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New Beginnings

E.A.R.T.H Trilogy

By Veronica Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Golden Owls

“Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say…” was the saying Lona could remember her father always teasing her with, mainly to always remind her of the Reptilians. Plastered across her fathers laboratory was an old movie poster from the movie Alien, a human sci-fi that was not far from the truth.

Alien Poster

She thought of this as she tiptoed through the Medallia’s home. It was a safe reminder of the recent damage done by the Greys and her dire need to complete her mission. They had not always been rebellious, but recent numbers had chosen forces with Reptilians, which concluded them as a new threat to E.A.R.T.H.

“CRACKKKKK,” Lona’s head dropped swiftly to glance at the glass crackling beneath her foot. As she lifted her foot lightly to dispel the sound, two golden owls glistened below the shards of glass split in pieces, their eyes wide as if they were watching her sneak across the Medallia home.

Barn owls, Lona thought, they must be an omen. Intuitive and optimistic by nature, Lona believed the golden owls meant a rebirth was on the horizon, regardless of their perilous gaze.

She thought back to the first time she saw an owl, sitting inside her father's laboratory when she was young and unaware of the seismic damage he would later discover, consequently causing a Hybrid War. Her father, Gurdum, who would eventually have a small village cradled in the Himalayas named after him, was one of the brightest in the Andromeda Galaxy and an original engineer on GENESIS.

GENESIS was a program consisting of a group of science-based Elohim who used genetical modifications and advanced technologies to create life on Earth. Hence why Gurdum would be nicknamed "The Heaven's Valley" which resided in the lap of the mountains in India, a true vacation haven, covered in pearly white clouds offering breathtaking views. It became an Eden for couples honeymooning.

Heaven's Valley: Gurdum

GENESIS would eventually become known to man in the origins of the Bible, of which the Galactic Federation ordered be created in order to keep the human species from recognizing their true birth, through the Elohim. Human scientists would later claim GENESIS as their own and retitle it as The General Neural Simulation System, which they define as "a simulation environment for constructing realistic models of neurobiological systems at many levels of scale including: sub-cellular processes, individual neurons, networks of neurons, and neuronal systems."

Earth became a playground of sorts for the "Gods" of T.I.M.E .....Lona couldn’t help but sigh at the thought of this. What a mess these “Gods” caused, and at what cost? Though, that was a thought loop Lona need not succumb to. She was on an Extraction Mission and needed to move quick.

The Medallia’s home was broken into 32 minutes earlier by a fleet of Greys on a mission to obtain a rare piece of moldavite that came crashing into Earth nearly 15 million years ago, long before Lona’s kind had created the human species. This crystal powered the program GENESIS and serves as a portal to understanding the genetic makeup of an organism, to the very neuron.

Lona was of Elohim descent, a once Godly existence turned chaotic due to the eon long rebellion with the Reptilians. Of noble birth, Lona was defiant to her Guardians and the Galactic Federation, who urged her to avoid E.A.R.T.H. She could not pull herself away from the gravity stricken place she had come to call home the past millenia.

The Medallia’s owned a computer software program that was created 21 years ago when Douglass Medallia stumbled across a Tektite at a farmer’s market alongside the boardwalk of Venice Beach, California. Tektite, a unique family of gems formed from the debris of that meteor impact.

She needed to get that piece of moldavite before the Greys or else it would land into the Reptilian war lord Baroque, a foul nickname for a terror of a creature. No human tongue could pronounce his true name, a gutteral shriek in the void that left one pleading for release on their eardrums. He was a shapeshifter determined to live up to his devilish nickname, encouraging humans to live lavish and grandeur lives, all whilst draining every ounce of E.A.R.T.H’s resources.

“Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say…” but Lona knew the shrieking rage of Baroque, the true poison in his intentions which only fueled her purpose in completing her mission before it was too late…


About the Creator


I am the moss silken on watered stones, rooted deep in rich soil. Earthen creature, I am the night sky -starry and strayed from the forgotten path of poets - I am, the chatter from the iron rails rattling as the train carries itself home.

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