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Khufu's Secret

Witness the solstice magic unleashed

By Gabriela Trofin-TatárPublished 3 days ago 5 min read
Khufu's Secret
Photo by Mariam Soliman on Unsplash

The sun hung high in the sky, blazing light like liquid gold over the sands of Egypt. I was in a small village near Hurghada, a place which remained still stuck on the past, untouched by the passing of time. Wooosshhh I could hear the echoes of the past carried by the winds.

I had grown up in a small village, with tales of an ancient solstice ritual told by the elders over evening meals. I remember a mix of reverence and fear, my grandparents' eyes reflecting the mysteries of an age long forgotten. I wanted to witness this ritual for myself. After all, I was of age.

It was the day of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

There were preparations happening in the village square. Women wove garlands of bright flowers, in contrast to the earth-toned buildings.

The men had prepared early at dawn a large stone altar. The surface was covered with strange symbols that seemed to shift and hover under the sun. Children were laughing and chasing each other around the palm trees of the oasis.

The atmosphere grew heavy as dusk approached. Everyone gathered around the altar, where flames from oil lamps lit their faces.

I was there, apprehensive and curious. Suddenly, as if according to a script, the village elder stepped forward. He was a man with a face carved by time, his wrinkles telling stories from his experience across centuries. He was 351 years old and his name was Khufu.

He raised his hands standing still for a few seconds, and a deep silence fell over the crowd.

"In the time of our ancestors," he began, his voice still rather strong despite his age, "this ritual was performed to honor Ra, the sun god, and to seek his blessings for the year to come. Tonight, as we stand on the threshold of the longest day, we revive this ancient rite."

Khufu started chanting, but I couldn't understand anything. It was probably the old language and his words flowed and swirled. The elders joined in the haunting melody. The flames danced higher and higher, with long shadows that twisted and turned like living beings.

I started to get a little scared but I continued watching the ritual entranced. Khufu then took out a small, green-bottled vial from a pouch at his side. He poured its contents onto the altar, and a plume of smoke rose auspiciously. It curled and spiraled quickly into the night sky.

I could feel the scent of burning herbs, mesmerizing and bringing about long forgotten dreams. There was also a strange energy crackling through the crowd.

Suddenly, the ground beneath us trembled. I heard a low rumble echoing through the village, and the smoke above the altar began to glow with a magical light.

I felt an invisible hand reaching out to me, drawing me closer to the altar. I couldn't refuse the pull, it was too strong. Before I knew it, the world around me blurred and shifted and I was thrown into a parallel dimension, still on Earth, yet profoundly different.

I knew it was a different world, yet so similar to ours.

The sun hung low on the horizon. Feeling the scent of some unknown flowers engulfing me, I walked forward, my steps hesitant.

Not far off, I saw the figure of a woman approaching. She was dressed in flowing robes made of light and air. Her eyes felt old and witty, and her smile told me she knew who I was.

"Welcome, traveler," she said. "You have crossed the threshold between worlds on this sacred solstice night."

I tried to speak, but my words felt heavy and clumsy. She understood my confusion and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Do not be afraid," she said. "You are here to witness the power of the solstice. It has always connected our world with yours. Tonight, the veil between dimensions is thin, and the ancient magic flows freely. You must have felt it through the portal."

She took my hand, a bit forcefully and showed me the clearing where a group of people were gathered. They wore shiny garments, like apparitions. They softly began to sing in a harmonious chorus. I felt each note and whisper within my soul.

Their song filled the air and slowly the landscape around us began to change. Trees sprang to life, their branches heavy with fruit. Flowers bloomed in an explosion of color, and the air buzzed with the sound of unseen creatures. Where was I?

I felt a surge of energy and a connection to this place and its people that was beyond comprehension. It was as if I had become a part of the solstice.

Time lost all meaning. I couldn't remember for how long I stood there. Eventually, the singing faded, and the people began to disperse literally dissolving into the twilight.

The woman turned to me, her eyes sad and longing. "It is time for you to return," she said softly. "But remember us, we exist in this dimension. Please carry the magic of this night within your heart."

By Color Crescent on Unsplash

She placed her hand over my heart, and I felt pure warm love in her touch. The world around me shivered and trembled suddenly.

I opened my eyes and realized I was back in the village, standing before the altar. The villagers were still chanting, their voices rising and falling in a soft rhythm.

Khufu looked at me, I knew he knew where I'd been.

"You have seen the power of the solstice," he said. "May it guide you and bring you peace."

As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, I was grateful and amazed with what I had experienced.

With the dawn of a new day, the village slowly came to life.

My thoughts were full of the vivid memories of the previous night. I had glimpsed a world beyond our own where the ancient magic of the solstice still thrived. I could feel it in my body and soul that this experience had changed me in ways I could not yet fully understand.

Still now, 130 years later, even if I now live in Cairo, as the summer solstice approaches, I remember the night I crossed the threshold into a parallel dimension. I remember the warmth of the woman's touch, the beauty of it all, and the song that resonated deep within my soul.

I thanked Khufu deeply for this opportunity back in our small village. But he said it was my destiny, written in the ancient papyrus of the ages. I was to become his successor and guide the next chosen one into the portal when the stars aligned and the time was near.

I knew it back then and I know it now. The solstice has a power that connects us all, across time and space. Are you ready to step into another dimension and feel its magic?


Author's note: The name "Khufu" is of ancient Egyptian origin and is most famously associated with the Pharaoh Khufu, also known as Cheops, who reigned during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. Khufu is best known for commissioning the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

In ancient Egyptian, the name "Khufu" (often written as Ḫwfw) is believed to mean "Protected" or "He protects me," with the name being a short form of a longer name, such as "Khnum-Khufu," meaning "Khnum protects me." Khnum was an ancient Egyptian god associated with creation and water. I particularly liked the meaning of "protected" and it matched this fiction story very well. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading!


About the Creator

Gabriela Trofin-Tatár

Full Stack Developer in the making and mother of 3 littles. Curious, bookaholic and travel addict. I also write on Medium and Substack: &

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (5)

  • D.K. Sheparda day ago

    Really great imagery in this!! Loved the history on the titular name too!

  • Chelas Montanye3 days ago

    I love this. Very beautifully written.

  • I loved the story, but for me perhaps the Author's Note was the most fascinating! that kind of meaning behind the meaning stuff is fascinating! Thanks for sharing that, Gabriela!

  • It was like a magical secrete. Liked it.

  • Michelle Liew3 days ago

    These rituals carry an air of mystery indeed. Intruiging, Gabriela.

Gabriela Trofin-TatárWritten by Gabriela Trofin-Tatár

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