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Painted Blue

Part 1

By Arkady ThompsonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I watched the plume of dust rise from the passage of war horses in the distance. My father and brother were riding to join them. I watched from the top of an olive tree as the wind blew through my unruly hair and across the golden sea of wheat.

This place was mine for now. I was the only heir left on father's land. He had gone against tradition and named me, his daughter, heir while my brothers were gone to war.

Our emperor had ordered all able bodied men to join the war effort. They were to expand north and finally take over the blue painted warriors that allowed women to fight.

When I was a child, I would pretend I was a blue painted woman with wild hair and weapons, fighting off evil men and protecting my land from invaders.

My mother nearly fainted when she found out that my father named me his heir. She was devastated that her only daughter would now be in charge of running the farm and getting down and dirty with the workers the way he did. She knew that I would always want to get my hands dirty and work alongside the slaves to make sure that everything was run as my father would want it.

I was out working in the field when I noticed another plume of dust rising from the road. This time, it was heading for the villa. I called my horse and rode to the house to prepare to meet whomever was coming.

I arrived at the house and my mother met me with a wash bowl and clothing she deemed appropriate to receive someone in. I rolled my eyes at the lavish looking dress but stripped my men's clothes quickly and changed. My mother fussed and clucked like an old hen as she brushed out my long hair and pulled it back with some of her fancy combs from Rome.

By the time the messenger arrived I was dressed as a Roman lady should and ensconced in the receiving room.

He entered and looked about. He saw me and immediately ignored me looking around in annoyance for having to wait. He stood tall with a small brown package under his arm. He was mumbling to himself, full of his own importance. I cleared my throat and stood pasting a self important smile of my own on my face.

"You, woman, where is the master of the house? I have a package from the general for him."

I arched an eyebrow the way my mother taught me and gave him a gracious smile. "I am the master of the house. The General is my father." The man went purple with anger.

"How dare you pretend to be head of this house. I should take you over my knee and beat you for stepping out of your rightful place."

At that moment a slave walked in and bowed to me. "Master, the meal is ready, would you like me to set a place for your guest." I looked at the man, his mouth hanging open.

"I think not," I replied looking at the man haughtily. "He will be leaving shortly."

"How dare you receive me as a messenger and not fulfill your obligations of hospitality," he spluttered.

I arched my eyebrow at him again and he shut his mouth. I suppressed a self satisfied smile. I was getting good at speaking without saying anything.

I stood quietly looking at him until he realized that I was waiting on him. He clapped his heals together and pulled the small package from under his arm. He bowed slightly and handed me the package with a slight bow to his head. I smiled graciously to him.

"Would you like to stay for a meal before getting back on the road?" The man sighed in relief and nodded. A slave lead him away to clean up before the meal.

When he had left the room I looked down at the package. It was a box of some sort wrapped in rough brown material. I realized my hands were shaking as I unwrapped the box. Inside was a beautifully carved wooden box with inlays of stone and shell. The design was nothing I had seen before. I slowly opened the box and found a beautifully made necklace and dagger on top of a pile of letters. I put on the necklace and stashed the dagger in my waistband, putting the letters to the side to read later.

Later that evening, I read the letters by candlelight. There were letters from both of my brothers and my father. My father was all business and gave me a list of things to remember to do on the farm while he was away. He also sent a shorter letter. I read it quickly, then stopped short and read it again.

'My dearest daughter,

I have found a suitable husband for you. He is a young captain and a loyal servant of the Roman empire. I will send a party to bring you to me for your wedding around Saturnalia. You will need to have warm clothing made and brought with you. Your mother will take care of the farm while you are gone. When your husband returns to his villa in Rome, you will meet him there and take your place as his wife.

I believe you will be pleased with this match.'

I was aghast at his words. I ran from the room, blindly making my way to my mother's room on the other wing. To my frustration, my mother was delighted with the news and woke the house to announce my engagement.

The group of men sent to fetch me, arrived two moons later. My mother swiftly packed the rest of my belongings needed for the trip. The soldiers tried to have me ride in the cart but I refused. I climbed on my horse and we left. I turned around every once and a while, to glance through the plume of road dust to see me home disappearing. I had never left that villa in my entire life. There had never been a need, everything I had ever needed was brought to me.

Now, the first time I am leaving my home, and I will be traveling for almost a moon to a wild country that had not even been civilized yet.

I mentally shook myself and prepared for an adventure.


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