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Lyra knew since she was young about the legends of the dragons and how dangerous they are, but something unbelievable happens when Lyra goes on her adventure to become the warrior of the mist.

By Kathryn LyonsPublished 2 years ago 30 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. one fateful day, our villagers were out in the fields harvesting some of the crops when a horde of Dragons came into the valley, Deciding to claim the valley as theirs.

They took all of our crops and livestock leaving only barren fields, they cut off our supply of water blocking us from the only path through.

Outraged, The village elder waged a centuries long war on the dragon kind that had invaded our lands taking our homes and livelihood away.

The war ragged and ravaged thousands of lives, both dragon and man killed in this bloody battle all for the right to our homeland.

Warriors who survived would come back to the village wearing scaled pelts of the dragons as a trophy of war .

We ate their flesh and used their scaly pelt to make clothes that were far more stronger and durable for battle. We fashioned our weapons of their own blood and scales, what had once killed even the most bravest of men now killed dragons.

But we were too proud of our victory. one morning when the villagers woke up, the sky had turned into a terrifying void of darkness, the sky lit up in flames as the dragons descended upon our homes, turning our once proud village into a mere ash and smoke.

Many Perished that day, but those who survived escaped deep into the forest. They created a new village deep in the mountains called Arcadia, hoping one day to reclaim their rightful homeland.

" Is that where we live now papa?" I looked up at my papa smiling softly at me, as he tussled my red hair.

"Yes Lyra, we live in our city of Arcadia, where we have not seen a dragon for nearly fifty years" he said as he let out a belly laugh of happiness.

Seeing his wife walk into the room he stood up, scratching his equally red hair.

" Allen, are you telling your stories again?" Her green eyes looked sternly at her husband. Allen looked over at his wife and just smiled.

" Stories from our time my dear Ellaine, and history that needs to be passed down to the young ones at that."

Happily I raced over to Muma, who bent down to pick me up. She turned to face Allen letting out a loud huff.

" Allen you know I don’t like history horror stories so close to bedtime, it will give Lyra nightmares again."

Allen shook his head and walked over to the fire pit, reaching his hand out and grabbing the sword down from the mantle.

" No it won't as Lyra will have this to protect her with." My father walked over with the giant sword in his hand to hand it to me, but Muma shook him away.

"Honestly Allen She is too little to wield a sword, let our girl sleep."

walking into my room Mum put me to bed pulling back the covers and tucking me in.

" Mama, I’ll take on the dragons one day! I want to fight them and help take back our land!"

Muma giggled slightly as she stared down smiling at me and started to hum our lullaby.

" Though the winds are strong and the fires be brutal, my young one never fear for what's to come, we fight in the mud and against the dragons alone but my young one never fear what's to come, though the wings are strong and the fires are brutal we take our swords and we set them to plunge. we fight and we flee into the world we set to believe to be our home, we fight and we flee to a world we believe is our home."

" Goodnight my little darling" leaning down, mum kissed the top of my head as I slowly started to drift to sleep.

The next morning, I excitedly ran over to my cupboard. grabbing out my wooden sword, I slipped on my boots and swung my satchel over my shoulder.

Running out of my room and into the kitchen, I saw my mother had just finished toasting some bread over the fire. I peeked over the table and stealthily grabbed a slice of it.

Placing it in my mouth I quietly turned to leave, but just as I did I heard My mother’s voice speak out.

"Lyra, what did we say about sneaking out before breakfast?"

Swallowing a mouthful of toast, I Sheepishly turned around." But there is a trial in the grand hall today and I promised to go watch it with Michel and see what happens!" I blurted out.

Rolling her eyes, my mother smiled and nodded. " Alright Lyra but promise me you’ll stay in the village, goodness knows what could happen if you were to stumble off somewhere."

I hugged my mother and raced out the front door, " I will! Bye mama!"

My mother shouted out " Be back before sundown!"

Hearing the door close behind me, I ran off towards Michel's house. The villagers grinned at me, greeting me, “ Good morning” and would ask where I was off to. I waved back at them with no time to spare, continuing onwards to Michel’s.

Finally I stopped outside of a brick house with some flowers planted around it. Picking up a small pebble from the ground, I threw it at the glass. It made a clattering sound which was followed by a grunt and some movement from inside.

The window slid open and Michel's head popped up over the window frame. He gives me a cheeky grin and then disappears into the house.

