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Prophecy Stone

The Pure

By Mycheille NorvellPublished 2 years ago 15 min read

The night is cold… too cold for the thin clothing I decided to wear. I came here to be alone… to be truly alone for the last time, but the chill in the air almost feels like a person. I close my eyes tightly as I sit in the spot they told me about… just give the Prophecy Stone one hour, and you will be free from fear.

I pull out my headphones from my pocket and clumsily put them in my ears, finding myself unnerved by the surreal mist moving from Stone Lake, and the unlikely May chill.

We can’t let you break or get tarnished, Pure.” Rethan had told me earlier in an almost mocking voice, throwing a football to his brother as they both laughed at me when I asked to go to his party tomorrow night.

It shouldn’t have made me so mad… I look fragile, I know that… especially with my white hair and delicate features, but I’m so much more than all that. Everyone treats me like a porcelain doll just because of Eva… but I’m not Eva. Well I suppose it’s not just because of Eva… it’s because I look like her. In my opinion they shouldn’t need me… they already have my sister who is everything they needed in a way that I would never be.

I’ll show you…” I told him angrily, storming away with determination.

Without seeing their expressions, I knew they thought I was strange… everyone did. Everyone always looked at me with concern and confusion because I didn’t act like the others similar to me. I didn’t understand how the others were so happy to be relics, nothing more. Sure, you’d be taken care of, you’d never have any kind of worry… but to me there was more in life. So when someone reminded me that I wasn’t meant for the other things in life—sports, music, entertainment, fear, love—I found myself furious.

I think maybe it was because I knew that soon I wouldn’t be allowed to attempt ‘dangerous’ things… and wouldn’t be able to pretend I was strong. Soon I would be forced into the same fate as all the others like me… those with the pale eyes. I’m not blind like the others, but I’m still ‘chosen’ apparently. We are revered by society, but we are basically caged like animals when we turn of age unless we somehow are no longer innocents— not that anyone in our society would dare taint a Pure.

I pull my knees up to my chest as the forest seems to grow even darker than it was before. I know I should close my eyes—keep them closed tight so I don’t have to see whatever is out here— but I can’t. There are always those teenagers that repeat the same legends that we’ve all heard about the monster that steals a piece of you so you no longer fear it— no more trepidation towards the thing that’s been taunting you.

The only problem with this theory is that those people are still afraid when they return, in fact, more so than ever before. The newest form of the legend, though, is that if you can stay out here from midnight to 1:00am without screaming, without crying, that the monster will spare you for life.

It might seem like a childish fairytale, but if it were all false, then the Leaders wouldn’t need people like me… they wouldn’t need the Pure. I believe it… I know there is a monster somewhere out here. In fact… I’m counting on it.

The mist starts to shift in front of me, and I pull the earbuds slowly from my ears. My fingers are shaking and I realize just how vulnerable I am— I didn’t even bring anything to protect me.

“Taryn?” someone says. I peek up, body quaking, and I see the familiar outline of Rethan. “What are you doing out here?” he asked, truly sounding fearful.

I feel far more confident having him actually see me here. Maybe I’ll only have to stay another minute… to show I wasn’t afraid. “I told you I was more than a fragile Pure…” I say with a confident smirk, but I don’t move, remembering the legend, and I don’t dare move until the hour is up. Maybe if I was lucky, Rethan would just stay nearby so I wasn’t alone here in the dark anymore. I don’t know why I thought loneliness would prove some point about strength.

He doesn’t move, but his breath comes out harsh and fearful, “But like this? You couldn’t have just climbed a damn tree, or stolen our ball, or just showed up at the freaking party?” he fumed. His head turned from side to side as if he were searching for something.

His nervousness was moving into me too, and I pulled my legs back to my chest again, “If I can do this, maybe people will take me seriously… they won’t if I just act rebelliously.” I counter, trying to sound strong, “I had to do something that would be recognized.”

He scoffs, head shaking in an odd way. “You are so stupid sometimes, Taryn….” He remarks coldly, taking a step back.

I tilt my head at him curiously, suddenly realizing he was standing in direct moonlight yet he was shrouded by shadows. I gulp as my eyes widen, “Why are you here then… I mean if this is so stupid?” I argue, keeping my voice even. He tilts his head back at me, and the way he does it feels unnatural and a shiver runs through me instantly. Why did I think I could do this?

A cold, knowing laugh hits me like freezing rain, “I’m here because He needs subjects. That’s why so few leave here, Taryn.” His voice changes a little, enough to truly show me that this is not Rethan… and if it is, then Rethan is no longer human.

