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I Never Asked You Out: Part 5

The Kiss

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 3 min read
I Never Asked You Out: Part 5
Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

When Caro got home at 10 pm, she was feeling quite sad. But she couldn't help smiling as she thought about how happy and relieved she felt knowing that everything would stay between them. And that she would be able to see Clark for the next three weeks.


On Monday morning, Caro woke up early and showered, put on some makeup and dressed in a tight pink dress that showed off her curves quite nicely. Before she got out of bed, she grabbed Clark's hoodie from the floor and put it on before putting her phone in her purse and making her way downstairs. It was 8:20 am so there was still plenty of time before he arrived.

After breakfast, Caro went upstairs and sat on her bed waiting for him. As soon as she heard the front door open, she jumped off the bed and raced down the stairs. When he saw her standing right outside his door, he let out a chuckle.

"Hey Caro," he greeted as he kissed her lightly.

"Hi," she smiled as she slipped his sweatshirt over her head.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked as he started taking his shoes off.

"Um.. yes. Let's go."

Once they stepped outside, Clark took her hand and led her to one of the many beautiful trees lining the side of the road. The air was crisp and chilly and a slight breeze blew. He pulled a small blanket out of nowhere and spread it out on the ground. They lay down beside each other, facing the sky. Caro lay her head on Clark's shoulder and smiled contentedly.

"Thank you," she muttered.

"For what?"

"All these things. All those amazing moments we shared last night. Thank you for being here, for being my boyfriend, for loving me, for holding my hand and kissing my cheek."

Clark smiled down at her and caressed her hair.

"And thank you for loving me. For believing in me. For showing me that you'll take care of me when I'm upset. For always being there for me and giving me strength. For making me laugh. For cheering me up. For showing me that there's nothing wrong with being imperfect. And for always being my best friend. For staying with me through all of this. For giving me everything that you have."

They both laughed so hard and held one another. "I'm glad we're both saying these words of appreciation to another before I travel tomorrow. I'm going to miss you a lot Clark." Caro said as she looked into Clark's warm brown eyes.

"I'll miss you too. But don't worry about me, you'll see me in 3 ."

Caro nodded and snuggled closer into his embrace. "Do you know how lucky you are that I have feelings for you?"

"How so?"

Caro rolled her eyes. "Because you're smart, handsome, caring, strong and most importantly perfect," she teased.

Clark chuckled. "You know you can say those things without flirting back."

"I'm sorry but you're just so irresistible. Besides, you have me in all of those categories," she winked.

Clark smiled. "Don't forget the special."

"Oh yeah! You're super special," she giggled. "Super special!"

Clark smiled again. "Good morning, by the way."

"Morning Clark," she chirped. She moved so she faced him. Her heart melted when she realized how close he had gotten during the night. His soft lips were mere inches away from hers.

Their faces grew closer and closer until eventually, they met in a gentle kiss. A sigh escaped Caro's lips and she smiled into the kiss. She wrapped her hands around Clark's neck, bringing him closer, deepening the kiss even more. Their tongues danced in sync with one another as she tilted her head, deepening the kiss more.

To be continued…

Young Adult

About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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