After a few minutes, Michel came out the door carrying a small basket with some sandwiches in it. His mother's voice calls out from within the house. " Remember to hand them out around the village Michel.” " I will mama!" Michel shouted over his shoulder.

As we started running towards the grand hall, I looked over at Michel who was handing the sandwiches out quickly as he ran.

" You have errand duty today?" I asked in a slight questioning manner.

" Yeah but it won’t take long. We can leave the basket at my father's forge so we won’t be late for the trial."

I nod, smiling brightly. The basket was emptied in no time, as his dad’s forge came into view. Michel tried to drop the basket off without stopping, but a gruff yell from within the forge stopped us in our tracks.

" Oi, where are you two off to then?" A tall built man peered out from the open forge. Inside you could hear the constant thumps and hisses of the metal being forged.

" We are going to go watch the Trial begin father!" his father leans back for a moment and grins slightly, his hammer resting against his hip.

" Ain’t that exciting? well you lot best be practicing too, because ten years from now, that will be you two up there taking on your trials!"

Michel and I looked up at him with wide, twinkling eyes.

" We... we get to do the trial too?" I asked, my voice quivering with excitement.

" Of course! all young ones get to do the trial, It’s how you find out who you are and what you were made for."

Awestruck I wanted to ask more about it, but I felt Michel tugging on my hand.

" Come on Lyra, we are going to be late!" his dad chuckled as he watched us panic and race off.

Finally Arriving at the grand hall, we found so many people gathered there that it was hard to even move. We couldn’t hear what was going on, jumping up unable to see past the crowd.

" I can't see anything, " I pouted, looking around. Spotting some empty chairs, Michel points over to them." Over there, we can stand on them and hopefully see over the crowd."

Pushing our way through, we managed to get to the chairs and stand on top of them, just barely seeing what's happening.

" Wow… Look! There’s Ari, since she turned eighteen years old, she's going to do the trial!" Michel said, pointing over the crowd.

I look down at my hands, counting my fingers. Realising, I turn to face Michel grabbing his arm.

"And in ten years, that will be us! We don't have much time, we have to train hard so we are ready to take on this trial. "

Before Michel could respond we heard the Elder's voice speak over the crowd.

" Now that you have come of age, the time has come to leave our village and head to the dragons valley. You must return wearing the pelt of a dragon you have slain, take revenge on those beasts who took our home, our loved ones and our pride. Find yourself on this journey and come home to us all as the warrior we all know you are."

Ari kneeled as the crown of weaved leaves were placed upon her head, standing once more, she looked over the crowd and raised her sword high into the air.

" I Swear to come home victorious as Ari, a warrior of the mist! "

Cheers rang out as we all followed her to the village gates. Stumbling through the crowd, I somehow found myself right next to Ari and the elder. I watched as the elder gently grasped Ari’s shoulder.

" Make sure to come home to us this time, child..." Ari placed her hand onto theirs, smiling slightly.

" I will come home in triumph as a warrior of the Mist, with a dragon's pelt draped around my shoulders, mother. " the village elder smiled somewhat sadly and nodded her head once.

Then we watched as Ari turned around and walked beyond the village gates, as her figure slowly disappeared into the distance.

I moved my hand to my wooden sword and pointed it at Michel.

" Let's start practicing as that will be us one day!" I pointed my sword out to where Ari was but she was gone.

As the wind blew the leaves, Michel quickly drew his sword and started to parley with me.

We both went home and woke up, and day after day we would venture into the town and practice our sword fighting, through the rain or shine we would practice our melee and combat skills with each other.

Time went by, we got older, we grew taller, Michel started to get stronger and the muscle started to show. My hair turned out vibrant red and it grew longer down my back. I had to start tying my hair back.

I was slightly shorter than Michel. and my skin was fair and my freckles showed slightly. I was not as strong as Michel, but I was focused on my footing and defense attacks.

Michel decided to take up archery and I decided to take up the sword and the dagger. Holding the handle of the sword of dagger in my hand and

Michel would land me onto the ground holding the arrows point at my neck, we progressed and gained more skills, I would raise my hands as a sign of defeat.

We would keep practicing night after night, we would sneak out of our homes after curfew to be together and practice with each other in the town.

As Michel and I got older he got bolder and smoother in his moves, he had more muscle and was physically stronger and swifter than me, but I had to keep trying.

