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I Never Asked You Out: Part 14

I Never Asked You Out

By Gloria Michael Published 2 years ago 3 min read
I Never Asked You Out: Part 14
Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

"Ok, so I did realize that Lexa's text was meant to be private between us. If you read it yourself, that means you probably already knew about the texts so that's why you're mad at me." He paused briefly. "If I told you that I didn't mean to, would that make you trust me again?" he inquired gently.

"No," she replied, shaking her head. "And I can never take that back but I promise I never meant for things to go this way. Honestly... I don't even think anything has changed for us except for the fact that we aren't as close as we used to be and now maybe we could try being more than that someday" he answered, shaking his head slowly. He lowered his gaze and stared down at his coffee cup.

Caro wasn't just understanding what he was saying, so she asked him what he meant by "now maybe we could try being more than that someday". None of his words seemed to be making sense anymore. " What are we now? Aren't you my boyfriend and aren't I your girlfriend? How could you do all these to me?" she yelled at him, tears starting falling on her cheeks. Clark winced at the sudden volume and turned his face to stare at her. His heart felt heavy as he watched her cry. He wanted to reach out and hug her, to assure her that he didn't mean any of those things, but he figured it might not be appropriate since they were never a couple, well from Clark's point of view.

"But Caro... I love you," he responded in a sad tone, staring up at her with wide, worried brown eyes. "I always will."

"That still doesn't explain why you did this," she insisted, sniffling a little bit as she wiped angrily at her face with her sleeve. "Why did you choose to hurt me? Why didn't you just tell me how you feel?" she cried, sounding more desperate and upset with every word that came out of her mouth. "I don't understand," she continued, feeling frustrated. "Why did you leave me hanging like that? I thought we are in a relationship, what's going on Clark?" she said looking at Clark, desperate for some answers from him.

"See Caro, we were never in any relationship, I never asked you out, I never asked you to be my girlfriend and I never agreed to be your boyfriend. I only told you I liked you and I believed we were moving with the flow since you reciprocated my feelings for you," he explained. "I had no idea you thought of me like that. In my mind, you were just my friend. It's hard to admit that I like someone without knowing that you also feel the same way. I thought that was something we could explore together later on when you were ready." He took hold of her hand and placed a small kiss on her palm. "I know it must have come as such a big surprise for you and... Well, I'm sorry for making things difficult for you. Please forgive me," he begged.

Caro blinked a few times and tried desperately to calm herself down, although she had already stopped crying quite a while ago she was in shock at the moment. "We were together by name, maybe it all felt like a joke like nothing serious, but, in reality, it was all a lie..." he murmured.

Caro closed her eyes and shook her head furiously, trying to fight away the onslaught of memories that were assaulting her. She couldn't understand anything that was happening around her.

Everything was blurry and distorted, almost as if she was trapped in some sort of nightmare. Or perhaps it was real... But either way, what mattered at that very moment was the fact that she was hurting. It felt so unreal as if she was living something that shouldn't be possible.

To be continued…

Young Adult

About the Creator

Gloria Michael

Gloria loves writing and experiencing the world in a free form..

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