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Phoenix Rising

Miranda H

By Miranda Arelt Published 3 years ago 2 min read

Our world is no longer ours. They came from the sky. Major cities destroyed in a matter of hours, humans subdued and enslaved before we even knew what hit us. The Imperium. A race of warriors; brutal, unforgiving, and merciless. The overseer being the worst of all, Commander Valron.

Small pockets of human resistance are scattered over the globe, but what hope do we have against a superior foe? We may be smaller and weaker than our oppressors, but we are defiant and stronger together. A young rebel leader reminded those of us still free that petty things like race and religion and politics don’t matter when we have a common goal. Her name was Mara. But many resorted to calling her by a more colorful moniker, the Phoenix. She had survived many scuffles, interrogations, and assassination attempts it was like she always rose again.

Commander Valron couldn’t have her stirring up rebellion, he needed her out of the way. He set a trap he knew she would fall for. He made arrangements for a prisoner transfer carrying an important rebel leader who had been captured a few months before. He watched from a distance as Mara lead the attack. When it seemed like victory was in their grasp, it was his turn to strike. His trap was working perfectly; he had them surrounded and the Phoenix was about to be caged.

Mara had suspected a trap, it had all been too convenient. When Valron made his move, she knew she had to think fast. She watched Valron’s ship approach, as the last of the human prisoners were loaded into their get away vehicle. If Valron wanted her, he’d have to chase after her, but he couldn’t have all of them. She ordered her comrades to get the prisoners to safety before heading in the opposite direction. And of course, Valron was on her tail.

They chased her to a cliff ledge. The angry sea roiled and battered against the rock face. Valron had her corned, he offered her a chance to surrender. She looked back and forth between him and the precipice, a wave of calm hit her. She looked back to him and smiled before leaping from the edge. Valron, shocked, reached out as she did. He only caught the chain around her neck. He watched as she disappeared in a splash of foam waiting for her to resurface. But when she didn’t, he sighed, he looked down at his hand and inspected the small silver heart shaped locket. He turned to his men and said, “the Phoenix is no more, she will never rise again.”

I am the Phoenix, I will rise again.

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About the Creator

Miranda Arelt

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    MAWritten by Miranda Arelt

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