My red hair tied back in a ponytail, I watched Michel running around firing his arrows at me, dodging I would jump up into the air and tackle rolling onto the ground missing his arrows.

I learnt how to dodge his attacks but at times he got the upper hand and I would feel his arrow behind me, the point pressed into my back. Feeling his warm breath against my ear hearing his voice as he spoke.

" I win Lyra." I could feel the smug grin on his face, placing my hands up again in defeat dropping my sword to the ground.

I looked back at Michel bending down to pick up my sword as I called out to him in a slightly serious tone. “ Again.”

We kept training until I could finally turn around to face Michel, I could see his blond muddied hair and slight freckles.

Shaking my head, I just grinned and stared at him. "No today Michel, I win" swiftly bending down grabbing a dagger from my boot I quickly rolled to the side dodging his arrow.

I quickly ran up to him, slid down onto the ground, moving my leg up under him and kicked his bow out of his hand, hearing him stumble back slightly.

I took my advantage and quickly tripped him down, swiftly moving behind him as I held my dagger at his neck.

Michel raised his hands up and chuckled slightly. " Okay okay you win Lyra." removing my dagger away from his neck I smiled, wiping the sweat off of my brow.

" Good training Today Michel" I patted him on the back. He smiled looking at me and nodded while rubbing his hand through his hair, " Yeah you think you are ready Lyra?" he asked a question.

I smiled, picking up my satchel from the ground, moving my hands back and untying my red hair as it flowed down past my shoulders, turning to face Michel watching him pack away his arrows.

" Yeah I was born ready for this Michel, tomorrow it's my time to face the trial. "

Michel smiled and placed his hand on my back as we walked back to my house.

I looked up at Michel and spoke in a soft tone. " You know you don't have to walk me home every night."

Michel looked up at the night blue sky and took a breath of fresh air in

" Lyra, a gentleman always walks a lady home, you should know that." he let out a slight chuckle and looked at me.

I turned to face Michel and smiled slightly. " Well, I am no ordinary lady, I will become the Warrior of the Mist" Michel moved his hand over my cheek gently brushing some strands of hair from my face.

" A Warrior of the Mist can still be a lady, Lyra." I chuckled slightly, moving my hand up to his, holding it gently in mine, for a moment just feeling like it was only us around as I heard my mother call out snapping me back into reality.

" Lyra, your supper is getting cold, come eat!" I looked into Michel’s green eyes and stepped back, breaking out of the small trance I was in with him. " I had best go inside before my mother comes out here and has a fit"

Michel chuckled and nodded. " Yes I best do the same before it gets too late, see you at the trial tomorrow Lyra. "

I watched him walk away as I walked up to my front door seeing his hand raise up into the air waving me off as he turned around to run back to his home, I called out to him. “ See you tomorrow!”

I headed inside and closed the door, I walked into the dining room and sat at the table seeing my younger brother eating his chicken and listening to my father tell the tale of the old world we used to live in.

Taking a bite of the chicken leg I look up hearing my mother talk to me. " So are you ready for your big day tomorrow Lyra?."

My father turns to face me stopping his story and I see a gleaming smile from ear to ear.

"How can she not be ready for my little girl setting forth into the great wilds on an adventure to find herself and take down a dragon, becoming the warrior of the mist!, AH Lyra you were born ready for this!." my father spoke loudly

Taking a bite of the chicken wing my mother smiled back at me as she started to eat her meal.

Laying down in my bed I looked up at the ceiling, shuffling slightly, finding it hard to sleep. I got up and walked to the living room to see my father's sword hanging above the fireplace.

Walking over to it, I stared. I noticed a hand grasp the handle and pull it down, turning to see my father standing there next to me.

He was staring down at the great sword in his hand and turned to face me staring at him. I could see the pride in his eyes he had for me as he started to speak.

" You ... have grown up so fast Lyra, and it's time I passed down this to you, your great grandfather fought with this sword and then My father handed it down to me, and I now hand it onto you, Make us proud Lyra come back home to us all."

I look down at my father's hands watching him pass me over our family's sword, moving my hands under it. I held it into my hands feeling the weight of it, I gently moved my hand across and took it by the handle. I stepped back and swung it around swiftly through the air.

I looked up at my father who was staring down and watching me with a smile on his face, I stared at my father and spoke in a serious manner.