I gulp again, not moving, “Why is it stupid I came…?” I whisper more weakly than I intended.

The voice changes again and so does the shadow. It’s taller now, thinner, “Because a Pure is meant to be protected… and yet you come out here by choice. And why? Does the little princess wish to be tainted?” he challenges, shifting in front of me in a seedy way.

I hold my breath, feeling all my fear mirrored in my eyes. “I… I just…” I stutter. I bow my head and shake it.

“Did you think just because you are a Pure that he wouldn’t take you?” he whispers by my ear and I close my eyes tightly. New voices are filling the small circle of trees and everything is darker. All the voices taunt me, “Did you think that you wouldn’t be tarnished by him simply because no one else would?” they whispered together cruelly.

I wanted to cry, wanted to make them stop, but instead I look up slowly as the anger found its way back into my chest. “I came because I wanted to show I’m not just a Pure!” I shout at him and all the other voices. I feel a shiver run through all of them. “I’m here because I’m not just a whimpering little pet that can be guided this way and that. I’m here because I make my own destiny… I’m tired of being told who I am!” I let out a final shout.

My breath is heavy and uneven as I look around to see the darkness has tamed and only one shadow stands in front of me. This one looks different… it even feels different. It’s tall but with a powerful, trim build—it feels like the man is smiling, yet I still can’t see his face. He’s leaning against a tree nearby, just outside of the moonlight.

My breathing tames a little but it feels erratic still as I try to make out his features. “If you’re here to play with me like the others, just know I’m not going to fall apart…” I say though I’m still shaking like a leaf. “I’m not afraid…”

I feel that smile broaden. He chuckles lightly, and I find his laugh oddly comforting. “Oh Taryn,” his voice comes out smoothly, and I find I like it too much, “You don’t have to lie to me.” He replies.

I’m surprised by his evenness, “I—I’m not lying…”

“Tut, tut, tut.” He clicks his tongue and pushes himself from the tree with his elbow. I can see his hands are in his pockets. He stays away from any bit of moonlight, and I wonder why… the others all were directly in the moonlight and stayed hidden… why doesn’t he try the same thing? “Taryn, it’s alright to be afraid.” He promises, stopping just a few feet from me and then he crouches. The tiniest bit of light seems to shimmer over his face and I make out clear blue eyes. “You didn’t come here to be unafraid.” He smiles, and now I see his white teeth, and slightly pink lips.

I find my breath coming out ragged, and my skin heats up as he looks me over. I’m talking to a shadow… and yet I find myself oddly exhilarated and filled with longing. “No… I didn’t.” I whisper meekly, my eyes totally wide as I look into him.

His eyes seem to soften, “You came here to be free.” He counters, knowing in his eyes.

I nod once, “Y—yes. I—I want to be my own person.”

He considers me cautiously, looking at my almost white-blonde hair, to my clear eyes, down my pale white skin that basically glows in the moonlight, and over the dark brown shirt and pants I wore. He finally looked back at my eyes and they look slightly sad, “If you went back tomorrow, told them all you came out here, do you think you would be treated differently?” he asks in an eerily soft voice. “Do you think you’d be free?”

I find myself slightly stricken by his question and I look at the ground, “I…” I close my eyes, “I thought it would… it would show them that I’m not tame enough for it.” I whisper back.

He purses his lips and nods, “They don’t care.” He says simply, and suddenly all the hope I’d ever had is gone. I feel totally deflated, and now I feel like this whole journey was useless. Maybe I’d proven to myself I could face one of the greatest fears there was in the world, but what would that matter when I’d never get to exert my will ever again. I thought this would be my answer… but it wasn’t.

“Taryn.” His voice drifts over me like a soft breeze, and I look back at him with miserable eyes. “They only would care if I touched you.” He reaches towards me and my heart pounds, but right before his fingers enter the moonlight, he pulls back, “But it’s not as simple as you think it will be.” He warns.

My eyes fill with hope, “If you can help me, please do. I don’t care what the implications will be! If it keeps me from being just another puppet that is forced to give myself over to a society that cares nothing about the person only the powers, why wouldn’t I take it?” I almost beg.

He considers me, “Because… if I touch you, then it means your mine.” He says in an almost hungry voice.

I take in a sharp breath, looking at the path I took to get here. I let the silence fill the air—not even a cricket makes a sound. “Yours…” I finally whisper out the reply. He nods once, “So then I’d be your servant… like those little shadows earlier?” I could almost cry.

