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Price for love

Pains caused by love

By RaphealPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among lush green fields, there lived a young man named Sunday. He was born into a humble family and had never received the gift of education. However, what he lacked in formal knowledge, he made up for with an indomitable spirit and a heart filled with boundless love.

Sunday's life took a profound turn when he crossed paths with a charming young girl named Aisha. From the moment their eyes met, a spark ignited within their souls, and their hearts were entwined in a love that seemed destined to conquer all odds. Aisha's family, though kind-hearted, struggled to make ends meet, and this became an obstacle to their dreams.

Determined to support the family of his beloved, Sunday set out on a journey of resilience and hard work. He took up all manner of menial jobs, tirelessly toiling from dawn till dusk. From construction sites to farms, he embraced every opportunity that came his way, no matter how challenging or degrading it seemed. Every penny he earned was saved, with the sole purpose of bringing prosperity and happiness to Aisha's family.

With his unwavering dedication and the money he had painstakingly saved, Sunday decided to invest in a small business for Aisha's mother. He saw potential in her talent for creating beautiful handmade crafts, and he believed that the business could flourish and provide a stable income for the family. It was a leap of faith, but Sunday knew that love could conquer all barriers.

As days turned into months and months into years, Sunday worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the business. He sacrificed his own comforts, worked longer hours, and poured his heart and soul into every endeavor. With his determination and the unwavering support of Aisha's family, the business began to thrive. Aisha's younger brother was enrolled in school, and the path to a better future seemed within reach.

Tragedy struck one fateful day when Sunday, while working on a construction site, encountered a devastating accident that left him permanently scarred. In the blink of an eye, he lost one of his precious eyes, forever altering his appearance. But the loss of his physical sight only strengthened his inner vision and resolve.

Despite his sacrifice and unwavering love, a bitter twist of fate awaited Sunday. Aisha, who had completed her studies and grown distant from the hardships of her past, began to change. She distanced herself from Sunday and treated him with indifference and cruelty. The love that once burned bright now seemed to fade into darkness.

It was not just Aisha who turned her back on Sunday; even her mother, who he had regarded as a second mother, joined in the humiliation. She belittled Sunday, referring to him as "One Eye Sunday," and proclaimed that her daughter would never marry a poor man. The words pierced his heart, but he remained steadfast, clinging to the belief that true love would prevail.

As fate would have it, Aisha married a wealthy man, someone who could provide her with material comfort but lacked the kindness and compassion that Sunday had shown her. The marriage proved to be a sham, a façade of luxury that masked an abusive and selfish relationship. Aisha's dreams crumbled as her hard-earned money was taken away, leaving her penniless and broken. In a heart-wrenching turn of events, she eloped with her best friend, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams.

Meanwhile, Sunday's life took an unexpected turn. In a twist of destiny, he encountered a beautiful, rich, and influential lady named Natasha. She found herself in a precarious situation, her life hanging by a thread. Sunday, with his unwavering sense of duty and compassion, fearlessly came to her rescue. He saved her life, offering her a glimmer of hope in the darkest of times.

Touched by his selflessness, Natasha's heart overflowed with gratitude and admiration. She saw the depth of Sunday's character and fell deeply in love with him. In a celebration of love and destiny, Natasha and Sunday embarked on a journey of companionship, trust, and mutual respect. Their union was a testament to the power of true love, transcending societal barriers and materialistic desires.

Embracing the newfound happiness in his life, Sunday felt a renewed sense of purpose. He recognized the importance of education and the doors it could open. With Natasha's unwavering support, he decided to pursue adult education. It was a daunting challenge, but Sunday's resilience knew no bounds.

Years passed, and Sunday emerged triumphant. He not only completed his education but excelled in his chosen field. His relentless pursuit of knowledge and passion for innovation led him to become a renowned figure on a global scale. His groundbreaking inventions garnered recognition and respect from all corners of the world.

One fateful day, as Sunday was being honored for his achievements, the television screens across the nation flickered to life. Aisha, now working as a cleaner in one of the establishments owned by Sunday's wife, caught a glimpse of his face on the screen. Her eyes widened with shock and regret as she realized the magnitude of her mistake. The man she had once discarded and humiliated had risen above his circumstances, achieving greatness and making a difference in the world.

As for Sunday, he bore no grudge or bitterness in his heart. He had moved on, embracing a life filled with love and purpose. The sight of Aisha served as a poignant reminder of the past, a testament to the choices they had made. Their paths had diverged, and Sunday had found true happiness in the arms of someone who cherished and appreciated him for who he was.

In the end, the story of Sunday serves as a testament to the power of resilience, love, and self-belief. It reminds us that true beauty lies not in physical appearances or material wealth but in the depth of our character and the compassion we extend to others. And sometimes, the greatest triumphs arise from the ashes of heartbreak, proving that a heart that has known pain can also know immeasurable joy.

MysteryShort StoryLoveFantasyFable

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