" I will come back a warrior of the Mist Father" I point my sword above slightly so as not to hit the roof keeping my gaze at my father, seeing his eyes tear up, I walk over lowering the sword and wrap my arms around him.

I spoke in a soft manner, " I will return, father , I promise." feeling his arms hug me tightly I hear his deep voice.

" I know you will Lyra, I know." Walking back to my room with the family's sword in my hand I place it on top of my shelf and lay back down into my bed, closing my eyes I fall asleep.

Waking up I look over to see an adventurer's garb on my bed, I get up excitedly and start to place it on.

I bend down and swiftly put my boots on and get up grabbing my sword my father gave me and grab my satchel making sure I had the herbs I needed in case anything goes wrong, I opened my door and headed out of my room.

My mother smiled slightly, tearing up, she walked over and handed me a basket full of food. I smiled back at her and leaned in to give her a gentle hug.

" I will be back mother " my mother kept her smile as she picked up my little brother, I looked down at Avery and placed my head against his.

" I will be back Avery" My brother leaned his head back and thumped my head giggling.

rubbing the top of my head I looked at my family smiling with pride but inside I felt a little nervous.

I turned around heading out the door, taking a breath. I felt my heart beat for a moment when I saw Michel standing there outside waiting for me, the nervousness I had started to go away as I stared at Michel.

" Good Morning Ms Awn, are you ready for your grand adventure ahead of you?" giggling slightly I turn to Michel and nod " Yeah today is the day I start my trial! " I spoke excitedly.

Michel looks up at the sky lifting his arms in the air stretching.

" To think ten years ago we were headed to the hall to watch Ari do her trial and now at eighteen years old, it's your time Lyra, just don't forget me when you become a famous warrior"

I chuckled and shook my head placing my hand onto Michel's shoulder. " We will both be famous warriors of the Mist my friend, your trial is not far behind me"

Michel smiled, placing his hand on top of mine, grasping it gently and nodded, we kept walking as we reached the Hall, everyone in the village were there chatting as the village elder stood at the top of the podium waiting for me.

Looking ahead at the golden carpet in front of me I walked into the hall's building looking over at Michel as we parted ways.

I Stepped onto the carpet as I heard the doors closed behind me, everyone went silent.

"Come Forth Ms Awn '' The elder placed their hand out towards me, and gestured for me to come.

I looked around the room to see a lot of familiar faces. I stepped down the golden path.

Stepping up the lavish gold steps I turned to face the elder, swallowing back as they turned to face the crowd.

" Ten years ago my dear Ari Left and many brave adventurers before that have gone forth and not returned, but now it is time for a new adventure to go forth. This trial will have you Lyra search deep inside yourself and look into your heart and help you to find out who you are., and from then you will come back to us a Warrior of the mist."

" Do you accept this trial and are you ready to face the wild lands ahead of you and bring back the pelt of a dragon and learn who you are by opening your heart?. ''

I lower my head down and place my hand onto my chest, kneeling down to accept the sacred leaves that were to be placed upon my head.

" I Lyra Awn accept this great trial and will come back as the Warrior of the Mist."

the village elder looks up for a moment turning around and picking up the sacred leaves, she faces me and places them onto my head gently.

" Then by this day Lyra Awn you will set forth and go find yourself and become one with the Warrior of the mist."

Hearing everyone start to cheer, I stand up and look over at the crowd of people. my mother wiping away her tears as my brother stares at me, my father was cheering with the rest of the crowd.

I start to walk down the steps across the golden path hearing the village elder continue to speak loudly from behind me.

" Then let the trial commence as we send off our noble adventure into the wilds!"

Everyone followed me to the village gates. I looked around watching other villagers start to run up to the crowd following from behind me, I turned and looked forward towards the village gates as they drew closer.

Reaching them I placed my hand down onto the gate and watching the wind blowing the leaves by the trees. I turned to face everyone as I opened the gate.

" I will come back as the Warrior of the Mist. " People cheered, raising their fists in the air, I stepped out of the gate, seeing my family standing there, people started to walk off back to their lives.

My mother walked forward placing a silver cloak around me pushing through a small pinned emblem to keep it on me, hearing the small latch click in locking it.

" This .. will help to keep you warm Lyra" my father stepped forward handing me a bigger bag.

" You're going to need this on your journey Lyra, it will be able to hold more than just your satchel." I smiled, taking the bag and placing it onto my back.