He shakes his head with a slight laugh, “Oh no, dearest Taryn, those people chose the life of a shades. You wouldn’t be my servant, nor my slave, but you wouldn’t be totally your own either. I suppose it would be choosing what kind of life you want.” I literally can’t breathe now as I listen to the offer that will decide who I will be the rest of my life, “One, as you said before, is a life of chains and absolutely no choices. They will dress you, they will guide you, they will use you, and you will not be allowed to love or lust or anything. You will grow old as a puppet.”

The familiar wariness sets in and I shrug with a frustrated sigh, “And your way?” I say through my teeth.

He smiles and the moon starts to shift towards the west, allowing him to fill the darkness in its wake. The closer he comes, the more my skin burns. There’s something in his eye that makes me want things I’ve never really wanted in this way. He’s less than a foot away from me, but I’m still cloaked in brightness, though as time moves so does the light.

His gaze shifts, and his breath hitches, making mine do the same, “My way… you live a full life, making choices you wish to make. You will leave town if you wish, you can travel, see the world.” My eyes shine with hope, “You will laugh, and dance, and be exactly who you want to be.”

I laugh once, “And the downside?”

He smiles impishly, “I never said it was a downside.” He replies mischievously, “But there is a hitch… you may not give your heart to any other man.”

I felt the implication instantly, “‘Any other’?”

He nods, moving closer once more, “As I said… you’d be mine. I will be your love… and when I call for you, you must come.”

I can’t take my eyes off of his, and I’m shocked by the way I’m considering his offer. I finally force my eyes closed, “They all made it seem like a single touch would be enough… that you would protect…”

He sighs lightly, and I feel him closer again, but I don’t open my eyes. “I protect what is mine, Taryn. Those stupid fools who spread the rumors, they’ve never been out here, not on this spot. They all like to pretend they are brave enough, but The Pure are protecting the city from me.” He laughs coldly.

I open my eyes and dare to glance at him again. He’s just a few inches from touching me, “If that’s true then why aren’t you coming after me right now… you could. You could steal me.” I challenge.

His gaze shifts and he really considers me, “I don’t want someone to steal, Taryn. Not this time. You impress me… that’s why I chose to show myself to you.” He counters with an interested smirk.

My eyes widen, “W—what?” I mutter.

He grins at me with a seductive stare, “Those shadows before… they’re just shades. They serve their simple purpose which is to keep people from this place. That whole stay till 1:00 thing is not real. I mean… it is, but only if I come.” He is so close now, and he stretches his body beside mine, lifting hips upper body up on his elbow, “Let’s just say that I’m not easy to impress.” He offers smoothly.

I blush and look at my shivering fingers, “What happens to anyone else who comes… you know, that doesn’t impress you?”

He chuckles, “They forget they came or we take a part of them. Unlike the legend, it’s not their fears, which I feel you recognized.” It feels like fingers are sifting through my memories and my thoughts. My eyes widen, “We take their hope. We take their nerve. We take their confidence and strength.” His eyes gleam with dark promise, “But despite what your society believes, I don’t just wander in to steal children or anyone else.” He scoffs, “I only ever take what comes freely.”

I close my eyes again, “But you used to… steal, I mean.”

He sighs deeply, “I was stronger once, yes, I suppose by . And then, I’ll admit, I may have taken a few who had expressed desire. But even those stories are only one sided for your people.”

I nod once, not sure what to say or do anymore. “I’m… I’m a little surprised that you’re telling me all this.” I reply honestly.

He laughs lightly, “Yes… well, I suppose I hope honesty will help you decide.”

I cautiously look at my watch and notice it’s only five minutes to 1:00. “Do I have to decide now?” I whisper finally.

He chuckles and sighs, “Your 18th birthday is soon.” He mutters in simple reply. I gulp, “I suggest you choose soon, and unless you want them to take you sooner, I wouldn’t mention our little conversation.” He says with a devilish smirk.

I feel the light leaving me, and with every centimeter, he fills the darkness. I look one last time and it’s only one minute to 1:00. “What will you do if I don’t return?”

The smile he gives me then is almost frightening because it seems to find its way into my heart. “Maybe I’ll find you.” He suggests lightly.

And just as the darkness touches my left side, and 1:00 am chimes on my watch, he is gone. My breath is returned and I know he isn’t even watching me now. I made it through the hour… but now I had two possible masters… both of which seemed too dangerous to me. The Leaders are dangerous because they will steal my will, my choices, my life… and He is dangerous because I want him to take me

Young Adult

About the Creator

Mycheille Norvell

Mycheille has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment, as well as a Master of Science degree in Instructional Design & Technology, from Full Sail University. She has been writing since she was a child.

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