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Into the Abyss.

A Drive with Kundalini

By Lauren DaveyPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read
Kundalini Expansion

My head, as light as a feather, takes on a journey of its own as my neck struggles to continue to hold it sturdily in one place. My eyes, slightly roll backwards into that of my eye sockets, whilst the energy emanates outwards and permeates my auric field in its absolute entirety. My breath, expands and extends with every rush, inviting that of my awareness to seep deeper into my altered state. The intensity grows more profound whilst the sensation of pure liquid ecstasy, begins to ascend throughout that of my being as I allow the divinity of the moment to orchestrate the experience as it unfolds.

"Fuck. I am driving!" With the realisation I grip a hold of the steering wheel in an attempt to regain a sense of control over that which is being created within me, but to no avail. Panic sets in. "Why is this happening right now?" With nowhere to pull over I slow the vehicle, veering around the long stretch of bend with as much presence as I possibly can. "You are safe, Shaniquah." The voice of my most trusted angelic guide penetrates that of my clairaudient senses. "Phewhh." A slight pang of relief floods throughout my nervous system, bringing ease to that of my trepidation and enticing my sense of faith to return. Bringing my immediate awareness to the movements of my body, I accelerate, pushing the clutch in with my left foot and advancing through the gears with my left hand. Merging with the traffic as I enter that of the freeway, I realise that I am in much more control than that which I originally gave myself credit for.

Suddenly, my attention is brought to that of the music coming from the radio. I turn the volume up. My heart beats faster in rhythmic conjunction to the bass as it cascades through the speakers, initiating me further into the exhilaration of the celestial bliss that which is rapidly erupting from within me. Here I am, thrown into the abyss of my transcendent self, expanding into the realm of heaven itself all the while, being firmly grounded within that of my primal reality as I embody deeper into the presence of my earthly ability to operate my vehicle. It is as though I am the bridge between that of my inner and outer world's, with either foot securely rooted in both. It is the most bizarre phenomenon to say the very least!

“Breathe Shaniquah. Just breathe.” The sensation escalates, bringing my experience to a peak explosion whilst the ripples of such fill the atmosphere of my vehicle. The song on the radio comes to a close and the radio presenters mention a, black car. With my awareness in divine alignment with that of the universe, I intuit that I am meant to navigate that of my surroundings in search of a black vehicle. “Black car, black car.” I quickly peer around. However, I cannot see a black vehicle amongst the traffic anywhere. A bird flying overhead grabs my attention. I watch as it seems to circle above that of the traffic onward from me, before flying straight down and darting off from in front of the truck that which is positioned directly ahead of me. “That was weird!”

My awareness is brought back to that of my inner world with the eruption of yet another intense rush. “Ohhh!” I let out a moan as the elation of my altered state euphorically, climaxes. I have never experienced anything that which feels so unbelievably divine. The truck in front of me indicates right before merging with the traffic in that of the right lane and to my disclosure, there in front of me, is a black vehicle.

I intently observe the vehicle and as I do, I notice that it is becoming illuminated with the most beautiful, iridescent light. The prism of rainbow like colours glows brighter, whilst the rush of pure liquid ecstasy that which oscillates through me reaches a point of plateau. The radio presenters speak again, this time making reference to that of a Range Rover. My attention is brought to the silver badge that which is positioned on the back of the black vehicle and I cannot believe my eyes. It's a fucking Range Rover!

The ‘aha’ moment sets into that of my comprehension as I come to the understanding of what has inevitably, been taking place this entire time. “It is, him. I just know it is! And he, is the reason why this is happening right now.” With the recognition imbedded within that of my immediate awareness, the rush like sensation that which has been pulsating throughout that of my being instantaneously comes to a halt. “Ok universe. Now what?” With the inquisition, I am rapidly flooded with the wisdom that I am meant to follow him. The vehicle indicates and gently pulls to the left, insinuating that it is going to turn off of the freeway. I put my indicator on and imitate that of its movements, not noticing until the very last minute that the street that which we are proceeding to veer onto is called, Ocean Drive! No way! It cannot be that the name of this road is identical to the name of the street of where we first met? But it is. It most definitely is!

The Range Rover swiftly puts its other indicator on and swerves instantly back to that of the right, so to keep its position on the freeway. I do the same, knowing that his actions are his attempt in exploring to see whether I have realised that it is in actual fact him, driving that of the black vehicle in front of me. My mimicking that of his movements is the confirmation that I have indeed, come to this realisation myself. After a few moments, the radio presenters cheer with excitement, seeming to applaud the acknowledgement, before proceeding to play some music. I continue to follow him until we reach the next exit, whereby he turns off of the freeway this time. I have no idea where I am. I am not familiar with this suburb and the fear of becoming lost causes me to enter a state of discombobulation. “What if it is not him? What if I am following a complete stranger right now? Why am I even here? And if it is him, how did he know where I was to begin with?” The thoughts perpetuated by that of my anxiety vastly increase with every kilometre that which leads me further away from that of the freeway. Yet still, I continue to follow.

After driving around for approximately ten minutes, we pull up at a red light. I focus my attention through the back window of the vehicle, looking directly into the rear vision mirror ahead. He is wearing black sunglasses. I cannot see that of his eyes, however, I know that he is looking straight back at me. The sensation of pure liquid ecstasy unexpectedly appears once more, transforming my state of being yet again, catapulting the vibration of my vessel back into the reverberance of bliss. My previous state of angst subsides, allowing me the confirmation that it is unmistakably him, that which is leading me into the excitement of the unknown. With such prompt, I reassuringly feel safe.

Channelling the rush like energy that which is flowing through me into that of my gaze, I invite him into the allure of my seduction. He gracefully pulls his sunglasses down from over his eyes only but a slither. As though the both of us have been utterly starving for one another for life-times upon life-times, he returns that of my enticement with the insatiable sentiment of his own, staring deeply into that of my eyes and calling to the depths of my very soul. “Oh my universe!” My mouth slightly opens in awe of that which is unfolding, before my tongue gently licks my lips at the thought of that which could still, unfold.

Abruptly, he slides his sunglasses back over that of his eyes and faces them toward the road. He doesn’t look at me again, not even for a second. When the light turns green, he speeds off. Leaving me stranded in a place that which I do not know and once again, in a state of bewilderment. Tears begin to well in my eyes. "What the fuck just happened?"

ThankYOU for taking the time to read that of my story, BeYOUtiful Soul. If It captivated You and You would like to explore more of Shaniquah's Journey, let me Know by tapping on the Heart-shaped button and showing me some Love, then head over to my Personal profile to delve Deeper InTo that of Shaniquah's World. If You Feel Called to offer Your Support to my Journey as a Writer, please feel free to tap on the tip button, also. All proceeds Are very much Valued and Appreciated, and Will go toward the Creation of my first novel. Infinite Love and Gratitude, Lollie.

Create a BeYOUtiful Incarnation!


About the Creator

Lauren Davey

The short Creative stories In which You Will Read Here, All pertain to the Journey of BeLoved, TwinFlames. They Are Inclusive of various concepts of Spirtuality, Tantra and Sacred Sexuality, Amalgamated with a cheeky, mild dose of Erotica.

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