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House by the Bay

The Corpses Dance

By MariePublished 3 years ago 25 min read
House by the Bay
Photo by Mark Lawson on Unsplash


"The Salem Witch Trails" are long over. About 3 families of actual witches fled to Ipswich, MA.

The Digby family with 8 members:

Ralph, age 39 (dad, oldest son of Frances), Agnes, age 31 (mom Ralph's wife), Margaret, age 10 (daughter), Simon, age 8 (son), George Sr., age 29 (uncle, youngest son of Frances), Alice, age 27 (aunt, George Sr. wife), George Jr., age 2 (cousin), Frances, age 61 (grandmother, widow).

The Axton and Beckwith family with 12 members:

Richard Sr., age 60 and Grace age 61. Eldest and only son and his family; Richard Jr., age 35, his wife Dorothy, age 35. Their daughters Grace, age 17, Emma, age 14, and Mary, age 13, his son Hugh, and 7. 2nd born oldest daughter and her family: Nicola Beckwith, age 33, her husband Godwin Beckwith, age 36, and their only child Rose Beckwith age 9. Youngest daughter, Helewis age 18.

The Clive family with 9 members:

Ulric Clive, age 54 only son of Sarah and Alexander Clive ( both deceased), his wife Hanna, age 50. Their 2 twin daughters Beatrix and Blanche, age 34, his 4 sons Godfrey, age 30, Nigel, age 20, Jacob, 18 and Reginald 16. Ulric's baby sister, Alexandra, age 35, the only daughter to Sarah and Alexander Clive. Ulric and then his wife had to raise his baby sister because a year after her birth their parents died in a fire.

29 people in actual witchcraft practicing families, in all moved to Ipswich, MA, during "The Salem Witch Trails." While all the these people are not prominent to these next events. Their family's play a key roll.

The year was 1810.

Ernest Ellis Sr. built him and his family a home about 2 miles from Ipswich Bay, in Ipswich, MA. Ipswich, Massachusetts was, of course, were some of the real witches fled to hide and not be executed during the "Salem Witch Trails", from February 1692-May 1693. Even though, the political authorities searched all of Massachusetts for witches, a few with actual abilities that can be labeled as witchcraft, did escape. The Ellis family didn't believe that witches existed, only men with ego problem that hated women, which lead to the death of a lot of women and a few men. Sadly, they were mistaken. 2 months after settling in the new home, around May 2, 1810, the Ellis family started noticing strange things happening around their home. Especially, directly from Ipswich Bay, but they payed it no mind because as stated before they didn't believe in witches nor ghosts. Ernest Sr., age 40, his wife Pearl, age 38. Their 3 children, Ernest Jr., age 17, the twins Eleanor and Edmund, age 10. They were a wealthy family, well known, and loved by most but hated by more around town, because not all of them were humble, nor kind. Ernest Sr., ironically, the only source income for the family was a business owner and the kindest one of all of them.

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On June 30th, 1810, the Ellis family were all down by the Bay, on the Ellis's Boat. Along with them, were Ernest Sr.'s best friend Henry Abbott, age 43, his wife Cornelia Abbott, age 40 and their children, Winnie Abbott, age 18, Curtis Abbott, age 16, Clayton Abbott, age 10 and Abbie Abbot, age 9. About 3:00pm, a small boat came sailing up the Bay, then stopped right next to them. There was no one on the boat. Then they heard a lady's cry. She said, "I must find my daughter. Help me!" Still, there was no one in site.

Ernest Sr.- Did you all just hear that?

Everyone- Yes!

Abbie- ( Moves closer to her father for protection) Daddy, I'm scared!

Eleanor- It's okay Winnie. Our father's will keep us safe. Right daddy? (As she also moves closer to her father).

Edmund- Well, I think that lady we heard Elea, is a a… ghost. ( jumps at his twin sister to scare her) BOO!

Clayton- (Laughing so hard he fell to the ground pointing at Eleanor) Look at her face! Hahahaha!

Eleanor- (Screams) Ed! Why did you do that (she pushes him).

Pearl- Alright you two stop. I don't know what that was but I'm sure your father and Henry will keep us safe.

Ernest Sr./Henry- Sure thing!

Henry- Nothing is going to happen. Just someone out in the distance trying to scare us. That's all.

Cornelia- If you say so hun. I trust you (kisses her husband on the left cheek).

The older kids hopped into the empty boat that rowed next to them. There was absolutely nothing in it. So the other kids had decided to join them, while their parents stayed on the Ellis's boat. Hours had passed, Eleanor, Edmund, Clayton and Abbie, all had fell asleep in the boat. It was around 9:00pm. The lady was back, this time they saw her.

Curtis- Hey, there's a lady standing over there ( pointing to the lady), she looks lost.

Ernest Jr.- Why is she wet? I didn't see anyone come out of the water or go in, for that matter.

Winnie- Right! She's probably the ghost from earlier. ( Laughing historically) Haha, are you guys scared because you two sure look it.

Ernest Jr.- Of coarse not. I'm almost a grown man! Why would I be afraid of a ghost? If, that's even what she is?

Curtis- I'm older than you and I'll shit my pants, if that's a ghost.

Winnie- Mom told told you to stop using that kind of language.

Curtis- She can't hear me and you better not tell (shoving her just a bit).

The kids were busy arguing and didn't notice that their parents boat was no where in site. The fog surrounding them and the steadiness of the boat, also kept them from noticing that movement. When they did, they woke up the younger children and starting scream.

All The Kids- Mom! Dad! (repeatedly)

Abbie- I'm really really scared now (shivering from the cold).

