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if men became apes

on discovering humanity

By MBPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
if men became apes
Photo by Rishi Ragunathan on Unsplash

Welcome to a whimsical thought experiment where we embark on a hilarious journey through a world turned upside down. In this alternate reality, we imagine a scenario where men have transformed into apes. While we mustn't take this concept too seriously, let's indulge in some light-hearted humor as we explore the implications, challenges, and unexpected joys of a world where men swing from trees and groom each other's fur.

A Primate Society:

In this ape-infused world, societal structures would be radically different. We might witness complex hierarchies and social dynamics reminiscent of primate behavior. Picture a bustling city where apes dressed in tailored suits swing effortlessly from skyscrapers or a jungle gym transformed into an urban paradise for our primate counterparts. Bananas might become the new currency, and branches the preferred mode of transportation.

The Hairy Dilemma:

One of the most obvious changes in this world would be the abundance of fur. Men, once clean-shaven, would now sport a luscious coat of hair, creating a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Grooming would become an art form, with elaborate ape salons offering specialized services like styling, conditioning, and detangling. And imagine the fashion industry, with ape-run designers revolutionizing the concept of wearable fur!

Communication Breakdown:

Verbal language, as we know it, would likely take a backseat in this ape-centric world. Grunts, screeches, and physical gestures would become the primary means of communication. Can you imagine an ape business meeting where important decisions are made through expressive gestures and the loudest roar wins the debate? And don't even get us started on ape dating rituals and their unique ways of expressing interest!

The Quest for Intelligence:

One of the most intriguing aspects of this alternate reality would be the quest for knowledge and intelligence. We know that apes are incredibly intelligent creatures, capable of problem-solving and learning complex tasks. In this world, the pursuit of education would take on a whole new dimension as apes strive to unlock their intellectual potential. Ape professors lecturing in universities, teaching courses on art, science, and philosophy—now that's a sight to behold!

Swing and Play:

If men were apes, recreational activities would be a swinging affair! Forget about soccer or basketball; imagine a world where ape sports dominate. From tree swinging competitions to vine acrobatics, these athletic endeavors would bring out the competitive spirit of our newfound primate friends. And playgrounds would become vibrant jungles of fun, with ape families swinging from branches, engaging in playful antics, and honing their motor skills.

Environmental Impact:

With a society of apes, the environmental impact would be profound. As natural inhabitants of the trees, the ape population would embrace their arboreal nature and strive to protect and preserve their forest habitats. Ape conservationists would work tirelessly to promote reforestation, combat deforestation, and educate others about the importance of maintaining a healthy and biodiverse ecosystem.

Ape Fashion and Trends:

The world of fashion would undergo a transformation like never before. Ape couturiers would revolutionize the industry, creating unique designs that blend style and functionality. From leaf accessories to intricately woven vine garments, ape fashionistas would set trends and redefine the concept of "monkey business." Fashion magazines would showcase the latest primate looks, and red carpet events would become wild affairs indeed!

Evolutionary Questions:

The transformation of men into apes raises intriguing questions about evolution and our understanding of the natural world. Would this phenomenon be a temporary blip or a permanent shift in the evolutionary trajectory? Scientists and anthropologists

Evolutionary Questions (continued):

The transformation of men into apes raises intriguing questions about evolution and our understanding of the natural world. Would this phenomenon be a temporary blip or a permanent shift in the evolutionary trajectory? Scientists and anthropologists would scramble to understand the underlying genetic mechanisms responsible for such a dramatic transformation. Evolutionary theories and debates would reach new heights as the world tries to comprehend the implications of this ape-centric society.

Ape Technology and Innovation:

In this world, apes would undoubtedly strive for technological advancement. Imagine ape engineers constructing intricate treehouses equipped with high-tech gadgets tailored to their unique needs. Ape-operated drones and virtual reality systems designed for swinging through digital jungles would become the norm. And who knows, maybe ape scientists would even unlock the secrets of time travel, leading to hilarious encounters with our prehistoric ancestors!

New Perspectives and Empathy:

Living in a world where men are apes would undoubtedly provide a fresh perspective on life. The newfound kinship with animals would foster empathy and a greater understanding of our place within the natural world. Ape-inspired philosophies would emerge, promoting harmony, interconnectedness, and respect for all living beings. Conservation efforts would gain unprecedented momentum as humanity experiences a paradigm shift towards a more compassionate existence.


While the idea of men becoming apes is purely a flight of fancy, it allows us to reflect on our own humanity, the intricacies of evolution, and the role we play in shaping the world around us. Through humor and imagination, we have explored the possibilities of a society where apes take center stage. It reminds us to embrace our own unique qualities while recognizing the diversity and wonders of the animal kingdom.

So, as we return from this amusing thought experiment, let us appreciate the humor and creativity it ignites within us. Let it serve as a reminder to celebrate the rich tapestry of life on Earth, cherish our human traits, and extend empathy and kindness to all creatures, great and small. After all, even if men were apes, the essence of humanity would still shine through, with laughter and curiosity guiding us on this whimsical journey called life.


About the Creator


I'm a writer who loves crafting engaging content with a playful and witty touch. Whether it's science, business, poetry, or music, I dive into diverse topics, bringing them to life with captivating words.

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