" Thank you Father, Mother" I looked down at Avery and kept my smile, raising my head and looking at them all I nodded " I won't let you down."

My mother placed her gentle hand onto my cheek rubbing the side of my face with her thumb, I looked at her eyes to see they were welling up with tears, my father placed his hand onto my mothers shoulders holding her gently.

" We know you won't Lyra... just come back safe to us" feeling my mothers hand gently pull away from my cheek as they stand in the back.

I saw Michel standing there, I smiled slightly looking at him " Well... this is it, I am off to become the Warrior of the Mist."

Michel stepped forward placing his hand onto my cheek gently and smiled. " I will meet you out there soon Lyra, just be safe."

Grinning slightly I move my hand to his, holding it slightly in mine. " I can hold my own I took you down remember" he chuckled slightly and moved in placing his arms around me hugging me in his warm embrace.

" Yeah one time, but still be careful Lyra." I nodded, wrapping my arms around Michel and hugging him tightly.

" I will come find me okay then we can venture together. ``Feeling his arms move away as I step back, he placed his hands onto both my cheeks gently and leant down kissing my forehead gently.

" I will Lyra, just wait for me and try not to get hurt okay." he spoke softly. nodding I stepped back and turned around taking a slight deep breath in, I started to walk away from the village gates, I turned around to wave at Michel and my family.

Watching them wave back as I turned around, venturing into the woods before me and fading from their sights.

I started to trail through the trees following a dirt path in front of me.

hearing the crickets in the woods chipping and the birds singing in their trees.

I look around and see a wooden log in front of me, I go over and sit down taking off my back pack and opening it up, to see my father had packed a map for me, moving my items from my satchel to the back pack, I hear a branch break.

Jumping up I took out my sword and held it at the ready, hearing another crack I swiftly looked to my left to see a deer standing there eating some grass, I let out a sigh of relief placing my sword back away into its holster.

Sitting back down on the log I open the map to see where I am. " Okay The village is here, I trailed my way down through the forest which I am in now, if I keep going north I will make it to the valley in five days. " I spoke aloud.

I stood back up picking up my backpack placing it onto my shoulders, I kept walking north through the forest.

seeing some light coming through the trees I cover my eyes slightly to see a blue river flowing in front of me, moving my hand back behind me into my backpack I pull out the map and open it up.

" The Lake of Hope." I look up to see the glistening light reflecting on top of the water making it look like it was sparkling, I walk up to it and look around.

" How am I going to cross this" thinking to myself I turn around and look over in the distance to see a trail of rocks standing out of the water, I run over to them and see the pattern ahead of me.

Closing my eyes I leap forward opening them as I land on the slightly slippery rock in front of me.

" Remember your training Lyra." moving my arms out to the side of me to help me balance I jump over to the next rock.

Smiling slightly confident in myself, I look up at the blue sky above and jump to the next rock.

Trying to move my leg up I look down, unable to move, I stare down at my boot and see a dilapidated hand grasping it, my eyes widened in disbelief.

I felt my heart pounding at my chest, I moved my hand down towards the dagger in my boot, I grasped it looking down into the water to see glowing yellow eyes staring back at me.

Moving my hand back I quickly drew my dagger out and struck the hand that held me there, hearing a loud shriek coming from the water.

The waves in the lake started to get rougher, I quickly started jumping along the rest of the rocks hurrying across, lunge rolling myself forward onto the grass in front of me as the waves crashed into each other.

panting I look back at the lake seeing thousands of golden eyes glowing staring at me from under the water.

panting I lifted myself up brushing off the dirt on me and walked forward, my heart still beating at my chest, I opened my satchel taking out the map staring at the lake’s name.

" Lake of hope... more like the lake of the damned..." staring at where I was going next it looked like some ruins on the map.

I keep heading north, looking up at the sky to see the sun has started to set.

standing in an open field I stare at the sky above me seeing how it's turning a beautiful orange pinkish colouring above me.

walking down the field I see the ruins in the distance, running towards them,

The sun set down as I reached the ruins.

I could feel the night brisk air start to rise around me, moving my hands around the cloak my mother gave me. I felt the shiver slightly through me.

There was not much light around. Opening my satchel I grabbed out some twigs and leaves bending down, clacking the stones together onto the twigs and making a warm fire.

