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Questioning Death.

A short story.

By Karly ColaPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Questioning Death.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

In a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush meadows, a young woman named Elara lived with a heart full of curiosity that often led her down unconventional paths of thought. While her fellow villagers accepted the natural cycle of life and death as an unalterable truth, Elara found herself unable to succumb to such unquestioning acceptance. She couldn't help but question the enigma that was death.

One warm afternoon, as the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Elara settled under the shade of the village's ancient oak tree—a symbol of strength and wisdom—for her daily contemplation. She gazed out toward the distant mountains, a realm of both beauty and mystery that stirred her restless mind.

"What happens after we die?" she whispered to herself, her voice carried away by the breeze. "Is there truly more beyond this life?"

Her friends, accustomed to her peculiar musings, exchanged bemused glances. Elara's questions, though intriguing, often seemed to echo far beyond the ordinary concerns of the village. Word of her inquiries spread like ripples in a pond, and soon the entire village was abuzz with whispers about the girl who dared to question the unquestionable.

Among the villagers was an old sage named Soren, whose long white beard and kind eyes had witnessed generations come and go. His wisdom was renowned, and he had spent decades delving into the mysteries of existence, seeking enlightenment from ancient texts and the depths of his own contemplation. Hearing of Elara's inquiries, he couldn't help but be intrigued.

One evening, as the fire crackled in the village square, Soren approached Elara, his presence emanating a sense of both humility and profound insight. Elara looked up at him with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, feeling as though her unspoken questions were about to be met with answers she had never even imagined.

"Curious one," Soren began with a gentle smile, "I've heard your questions weaving their way through the threads of our village's conversations. The fear of the unknown is a universal sentiment, my dear. But in your search for answers, remember that each person's journey is uniquely their own."

Elara nodded, her eyes wide with anticipation, as if Soren's words were the keys to unlocking the doors of her mind.

"Imagine life as a river," Soren continued, his eyes distant as though peering into realms beyond the visible. "This river flows through the landscapes of time, carrying us through experiences of joy, sorrow, love, and growth. But, my dear, what awaits us at the end of this river? Is it an endless abyss of oblivion, or perhaps a grand reunion with something greater?"

Elara's gaze remained fixed on Soren, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, as if the answers he held could reshape her understanding of the universe.

Soren's voice softened even further, his words like ripples on a tranquil pond. "The truth is, none can claim absolute certainty about what lies beyond this world. Some find solace in faith, believing in realms of paradise or the cycle of reincarnation. Others see death as a return to the cosmic essence that birthed us all."

Elara's voice quivered as she asked, "But how can one find peace with not knowing?"

Soren smiled, a glint of ancient wisdom in his eyes, as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "By embracing the beauty of uncertainty, my dear. Just as the sun sets each day, giving way to the mysteries of the night, death is a transition—a doorway to the next phase of existence, whatever that may be. The river continues, even if we can't perceive its destination."

As the moon began its ascent, painting the sky with silver light, Elara felt a profound shift within her. She began to see death not as an ending, but as a transformation—an enigmatic continuation of the river of existence. The village's acceptance of life's cyclical nature took on a new depth, and Elara found herself sharing Soren's wisdom with others who found themselves pondering the same unanswerable questions.

In time, Elara's musings about death transformed into stories, tales that brought comfort to those wrestling with their own uncertainties. Her words became a balm to the hearts of the villagers, reminding them to cherish the moments they had while embracing the mysteries that lay ahead. Through her journey of questioning death, Elara discovered a remarkable gift: the ability to connect with the hearts of her village and leave behind a legacy of hope, wonder, and the beauty of embracing life's greatest mystery.

FantasyShort StoryMysteryAdventure

About the Creator

Karly Cola

Hi, I'm Karly. Join me on a transformative journey of faith, self-discovery, and the celebration of life. Whether seeking solace, inspiration, or a fresh perspective, I pray that my words will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

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