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My Southern Gentleman

The Funeral

By Angela Denise Fortner RobertsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
My Southern Gentleman
Photo by Eli Solitas on Unsplash

The funeral was scheduled for several days later. December felt like an automaton as she manned the telephone during the flood of relatives and acquaintances who called. She'd had no idea that so many people had known and loved her father.

Damian spent most of his time with his family, but he stayed with December and Jewel during the wake.

Damian's family all came to the funeral. Reverend Wright, who'd performed Damian and December's wedding, also performed Alan's funeral.

"He's known my parents since before I was born," December told her husband.

"Although we're all deeply saddened by the passing of Alan Parker, we take comfort in the fact that his earthly troubles are now behind him, and he's gone to his eternal reward," Reverend Wright said. "It pleases me to see the large number of people who have come to honor his memory today. I know that, although you didn't all know Alan well, each of your lives was touched by him in some way. It especially gladdens my heart to see that his son-in-law's family from Virginia are here as well. Although it was unfortunate that their visit was interrupted by this sad event, I am grateful that they have chosen to join us in paying their respects to this fine gentleman. We also give thanks that Alan's miracle granddaughter, Violet Kelly, is still here with us and is doing so well now. That little girl is truly a blessing from God."

December held her daughter in the elbow of one arm while holding Damian's hand with the other. She tried to look at Reverend Wright's face but found her eyes irresistibly drawn to the pale, still one of her father.

After the brief service, the family filed past the open casket. December looked at her father lying in the brand new sweater she'd given him and thought about how sad it was that he'd never gotten the chance to enjoy wearing it while he'd been alive.

Later, she and Damian stood hand-in-hand watching as the closed casket was placed in the back of the hearse. Then it was time for the sad ride to the cemetery.

Afterwards, all the relatives returned to Jewel's house, where the table was laden with food that various people had brought.

"She's such a beautiful little girl," someone said to December as she sat holding Violet, who regarded the stranger with curious blue eyes. "It's such a shame she isn't old enough to remember her grandfather."

"I'm sure her big brother will have plenty of stories to tell her," someone else replied. December glanced at Gage and Gina cuddling together on the sofa. She wondered whether she and Damian might actually be grandparents themselves within a few years.

On the way home, December couldn't get her very last view of her father's face out of her mind. She couldn't help wondering what he'd look like in six month's time, in a year's time.

"Do you ever wonder what your father looks like now, Damian?" she asked her husband.

"No." He seemed a bit taken aback by the question. "When someone dies, their body decompose down to a skeleton. It is a very natural process. Nothing to be frightened of."

December shuddered. "I can't stand the thought of that happening to my Dad."

Damian gave her hand a comforting squeeze. "It is not really your father. It is only his body, just an empty shell, like a snake that has shed its skin. The snake is not there anymore, it is only the skin."

"I know," said December. "But it's still a horrible thing to think about."

"You think too much of death, put too much importance on it," Damian replied. "It is not nearly such a big deal as you make of it. What is a big deal is the lives of the people left behind."

"I never thought of it like that before."

That night, December had a horrible dream in which she saw her father's face, except that his empty eye sockets were filled with squirming worms. She jerked awake with her heart pounding, and it was a long time before she could calm down.

Damian's family returned to Virginia a few days later. Damian, December, and Violet went to the airport to bid them farewell. Fawn had decided to return to Virginia with Paul. December watched her leave with a sense of guilty relief.

"It is good for you that she met Paul," Damian commented.

"Gage is going to miss her," December replied.

"I know he will," said Damian. "But it was an awkward situation for you. After the original shock. you were very gracious about it, but I know that it was still awkward for you. I do not blame you. I would have been too if it had been me."

"Thanks for being so understanding." She gave him a big hug, and he hugged her back.

Short Story

About the Creator

Angela Denise Fortner Roberts

I have been writing since I was nine years old. My favorite subjects include historical romance, contemporary romance, and horror.

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