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My Trapped Treasure

I Only Want What's Mine!

By Alex CaseyPublished about a year ago 1 min read
My Trapped Treasure
Photo by Pacto Visual on Unsplash

Day 1

My treasure eludes me. But I am not dissuaded.

Day 2

Canvassed the area. No ladder nor climbing equipment.

I must jump from the ground to the large step far above me.

Then open the wooden door, stretch very far, and swat the closed safe.

Then return to the ground.

With my treasure.

Without being caught.

I must! It's mine.

Days 3-7

Cannot grip the slick step!

Have fallen many times.

Only my pride is hurt.

Day 8

Finally stood upon it!

But was immediately caught.

Days 9-10

The guards stayed on high alert.

Day 11

The guards are away.

Made it to the step. Opened the door.

After several attempts, I knocked the safe onto the step.

I could smell my treasure through its safety pouch.

But there is no way to open it!

It rattled when I knocked it to the ground.

I jumped courageously. Gravity is powerless against my agility!

Batted the pouch many, many times. No spilled treasure.

Must lie and stare until I understand how the guards open the pouch.

Day 11.5

Caught again!

They moved my treasure even higher.

Exhausted. Must nap for several days.

But, next time, it will be mine!

Short StoryHumor

About the Creator

Alex Casey

I'm a full-time educator and part-time writer. My best ideas usually end up on Vocal.

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Alex CaseyWritten by Alex Casey

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