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Nezha,a little hero in Chinese folk story

pregnant three years before he borned

By David cenPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The story of Nezha is a popular one in Chinese mythology and has been retold in various forms throughout history. Here is one version of the story:

Once upon a time, there was a couple named Li Jing and Lady Yin who lived in the kingdom of Chentangguan. They had been trying to have a child for many years but had been unsuccessful. One day, Lady Yin prayed to the lotus flower in the nearby pond, asking for a child. The lotus flower granted her wish, and she gave birth to a boy who was named Nezha.

Nezha grew up quickly and displayed incredible martial arts skills and supernatural powers. He could run as fast as the wind and jump as high as the clouds. He was also able to control the elements of wind, water, and fire.

One day, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, Ao Guang, became angry with Li Jing and demanded that he give up his third son to be sacrificed to the Dragon King. Li Jing refused, but Nezha, who had overheard the conversation, decided to sacrifice himself to save his family. He transformed himself into a giant lotus flower and allowed himself to be taken by the Dragon King's soldiers.

The Dragon King was impressed by Nezha's bravery and gave him a magical spear and a pair of boots that allowed him to walk on water. Nezha used his new weapons to defeat the Dragon King's army and save his family.

Nezha continued to use his powers to protect the people from harm and fight against evil. He became known as a hero and was beloved by all who knew him.

In the end, Nezha sacrificed himself once again to defeat a powerful demon who threatened the kingdom. However, he was later reincarnated as a baby boy and continued to protect the people with his incredible powers.

And that is the story of Nezha, a legendary figure in Chinese mythology.

Certainly! In addition to his incredible martial arts skills and supernatural powers, Nezha is also known for his loyalty, courage, and sense of justice. He is often portrayed as a defender of the weak and a champion of the oppressed, and his stories have inspired generations of people in China and beyond.

One of the most famous tales about Nezha is the "Investiture of the Gods," a classic Chinese novel that tells the story of the rise and fall of the Shang dynasty. In this story, Nezha plays a key role in helping the gods defeat the evil forces of King Zhou, who has become corrupt and tyrannical.

Nezha is also known for his close relationship with his parents, Li Jing and Lady Yin. Despite his incredible powers, Nezha never forgets his duty to his family and always puts their well-being above his own. This devotion to his parents has made Nezha a symbol of filial piety in Chinese culture.

In modern times, Nezha has become a popular figure in Chinese pop culture, appearing in movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of media. His image is often used in advertising and merchandise, and he is a beloved icon of Chinese folklore.

Overall, Nezha is a fascinating and complex figure in Chinese mythology, whose stories continue to captivate and inspire people around the world.

Certainly! There are several other characters in Chinese mythology who are closely associated with Nezha. Here are a few of them:

1. Li Jing: Nezha's father, who is a general in the heavenly army. He is known for his loyalty and bravery, and he is often depicted as a stern but loving father.

2. Lady Yin: Nezha's mother, who is a kind and gentle woman. She is known for her devotion to her family and her unwavering faith in the lotus flower that granted her wish for a child.

3. Ao Guang: The Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, who is one of Nezha's most formidable enemies. He is known for his pride and his desire for power, and he often clashes with Nezha over matters of honor and justice.

4. Taiyi Zhenren: A powerful immortal who teaches Nezha the secrets of magic and martial arts. He is known for his wisdom and his ability to see into the future.

5. Erlang Shen: A fierce warrior who is often portrayed as Nezha's rival. He is known for his strength and his loyalty to the Jade Emperor, the ruler of heaven.

These characters, along with many others, play important roles in the stories of Nezha and are essential to understanding the mythology and folklore of China.

Young AdultMysteryHistoricalFantasyFan Fiction

About the Creator

David cen

Share Chinese Sory,which you never heard before.China has 5000 years history and it is A kingdom of artifacts.Such as Chinese Kongfu,Qigong etc.

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