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Power of the Lightning Bird

A Journey of Sorrow and a mother’s vengeance

By Gaia MokoenaPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Power of the Lightning Bird
Photo by Micah Tindell on Unsplash

In the heart of a Bukhosi village, where golden grasslands stretched as far as the eye could see, there lived a woman named Somila. Her life, once filled with the promise of love, had become a tapestry of suffering and persecution. Abused by her husband, she bore the weight of false accusations that labeled her a witch. Her husband, blinded by a toxic brew of resentment and his own misfortunes, refused to support their family, blaming Somila for his ailments and failures. The village, swayed by his manipulative narrative, turned against her. Accusations of witchcraft echoed through the narrow alleys as they sought to stone Somila to death. Miraculously, Somila survived the vicious assault, escaping the clutches of her tormentors. Yet, the daughter left behind, was subjected to the same abuse and condemned as the daughter of a witch, faced a fate worse than her mother's.

One day, the daughter, battered and broken, decided to escape the oppressive clutches of the village. A resilient spark ignited within her as she embarked on a treacherous journey to find her estranged mother. Exposed to the harsh elements, she fell ill, each step a testament to her unwavering determination. In the depths of the mountains, Somila had sought refuge from the world that had forsaken her. It was there, in the solitude of the towering peaks, that the mother and daughter reunited. Fueled by a mother's love, Somila cared for her daughter with tenderness and desperation. However, despite her best efforts, the grip of illness tightened, and the daughter succumbed to the wounds inflicted upon her.

The mountains, silent witnesses to the tragedy, echoed with Somila's anguished cries. Her heart, shattered by grief and rage, sought justice for the daughter whose life had been cruelly cut short. The husband and villagers who had turned a blind eye to the suffering of a mother and daughter would pay a heavy toll. In the shadows of sorrow, Somila's despair grew into a consuming anger. In her isolation, she embraced the label of witch, surrendering to the whispers of revenge that echoed in her ears. Determined to make her oppressors pay, she called upon the mystical forces of the Impundulu, the Lightning Bird. The majestic bird, attuned to the genuine anguish in Somila's cries, descended from the heavens. At first, it fought for justice, striking down those who had wronged her. Thunderstorms and lightning became harbingers of retribution, a cosmic dance that sought balance for the tormented soul.

However, as Somila's sorrow transformed into seething rage, so too did the nature of the Impundulu. No longer a guardian of justice, the Lightning Bird became a manifestation of vengeance. Its strikes were indiscriminate, punishing not only the guilty but anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves in its path. The village, now gripped by fear, suffered beneath the wrath of the Impundulu. The once-thriving community descended into chaos as thunderstorms ravaged their homes and lightning struck down those who had participated in the stoning of Somila and the torment of her daughter.

Somila, once a victim, now watched as the village crumbled under the weight of its collective guilt. The Lightning Bird, a tempest of fury, showed no mercy, rendering judgment upon all who had allowed cruelty to fester within their hearts. Amid the chaos, Somila stood amidst the wreckage, a solitary figure in the storm's aftermath. The village, humbled and broken, acknowledged the price they paid for their sins. It was in that moment of reckoning that Somila, her heart heavy with grief, realized the cost of embracing vengeance.

Seeking solace, she beseeched the Impundulu to cease its relentless assault. The majestic bird, sensing the change in Somila's heart, ascended into the skies, leaving behind a village forever scarred by the consequences of their actions. Somila, once consumed by rage, found herself standing at the precipice of redemption. The villagers, haunted by the echoes of their misdeeds, began the journey of rebuilding and self-reflection. As the sun cast its gentle glow upon the village, Somila, tempered by loss and the consequences of vengeance, vowed to carry the memory of her daughter within her heart. In that solemn moment, amidst the remnants of the storm, she chose a path of healing, hoping that the scars of the past would one day fade away, allowing the seeds of forgiveness to take root.

HorrorFan FictionfamilyFable

About the Creator

Gaia Mokoena

Embark on a captivating journey with me as I offer a unique perspective on untold stories from the African continent—stories brimming with unexplored cultural richness and diversity.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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  • Sara Wilson3 months ago

    Really good read!

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