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Love is Stronger than Blood

A Desolate World

By Frank13Published 3 years ago 5 min read

The land is destroyed, buildings have crumbled, governments collapsed, this is the reality of a once great nation, proud and strong. No one could have seen this coming, the end of the world, fighting just to survive. I’m one of the lucky few, who made it to shelter before the bombs went off. As for my family, they weren’t so lucky, I am alone now, trying to make sense of all this… chaos. We have a small refuge camp with other survivors, foraging for food, water, and supplies. I got a fire started and sat around waiting for the others.

“Look what I found” said one of the refugees. “Wow, an actual can of beans, you outdid yourself Andrew” I said. “Now all we need is a can opener” he said. “Umm I don’t have a can opener… but I have this rock” I gave him a smile. I placed the can on the ground and tried smashing it with the sharp end of the stone. “You look like a cave man” a beautiful young girl came around and sat next to me. “Try this” she handed me a small sharp knife. “Thanks! You are a life saver” I said. I looked at her up and down, short brown hair with a cute smile and large brown eyes.

“Hi I’m Frankie… Have we met before? You look oddly familiar” I said. She gives me a grin, eyes locked. “I don’t think so, I just got here this morning” she said. “What’s your name?” I asked. “I’m Merlin, like the wizard” she waved her hands at me as if casting a spell. Her name is Merlin? What are the chances? “Merlin, that’s a beautiful name, I always wanted to name my kid Merlin” I said. “It was my dad’s idea, he always said she was smart, strong and beautiful” she said. “He sounds like a really cool guy, I’m sure we’d be good friends” I said. “If you met him you would love him, but he died a couple years ago” said Merlin. “I’m so sorry to hear that, if there is anything I can do for you please let me know” I said. “Actually I’m traveling to the next town over to find my mother, and I would love it if you would like to assist me in my travels” she grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest. She has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, full of life and energy. I can’t say no, I’m weak, and it’s not like anything is happening here anyway. She gives me a smirk “Don’t worry I don’t bite… unless you want me to.” I like this girl, she’s cool, and funny. I give her a smirk back with a wink “I’m not scared, I like biting.”

We left first thing in the morning, the next town over is a two day walk. “So how old are you?” I asked. “Take a guess” she said smiling. “Ummm twenty… five?” I said. “I’m thirty” she said. “Oh you’re my age, nice, 1991 baby” I said. “All the cool people were born in ‘91” she said laughing. She has a beautiful smile, strong and confident, fearless and optimistic. I think I like this girl, I see a lot of myself in her, when I look into her eyes it’s almost like looking into a mirror. We continued walking for a few more hours before taking a break. Sitting down on a fallen log, she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder. “Thanks for coming with me, you’re such a brave boy” said Merlin. Smiling at her I said “If you’re trying to seduce me, it’s definitely working.” I grabbed her hand and placed it in my lap. “I had cast a spell on you from the moment we first met” she said with a grin. We sat together for almost an hour, but it felt like time was standing still. Even among all the destruction and waste, it was beautiful.

“That’s a very nice locket” I said looking at the golden heart-shaped pendant around her neck. “Thanks, my dad gave it to me before he died” she said. “He was lucky to have you as a daughter” I said. “I was lucky to have him as a father” she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “Look at you, little miss confident, I love a girl who knows what she wants” I said with a warm smile. “We should get going” said Merlin with a wink. We continued walking until sunset. Having made a campfire and lay next to each other under the warmth of the flames. “This has been fun, I’m having a good time so far” I said. “It’s an honour to be traveling with such a polite gentleman” said Merlin as she curled up next to me. The moon was bright and the stars painted the sky, it was pure magic. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “You’re a cool girl Merlin, I like you” I said. Laying there with her eyes shut she responded “I like you too Frankie P, you’re a cool guy.”

I sat up immediately, looking at her confused I said “Well that was an extremely lucky guess… How did you know what letter my last name starts with?” She opened her eyes looking a little taken back “Oh you told me already, didn’t you?” She looked a little panicked. With a stern face I pointed my finger at her and said “You know who I am and you’re hiding something, don’t lie to me Merlin. Who are you, and where are you from?” She looked at me with a straight face, closing her eyes she said “It’s not where I’m from, it’s when I’m from” She grabbed her locket from around her neck and handed it to me. I looked down and the heart-shaped pendant and felt a wave of anxiety overcome me. When she’s from? What does that mean? I grabbed the locket and opened it up… my jaw hit the floor. There looking back at me was a picture of myself! I sat there with a stunned look on my face. “My name is Merlin Piz and I travelled here from the year 2051” she said. I looked at her, eyes wide open “You’re my daughter, from the future?!” I cried. A wave of emotions overcame me, I’m not sure what to think or how to feel. “That’s why you look so familiar, you have my eyes and my smile” I said. And then the tears started to fall, raw emotions swirling through me, my head feels like a tornado, I can’t stop crying.

Love is stronger than blood, that is what she showed me, now that we’ve been reunited, she doesn’t want to lose me again. I asked, “So this mother of yours… she is my…” “Your future wife, correct” said Merlin chuckling. “I can’t wait to meet her” I said exuberantly. “Since I’m your father, does this mean you have to do what I say?” I asked with glowing eyes. “Only when I’m being a bad girl” she said sarcastically. “Hahaha, you’re definitely my girl” I said laughing. She gave me a hug and squeezed me tightly. “I love you dad” she said, and gave me a kiss on the lips. I was paralyzed, didn’t know what to think, didn’t know what to feel. Looking at her up and down I said, smiling, “I love you too, baby girl.”


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