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In the Midst of the War Storm

Arya's Struggle Amidst Chaos

By Daffa AryansyahPublished 12 days ago 4 min read

The morning sun illuminated the small village at the foot of Mount Semeru. Arya, a young farmer, was preparing to work in the fields. His life was simple but filled with happiness alongside his wife, Sari, and their young son, Bima.

"Arya, don't forget your lunch," called Sari from inside the house, while preparing a bundle of rice for her husband.

"Of course, Sari. Thank you," replied Arya with a smile. He kissed Sari on the cheek and patted Bima’s head before leaving.

That afternoon, a traveling merchant named Gede arrived in the village with alarming news. The villagers gathered in the village hall to hear Gede's tale of Jayakatwang's rebellion and Kertanegara's death.

"The Kingdom of Singhasari has fallen. Jayakatwang of Kediri has seized power," said Gede with a hoarse voice. "And now, Mongol troops from a distant land are heading to Java to punish us."

The village was thrown into panic. Arya felt anxious, unsure of what would happen next. That night, the village was enveloped in anxiety. The villagers began stockpiling food supplies and reinforcing their homes. Arya helped his neighbors dig trenches around the village.

"We must prepare, Arya. The Mongol troops are merciless," said a worried neighbor.

Arya nodded. "We will do our best to protect our families."

A few days later, Arya went to the town to seek more information. There, he met a dignified young man who introduced himself as Raden Wijaya.

"I plan to overthrow Jayakatwang and drive out the Mongol troops," said Raden Wijaya with eyes full of determination. "I need the support of the people to fight them."

Arya was inspired by Raden Wijaya's courage. "I am just a farmer, but I am ready to help in any way I can."

Returning to the village, Arya shared the news with his fellow villagers. Many were reluctant, fearing the wrath of the Mongols and the uncertainty of siding with a new leader. But Arya's resolve was firm. "We cannot sit idle and wait for destruction. We must take action."

Days turned into weeks as Arya and the villagers prepared for the inevitable conflict. They trained under the guidance of Raden Wijaya's men, learning to wield weapons and strategize. Arya found himself becoming a leader among his peers, inspiring them with his dedication and hope.

One evening, as the sun set behind Mount Semeru, Arya sat with Sari and Bima outside their home. The air was filled with the scent of blooming jasmine, and the village seemed peaceful, despite the looming threat.

"Are you scared, Arya?" Sari asked softly, her eyes reflecting the fading light.

Arya took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Yes, I am. But I am more scared of losing you and Bima. I will do everything I can to protect you."

Sari smiled, though her eyes were moist. "We are proud of you, Arya. Whatever happens, know that we love you."

The next morning, the tranquility was shattered by the distant sound of drums and horns. The Mongol troops had arrived. Arya and the villagers, now armed and prepared, gathered at the edge of the village. Raden Wijaya's forces joined them, forming a united front.

As the battle between Raden Wijaya's forces and the Mongols unfolded, Arya’s village became a battleground. Arya was forced to take up arms for the first time in his life. The air was thick with smoke and the clang of metal. Arya fought valiantly, driven by the desire to protect his family and home.

In the midst of the battle, Arya saw Sari and Bima hiding in their nearly collapsed house. With all his might, Arya managed to bring them to a safer place. "Stay here," he told Sari, "no matter what happens."

Days of fierce fighting ensued. The villagers and Raden Wijaya's troops fought bravely, their determination unwavering. Arya, though exhausted, pushed forward, his thoughts constantly returning to Sari and Bima.

Eventually, the tide began to turn in their favor. Raden Wijaya's strategy and the villagers' resilience paid off. The Mongol troops, unprepared for such fierce resistance, began to retreat. Cheers erupted from the villagers and soldiers alike as the Mongols fled back to their ships.

Raden Wijaya expressed his gratitude to the people who had helped him. "From these ruins, we will rebuild. We will establish a strong kingdom, the Majapahit Kingdom."

Arya felt proud to have been part of this great event. Despite losing many things, he felt new hope for the future of his family and village. His bravery and leadership had not only protected his loved ones but had also contributed to a significant historical victory.

Months later, Arya stood in front of his new, modest house, gazing at the greening fields. Life in the village was slowly returning to normal, and Arya felt stronger and wiser than before.

"Sari, we have been through so much," Arya said, hugging his wife. "But we are still here, together, ready to face whatever comes."

Sari smiled and held Arya's hand. "Yes, Arya. As long as we are together, we will always find a way."

“They’re coming.”


Thank you,


All art work created from Deep AI

HistoricalFan Fiction

About the Creator

Daffa Aryansyah

Born and raised in Indonesia.

I have always been fascinated by the rich history and culture of the Nusantara.

Currently, I live in a bustling city, but my heart remains with the stories of ancient kingdoms and traditional villages.

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Comments (2)

  • Esala Gunathilake12 days ago

    Well done on your story.

Daffa AryansyahWritten by Daffa Aryansyah

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