Sitting down and leaning up against one of the ruins pillars I take out the map, look at it again, hearing something crack and echo through the ruins I quickly jump up readying my hand at my sword's handle.

"Come out." I said loudly, feeling my heart beating rapidly at my chest again as I watched something start to come towards me.

My eyes widened as I stared at a scaly blue dragon in front of me, it was smaller than I expected. My eyes widened slightly as I swiftly grasped my sword handle and started to draw my sword. I look up back at the dragon to see its claw held out in front of me.

" Wait " its deep voice echoes through the ruins. Swallowing back my eyes widened more in disbelief as the dragon started to glow, a silvery blue light formed around it, as it changed.

blinking for a moment I stumble backwards into the pillar, gasping. I quickly move away from it, remembering not to leave yourself cornered.

I stared at a man with black hair and silvery skin in front of me, its eyes and hair that flowed down to its neck were a soft blue, it almost looked similar to a human. my lips quivered slightly as I shook my head.

" No... no you .. you can not fool me you're still a dragon!" it walked forward placing its hand out to me, I stared at the dragon man in front of me hearing it speak.

" I … don't want to harm you, Please... don't make me fight you" it spoke in a soft tone. keeping my stare at the dragon I keep my hand close to my sword pulling it out of it’s holster.

" D...don't come any closer!" stumbling my words slightly, I move my sword up at the dragon with the point of my sword at the ready.

He shakes his head and stares at me, " If you want a fight then we will fight... but I had hoped to speak with you peacefully know that I do not wish for this." He spoke in a calm manner.

frowning, staring at the dragon person in front of me " … Name... what is your name." I called out my voice slightly trembling as I swallowed back trying to hold my composure.

Keeping their gaze on me the dragon bends down bowing in front of me " Aspen Corelle, and you are?" cringing slightly hearing the dragon speak so formally.

I keep my sword held up. " None of your concern for who I am..." I spoke in a low tone. The dragon closed its eyes and opened them with a slight grin. " Lyra awn." opening his eyes, staring at me.

Parting my lips slightly letting out a gasp of air, I felt shock go through me. How did this dragon know my name, pressing my lips back together with a frown on my face as I walked forward holding my sword out and I pointed it up to their neck.

"How did you know my name dragon? '' he tilted his head and smiled. Aspen opened his mouth slightly and spoke pointing at the weapon in my hand.

" You best lower your weapon before I take it from you Ms Awn." biting my lower lip for a moment I glare at the dragon and step back.

" I come for your pelt dragon now, hand it over!" I shouted out. it echoed through the ruins walls.

watching Aspen place his hand out towards me. " And I come to show you there is another way where we do not have to fight"

I kept my glare on Aspen moving my sword closer once more towards him.

" Another way? There is no other way." Aspen quickly moved his hand and grasped onto the sword and swiftly pulled it from my grasp flinging it across the ruin hall.

Hearing the metal clang as it landed on the concrete flooring and echoed through the dilapidated building, " enough threats!" he shouted sternly, hearing his deep tone echo.

"Lyra, let me show you my world and if you don't change how you feel or the ways of your heart then we will fight. But for now will you come with me?" moving his hand out towards me

I stared at the beast offering its hand, I knew I looked up and stared into Aspen’s eyes I could see the serious look in his eyes and grimaced slightly thinking to myself.

“If I don't go I would probably die out here in the claws of this dragon and I would not see my family or Michel again.” swallowing back my pride I stepped forward taking his hand.

I looked up at Aspen as he spoke. " Let me show you where I am from."

I stared up at Aspen and spoke with a slight tremor in my voice. " O...okay I will go with you"

Aspen smiled and turned around, the beaming silvery blue light formed around him once more as I watched him change back into a dragon, swallowing back I see him look back at me and look at his back.

I slowly walked forward and grabbed onto his scales and climbed up onto Aspen's back, he started to flap his wings and we lifted off into the sky.

soaring high up into the air, I wrapped my arms tightly around Aspen's neck as we flew towards a floating glistening city above the clouds, it was covered in jewels and shone so brightly.

I hear Aspen call out through the wind blowing by us as we flew in the night sky.

"Welcome to The city of Quellia Lyra, my home."


About the Creator

Kathryn Lyons

Being born with a disability & mutated genetics I had to learn a lot myself, I started my own charity called Accessibili-t & became a global advocate for inclusion. I always had a passion for story telling and hope you enjoy my stories.

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