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Loki's Daughter

Chapter One

By NovelsByKendraPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
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Thousands of years ago, in a place called Valhalla: The World Of The Northern God's

Goddess of love and fertility, Freja was known to be the most beautiful woman to exist, and she was Odin's wife, the god who was the oldest and wisest among them.

But Freja had a secret, a secret which might give her a horrible punishment or even death.

The beauty of Freja attracted everyone that she met, and everyone envied her long blond hair, curly and warm. With golden eyes shining like the sun and full lips red as blood placed on her beautiful heart-shaped face.

But that's not all; With an hourglass figure and curves that embraced in the right places, she must have been the goddess of love and fertility.

And like all the other gods, Loki, the wicked and the trickster of them, had their eyes fixed on Freja, and lust made him crazy.

Loki had a lot of tricks stuck up his sleeve. And the best of them all was that he could take any shape or form of a living thing.

And one night, Loki took the form of Odin himself and attracted Freija on a sinful night in the garden of love.

Loki acted out all his fantasies and wicked desires with a crying Freja in his arms, begging him for more. And right when he was about to fill Freja with his load, he changed shape back to himself, and Freja was stunned as she felt her climax to the image of Loki bending over her with a sinister smirk on his lips.

Freja knew it was wrong; they were both married because Loki had his wife, Sigyn, and Freja Odin.

But despite this, tonight turns into a secret relationship between Loki and herself. And many nights of sin took place, nights where Loki made her feel things Odin never could.

But it's about to be over when Loki ruthlessly deceived one of the other gods to kill Balder. An act created jealously in the name of Loki himself. Balder was the god that shone most among them all and was known as the savior who died instantly by an arrow made from a Mistle tree pierced into his heart.

The act came to the attention of the other gods, and soon a punishment took place, and Loki was doomed to the underground. The gods tied up Loki in the intestines of his son, Nerfe. The intestine transformed into iron, and an evil and venomous serpent was placed above Loki's face, dripping his lethal liquid in his eyes.

The pain made Loki twisted so violently in his snares that he caused earthquakes. His loyal wife, Sigyn, stood next to his side with a bowl and tried to catch the poison before it sank onto Loki.

Freja was out of her mind when Loki got his punishment. But soon enough, the affair between Loki and Freja comes to the knowledge of the other gods. But that's not all, but Freja was expecting a child as well, and the father was none other than Loki himself. Since the beginning of their liaison, Freja had avoided any physical contact with Odin, her husband. Odin was livid with rage by his wife's involvement with this villain.

That child was a bastard, created by a treacherous woman and a wicked being, and Odin was determined to have the child killed as soon as his wife gave birth.

Freja was furious when Odin threatened to kill her child, and she turned to Mimer, the guardian of Mimers.

The source was filled with wisdom and placed by the root of the world tree Yggdrasil. If you drink from the well, you will see and hear everything that has happened or is about to happen. Mimer was the wisest of all as he was permitted to drink it daily.

And Mimier knew the fate of this child and decided that he would bring the child with him as soon as it was born. Then Mimer would lower the baby into the well of Mimers, and Yggdrasil's roots would channel the child into a time travel lope with an unknown destination. But Mimer knew. He knew that the destiny of Valhalla would be one day rest in the hands of this child.

Norway, Askim, 1972

It was a cold winter's night when the church priest, Thrud, was about to turn the lights in the lobby at the gate when he heard a baby scream. Confused and unsettled, Thrud opened the gate and found a basket containing a baby standing at the door. Thrud was taken aback and looked down the streets for the one leaving the baby, only to see that it was empty. Thrud grabbed the basket and ran to the orphanage one kilometer away to leave the crying baby in their care. This was a rare occasion for Thrud. He had heard the priest before him finding babies outside the church, but he had never expired this himself in his 40 years as a priest.

Norway, Askim, June 1989 (Seventeen years later)

The sun set to rise, and the clock was about five o'clock in the morning.

Fey was wide awake in bed, unable to go back to sleep. This would be the last day of school, and she had been longing for this day for months. Fey hated school because she was a freak. No one wanted to be friends with her. She had always felt different from everyone else, and she had always been set up for failure.

The girl from the orphanage that no one wanted.

The mad child, which eyes were stained with red whenever she was angry.

