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I Never Asked You Out: Part 15

In The Hospital

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 3 min read
I Never Asked You Out: Part 15
Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

When she opened her eyes again, she looked up at him. She took a few seconds to gather herself, she still needed to process everything he just said and she had to be sure that she hadn't misunderstood any of his statements. She took several steadying breaths and opened her mouth.

"Wait wait wait! You're telling me never asked me on a date or to be your girlfriend?" She frowned confused, raising a brow and furrowing her eyebrows a little as if it was impossible.

"Yes, Caro, I never asked you out, I never asked you to be my girlfriend and I never asked you to be my girlfriend because I never thought you would ever feel the same for me as I felt for you. We never talked about it and I thought there was no need to and... Look, I know this isn't right, and that this probably seems really weird, but... But I do like you, Caro. I do like you a lot!" he exclaimed as he put his hands up in defence before letting them fall back onto the table. "You are beautiful and smart and funny, kind and compassionate and sweet and... So damn gorgeous! And, God! I am so incredibly stupid sometimes, Caro! I mean... You're so good to me too. I'm so lucky I met you and you made me smile and... Look, I didn't want to make promises. I really wish that I could take you on dates and ask you to be my girlfriend but right now everything has changed, I have feelings for someone else. This feels like a breakup when it shouldn't be," he said quietly.

Caro was stunned silent for a moment, unable to respond. Her brain was short-circuiting, processing everything Clark was telling her. After several moments of tense silence, Caro stood and began to walk away but stopped in her tracks and turned to Clark "I... I hope you ask Lexa out so she wouldn't end up heartbroken like myself right now." she muttered as she turned back and walked away.

Clark stayed behind alone at the table sitting alone with a glass of water in front of him. He wasn't sure why he just said those things and especially to Caro, but he didn't regret his confession. He honestly didn't expect Caro to react this way, or at least he hoped she wouldn't. The way she reacted wasn't exactly like what he expected, but he couldn't blame her after all, everything that had been going through their lives the last year had finally gotten to her.

He picked up his mug of cold coffee, taking another sip. It wasn't long until he heard someone approaching him. He tensed slightly and lifted his head slightly to glance over at the entrance door where Alex was standing in the doorway with a somewhat curious look on her face.

"Is everything ok?" She questioned hesitantly. "Because I just left the hospital and Caro was there. Is everything alright?" She added, her voice filled with worry.

Clark sighed and nodded his head "Yeah, everything is fine," he answered softly, placing his mug on the counter before leaning his arms against it and resting his chin on top of his palms.


Caro had to go to the hospital because she felt so dizzy after what seemed like a breakup with Clark. When she returned home she immediately rushed straight towards her bedroom, closing the door once inside and falling to the ground next to her bed, burying her face into one of her pillows. Her mum entered her room not long after Caro sat down on the floor.

"Sweetheart?" she questioned, kneeling beside her daughter and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

To be continued…

Young Adult

About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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