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My AI Told Me a Story: HERD

A Word Selected at Random Turned into a Story by AI

By TestPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by author using GoArt

Everyday I get a word from a random word generator. Using that word, I ask my AI to tell me a story.

Here is today’s word: HERD

Here is that story:

In a small village nestled in the Welsh countryside, there lived a man named Evan who owned a small herd of goats. He would take them out to graze every day, and the goats would wander freely, munching on the lush green grass and shrubs that covered the fields. Evan loved his goats, and he spent hours each day tending to their needs.

One day, as Evan was leading his herd back towards their pen after a long day of grazing, he noticed something strange in the field. There was a group of wild horses grazing nearby, and they seemed to be eyeing his goats greedily. Evan knew that wild horses were dangerous, and he didn't want to risk his herd's safety.

He quickly led the goats back to their pen and rushed to the village to ask for help. Evan knew that he couldn't take on the wild horses alone, and he needed the help of his fellow villagers. They rallied together, grabbing whatever weapons they had and heading out to face the dangerous herd of wild horses.

As they approached the field, the horses began to get agitated, stamping their hooves and snorting loudly. The villagers knew they had to act fast, and they charged towards the wild horses, shouting and waving their weapons.

The horses were caught off guard, and they scattered in every direction. But one horse, a beautiful chestnut mare, held her ground. She stood proudly with her head held high, watching as the villagers charged towards her.

Evan recognized the mare from the village elders' stories. They spoke of a wild horse that once roamed these hills alone, with no herd to call her own. The mare was so fierce and independent that no stallion could ever claim her as his own. She was a symbol of freedom and strength, and the villagers had named her 'Mabli', which meant 'foal'.

Mabli continued to watch as the villagers approached, and something in her eyes softened. Perhaps it was the kindness in Evan's face or the bravery of the other villagers, but Mabli knew that they were not her enemies.

As the villagers reached her, Mabli turned and began to run. But instead of running away from them, she ran towards Evan's herd of goats. The villagers watched in amazement as Mabli began to herd the goats, running around them and directing them towards the safety of their pen.

Evan could hardly believe what he was seeing. Mabli had no reason to help him, and yet here she was, saving his herd. He knew then that Mabli was not only fierce and independent but also kind and selfless.

From that day on, Mabli would visit Evan's herd every day, watching over them and keeping them safe. She became a symbol of hope and goodness for the villagers, and they began to look up to her in admiration.

Years passed, and Evan grew old. He knew that soon he would have to pass his herd down to someone else. As he sat in the field one day, watching Mabli herding his goats, he knew that he had found the perfect person to care for his herd. He called out to Mabli, and she turned to look at him.

"Mabli," he said, "I cannot care for my herd forever. But I know that you will watch over them with the same love and care that I have. Will you take my herd and care for them as your own?"

And Mabli, with a nudge of her nose, agreed. From that day on, the herd belonged to Mabli. She watched over them with love and devotion, and the villagers knew that their precious goats were in good hands.

And though Mabli still roamed the hills alone, she was never truly alone. She had a herd to call her own, and she knew that she would always have a home in the Welsh countryside.

This story was completely unedited and created by AI inspired by the word “herd”.

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