Neglected and misunderstood her whole life had made her an outcast who trusted no one but herself. She looked at the ceiling and saw that the wallpaper had begun to rip in the corner. But she didn't pay more attention to it since she would leave this place any day now. She turned 18 in one week, and once she did, the legal guardianship that the authorities had on her would expire, and she would be a legal adult. Finally.

Fey left the bed and entered the bathroom for a shower before dressing up and finishing the day. The dress section has never been a problem since she only wore black jeans and a black hoodie without a zipper. She always pulled the big cap over her head to shelter her from the outside world.

Fey studied herself in the mirror before she left the room. Her golden eyes swayed between gold and black every time she was furious, and her black hair fell in waves on her shoulders. Fey always wore her hair in a braid whenever she left her room, and she never wore any makeup. She never saw a reason why she should.

Fey's eyes were framed by long black lashes on her square-shaped face with a defined jawline and contoured cheekbones.

Her nose was straight and average-sized and perfectly adjusted on her face above her full, pouty lips. Her body had nicely formed into an hourglass figure during these past years. Puberty had hit her hard, and she was very insecure about herself and would always wear an oversized hoodie that went down her thighs to cover herself.

Fey quickly left her room at six o'clock and took a sandwich from the refrigerator before tossing the backpack over the shoulder, and then she rushed out of the house before someone woke up.

She had been living in a home for troubled teens since she turned thirteen.

Only five teenagers were living at the facility at the moment, and there was always an adult sleeping during night time, and one adult would stay during the daytime to keep an eye on them.

It wasn't the best environment to live in. Many of the other teens acted out and had drug issues, and were into crimes.

There were always drugs passing through the hands between the teens, and many of them engaged in relationships with each other, which was forbidden.

One night a month ago, when Fey left the room to go pee, one of the other teens, a boy named Oskar, had begun to harass her in the hallway.

He was high on something, and he began to call her names and pulled her shirt when she tried to get back into her room. Fey was terrified, but soon her fear turned to rage, and she pushed Oskar, who crashed down the wall with a bang.

Caught by her force, she rushed to her room and locked the door.

She'd been out of their way ever since and still stayed outside the home until dinner. The dinner they had to attend at seven, and then she hid in her room till bedtime at ten.

Every Friday, they were given a little bit of money to buy personal items and snacks. Money that Fey has saved over the last two years to get her out of here, once and for all.

Fey hurried over the streets towards her casual spot upon a small mountain near the school where she would spend a lot of time during the school days.

But this day wasn't a typical school day; no, this was the day where Fey's life would change, forever.

Valhalla, Another time-lapse.

"If the prophecy is right." "It is right," Mimer responded in a quiet tone as he spoke with Thor and Odin. "So Freja's bastard child is alive, and now our fate rests upon her shoulder. A girl in a whole other dimension? This is all hogwash. Loki won't cut loose. There will be no war called Ragnarok that will kill us all." Odin continued, but Mimer had a severe look on his face.

"It's time. That is what must become. Either you will accept this possible future, or you will deny your destiny." Thor and Odin took a look at each other and gathered their senses.

"How are we then to change the prophecy? Mimer? Share your knowledge and learning." Mimer nodded, "You're going to send Tjalve to find the girl."

"Tjalve?" Thor shouted, "Are you crazy? He's an ordinary Human boy. "And a thief as well," Odin added.

Mimer remained silent as the gods unleashed themselves and patiently waited until they let him finish.

"We will give the boy wings and the compass of the soul to find the girl. I'll have a necklace made to provide him with invisibility as well.

I'll put him through the Mimers well, and the roots of Yggdrasil will take him to the girl.

"But how will they return?" asked Thor, and Mimer lifted his brow.

"No? You send me to fetch them?" shouted Thor, and Odin looked deeply into his thoughts.

"You are the only one with a carriage that can pass through the barrier," Mimer replied.

"Are you sure we can trust the girl? She has a villain's blood running through her veins," Mimer nailed Odin with his eyes,

"Yes, but she also has the purest blood blessed with the love from Freja herself." Odin gasped, "What? Freja blessed that bastard?" Mimer took a step closer to Odin and buried his eyes into his soul.

"Get your jealousy together, now, Odin, or you'll be the first one to die on the redemption day." Odin swallowed and nodded.


About the Creator


I'm just a girl in my twenties who loves to write!

My story "Loki's Daughter" will be published on under "AnnieHulte."

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