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Pickles in the Land of Nonsense

An absurd fantasy

By Isla GriswaldPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
Pickles in the Land of Nonsense
Photo by Steven Weeks on Unsplash


Pickles was a strange creature, with a long snout, big round eyes, and bright green fur. He lived in a world where anything was possible, where the laws of physics and reason did not always apply. It was a land of pure nonsense, where every creature was unique and bizarre in its own way.

One day, Pickles was wandering through the forest when he stumbled upon a group of creatures unlike any he had ever seen before. They were called Flibberts, and they looked like giant balls of jelly with tiny arms and legs sticking out. They bounced and jiggled around in a random fashion, making strange noises that sounded like a cross between a burp and a giggle.

Pickles was fascinated by these creatures and decided to follow them deeper into the forest. They led him to a clearing where a group of even stranger creatures had gathered. There was a six-legged frog that could fly, a talking tree with branches that waved in the breeze, and a giant snail with a shell made of diamonds. As Pickles watched in amazement, a loud rumble shook the ground, and a massive creature appeared on the horizon. It was a creature of immense size, with a long neck, a body covered in scales, and wings that spanned the length of the clearing. It was a dragon, and it was heading straight for Pickles and his newfound friends.

Panicked, Pickles turned to run, but the Flibberts grabbed him by the arms and pulled him back. "Don't be afraid," one of them said. "We have a plan."

The Flibberts began to bounce and jiggle faster, and Pickles could see that they were forming some kind of shield around him. The talking tree stretched out its branches and entwined them with Pickles' fur, creating a net that held him securely in place.

The dragon swooped down and breathed fire at the group, but the Flibberts' shield held strong, and the fire bounced off harmlessly. The dragon roared in frustration and flew away, leaving Pickles and his friends unharmed.

Breathless and trembling, Pickles looked around at the bizarre creatures who had saved his life. "Who are you?" he asked.

The six-legged frog hopped forward and introduced himself. "I am Frogleg, and these are my friends. We are a band of adventurers who roam the land of Nonsense, seeking out strange creatures and magical treasures."

Pickles was intrigued. He had always felt like an outsider in his own world, but here he had found a group of creatures who were just as strange and unusual as he was. He decided to join them on their quest and see where their adventures would take him.

And so, Pickles set out on a journey through the land of Nonsense, a world where anything was possible and nothing was quite as it seemed.


3 days since the last new moon of Zor, 12 days since the last new moon of Gora, and 47 days since the last new moon of Vira.

This morning, I woke up feeling more energized than ever before. I leapt out of bed and headed to the kitchen, where my trusty robotic chef, RoboChef 3000, was already preparing my breakfast.

"Good morning, Pickles," RoboChef said, in his monotone robotic voice. "Your breakfast is ready."

"Thanks, RoboChef," I said, sitting down at the table. "What do we have today?"

"Today's breakfast is a quinoa and kale salad with a side of protein-rich cricket pancakes," he replied.

I wrinkled my nose at the thought of eating crickets, but I knew that RoboChef always had my best interests at heart. Besides, I had bigger things to worry about than the contents of my breakfast. As I ate, I mulled over my plan to find the legendary Crystal of Power. According to the ancient texts, the crystal was said to be hidden deep within the Forbidden Forest, guarded by all sorts of mythical creatures. I knew I couldn't take on this quest alone, so I decided to gather a team of adventurers to help me. But who could I trust?

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I rushed to answer it, and there stood my best friend, a talking cactus named Spiky.

"Hey, Pickles," Spiky said. "I heard you're going on a quest to find the Crystal of Power. Mind if I come along?"

"Of course not," I said, grinning. "I was just thinking about who to ask for help, and you were at the top of my list."

Spiky and I had been through countless adventures together, and I knew I could always count on him to have my back.

"Great!" Spiky said. "But who else are we going to bring?"

I thought for a moment before replying. "I think we should bring my arch-nemesis, the evil wizard Zephyr."

Spiky looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you serious? Zephyr is one of the most dangerous wizards in the kingdom! Why would you want him on our team?"

"I know he's dangerous," I said. "But he's also one of the most powerful wizards out there. If anyone can help us find the Crystal of Power, it's him."

Spiky still looked skeptical, but I could see the logic in my plan slowly starting to sink in.

"Okay," he said, finally. "But we're going to have to keep a close eye on him."

I nodded in agreement. "Don't worry, Spiky. With you by my side, we can take on anything."

And with that, Spiky and I set off to find Zephyr and convince him to join our quest. The fate of the kingdom rested in our hands, and I wasn't going to let anything stand in our way.


About the Creator

Isla Griswald

I am, and always have been, obsessed with names, swords, and everything relating to ancient Greece and Rome.

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates on new stories, links to stories I've enjoyed, and sneak peeks into my life!

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