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Marvel and it's Cinematic Universe

In marvel we trust

By Kenesta HopePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Marvel and it's Cinematic Universe
Photo by Klim Musalimov on Unsplash

Since the blip, I mean, the end of lockdown, I’ve been trying to make an asserted effort to be more social - see more movies, go out to dinner, go to pubs. It’s barely been working. Worryingly, I think my need to go out, despite being an introvert, has to do with this nagging suspicion that we might end up back in another lockdown and I’m going to regret not having left the house when I had the chance.

In light of this, I’ve been looking out for new things to do around town and as a Marvel fan, I was ecstatic when ‘Shang-Chi and the legend of the Ten Rings' was advertised.

I finally had the chance to see it yesterday and luckily it did not disappoint. I can honestly tell you that it’s one of the best Marvel movies I’ve seen in some time. It’s beyond just a superhero movie, it’s a story about intricate family dynamics and really deeply captures the nature of humanity - beyond that, the fight scenes were so intricately filmed and performed, it just blew me away.

This got me thinking about the Marvel, cinematic universe. Despite the obvious chaos involved with sharing a planet with super human freaks, I think of all the fantasy universes, it’s definitely the most liveable.

It’s modern.

I know you’re thinking, why would Marvel be the best fantasy universe when worlds like Game of Thrones or Star Wars exist. If you could fly with dragons or meet alien races, why would you choose to live in a superhero universe? I’ll pose you this question, do you really believe you have the skills necessary to survive through one month of a Game of Thrones winter?

Or perhaps face the reality of being chosen for a fight for your death televised reality show?

Even more, how good is your swordsmanship?

Now picture this, a world where you still have your phone, in fact, a world where nothing really changes, everything’s just more magical. Also, this is a world where an Iron Man suit exists, imagine how fast your phone signal would be.

You can do anything.

In the Marvel universe everything is real. Aliens? Check. Magic? Check. Mythical creatures? Check. Advanced technology? Check. You can go from riding a water dragon in an alternate dimension to flying a space shift with a talking raccoon. Where as most other fantasy worlds try to limit themselves to one thing, wizards, aliens, zombies, Marvel has them all. Imagine really living in that reality - imagine the possibilities! I bet somewhere in the Marvel cinematic universe there’s one really successful travel agent with a dimension hopping package deal.

Average person rights are respected.

See, when people think about going into to fantasy worlds, it’s always with the narcissistic belief that they’d be one of the stars. Realistically, there’s more chance you’d be a humble ware salesman or dragon cage cleaner #15 than the John Snow. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but most fantasy novels are really elitist. The ‘chosen ones’ get to break all the rules and everyone else just waits around to be saved. Do you think any other member of Hogwarts would have gotten away with blowing up his aunt, casting the unforgivable curse or sneaking around under an invisibility cloak? NO. In the Marvel universe, regular people have rights too. In fact, the whole plot of Avenger’s Civil War was that regular people were tired of careless ‘heroic’ acts that might have been better handled by regular shmegular police folk. There are rules. The government cares about the ‘normal’. We stan a socialist universe.

You could become a superhero

Regardless of the fact that most people would just be regular background characters, in this universe, things like radioactive spiders and mysterious cosmic rays are just hanging around waiting to give people powers. There’s always a chance you could have some sort of revolutionary, life changing event happen that turns you into a hero. It’s an environment routed in equal opportunity and you never know when you’ll be chosen.

The Healthcare is great

If scientists in the Marvel Universe can create a living breathing human super solider, surely the cure for cancer is just around the corner. Beside that, Wakandian scientist have already cured all illness. It’s just a matter of time until the world finds out. Living in this universe could mean worldwide health. No more death by illnesses. You could live fearlessly.

Need I say more? The Marvel Cinematic universe is without a doubt the best fictional universe to date. It’s full of action, adventure and opportunity, without taking away any of the modern amenities we’ve grown accustomed to.


About the Creator

Kenesta Hope

I'm an aspiring journalist and writer who is passionate about culture, food and social analysis and debate.

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