lay improved, and the wool industry booming once again. Cattle ranchers and shepherds, the war between—Spain and Britain and France—now a New World—Colonialization or the colonization by colonials, by apportioning, lot by lot, this Land, let out to lease like a tenement, carved out to...whom? the highest bidders? the favorites of the Chieftain? Beautiful for spacious skies. Can you still see the herdsmen with their droves of llamas and alpacas making their way past the potato-fields? What adjunct of grekkish-latino roots in English: relation with the Romances. America the Beautiful. What Republic? it seemed Manifest Destiny to be named TERRA NOSTRA ‘cause this land is your land, this land is my land, public lands in public hands, the seed and semen of the Feudal Way, Privates in Private hands: what private redistribution exploits as resource? but what’s the use of protest delimiting serfdoms. Your land and my land. Now it is I who sit here and play my reed in peace, and it is you who will have to go into urban exile. But we will switch places and roles, each in turn. But then again not a one of us owns this land on the contrary this dear land owns us all and is the ultimate devourer who will at last eat us up in great mouthfuls O devouring earth will swallow us up all for one and one for all which is why there will always be must always be someone to versify.

This Land was made for You and Me.

My Bucolica is a modern reboot of the "eclogue" form originating in Classical Greece and Rome and much rehashed throughout all European literature. It usually comes in the form of a collection of shepherd's songs, dialogues, and stories featuring themes of love/desire, nature/the seasons, death/mortality, and the passing of time. It is often a playground to poeticize the animal world and humankind's relation to it, as well as particulars of the seemingly idyllic life led by simple shepherds and farmers in Arcadia. It is also referred to as bucolic literature. I wrote my Bucolica 2017-2018 in a mix of poetry and prose.


About the Creator

Rob Angeli

sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt

There are tears of things, and mortal objects touch the mind.

-Virgil Aeneid I.462

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