Curtis- ( Grabs Abbie and tucks her under his arm) It'll be ok little sister. Don't be afraid. I'll keep you warm as well.

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Back at the parents boat.

Ernest Sr.- Were did the kids boat go?

Pearl/Cornelia- ( Hysterically) Please, please, please, find our babies!(

Ernest Sr./Pearl/Cornelia/Henry- (Screaming in unison and separately) KIDS! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS! GET BACK HERE NOW! THIS IS NOT FUNNY CHILDREN! NO, IT'S MOST DEFINATELY NOT! IT'S UNEXCEPTABLE! YES IT IS! ERNEST JR.! WINNIE! ABBIE! CLAYTON! ELEANOR AND EDMUND! CURTIS! ( Repeatedly calling out the children's name. For about an hour and a half before heading back to shore)

Henry- That lady appeared at the edge over there. She must have been the one from earlier asking for help to find her daughter.

Cornelia- I saw her as well. Then the fog came, and she disappeared. I looked over to the children to tell them to come back over here, because I felt uneasy seeing that lady. Why was she wet? Yet, was not in the water. There was no children, when I looked over and no boat. Then you all noticed too.

Ernest Sr., Pearl, Cornelia, Henry all headed back to shore, to see if the kids had just went back to shore themselves to wait for them. Maybe the kids just couldn't hear nor see them due to the fog and the noise of the waves (the parents were saying). When they got to shore the kids were not there. The sent the parents in full panic mode. They got onto their horses, removing the wagons for the children, so that the horses could move faster. The plan was to head straight to the town's Sherriff's office. As they were leaving Pearl, looked back just in case the children appeared. Instead, she saw a lady standing on the boat, waving bye, with a sleigh smile, but she didn't look alive.

Pearl- Hey you guys there's a woman waving at us and she's on our boat but doesn't she appear to look.... I don't know. Maybe my eyes are going bad.

They all stopped their horses to turn around.

Ernest Sr.- Is that the lady from early, that you two were talking about, Henry?

Henry- Ye-

Cornelia- THAT... most certainly is her, she's still wet! How? And How did she get there? There was absolutely no one on shore nor in the water when we got to shore.

They all glanced at one another, had cold chills. When they looked back at the boat the lady was gone.

Henry- I don't want to think this, but maybe just maybe, she is a ghost.

Ernest Sr.-(Laughing) Believing in Ghost? Is that what we're doing now-a-days, huh, Henry? There is no such thing. She's messing with us and if she knows where our children are she'd better speak up. There's going to be hell to pay if we don't find our children.

Pearl- How are we going to ask her when she's gone? Honey, this is no laughing matter. Henry isn't the only one who finds something odd about that lady.

Henry/Cornelia- Right!

They all looked at at each other in silence. They waited about 20 more minutes to see if the lady would appear again but nothing. So they left heading to the Sheriff's, at about 10:45pm. It was an hour ride to the Sheriff's station.

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Pearl- Help! Help! Please, help!

Deputy Axton: What is it Ma'am? What the problem?

Cornelia- We were out at the bay with our children and they were on a separate boat then us. I swear, we only looked away from the children for a few seconds but the fog came and then our babies were gone.

Henry- That's right! Now are you going to help us or ask more question?

Ernest Sr.- Um, Deputy! How old is this photo?

They all looked and were in shock.

Deputy Axton- Oh! That there, that's my great great aunt Nicola Beckwith. She was very popular in this town, she was a great healer. Our family and a few ours weren't so popular when they all lived in Salem.

Sheriff Clive- Now, now Deputy. Don't go telling old ghost stories about the old family's.

Ernest Sr.- Hey Sheriff, we've seen this women. How is she the Deputy's great aunt?

The Sheriff and the Deputy glanced at each other.

Sheriff Clive- Our family's move here from Salem, together. We have a long history amongst our families. Where did you see her?

Cornelia- Well first, we all heard a woman's voice crying out for her daughter. We were about half a mile from the shore. Then, the boat that the children were on appeared. No one was on it. So we let them use it. Next, the kids disappeared, my husband, Henry and I saw her on the shore by the bay. After that, we saw her again right before we left the bay but this time she was on our boat. Every time, she was wet but never in the water it would seemed.

The Sheriff and the Deputy took another look at each other.

Deputy Axton- Well, I'm sorry to inform you all but that can't be my great great aunt. She did have one child though, her 10 year old daughter. About a year after our family moved here, Rose Beckwith, daughter and only child of my great great aunt Nicola and her husband Godwin Beckwith, had gone missing from her mother's shop. As I said before, my great great aunt, was a healer. Her shop still stands, about 2.5 miles from here. My sister runs it now. They searched for 3 years, and finally in the 3rd year they found a little girl's body. It had surfaced from the Bay. My great great aunt tried to heal her daughter back to life. She went crazy. Her husband got sick and died months after finding there daughters body. Which, from what the reports say, Rose drowned, no one saw her leave the shop. By everyone's account who was in the shop that day, no one else came in went she went missing. So, she had to have left all by herself. Anyway, my great great aunt Nicola went back to the bay and took her own life on the shore but her body washed away with the bay. We only know this, because the day she took her life there was a men, who was a mute but could write, at the shore. He couldn't stop her, but he ran as fast as he could to try. He was at the far end of the Bay on the Northside.

By Gabriel Kraus on Unsplash

Henry- WOW! You say yall's family is from Salem, correct? Are you all witches and stuff of that nature?

Cornelia- Well, it would explain why we saw your dear great great aunt Nicola. Wouldn't it?

Ernest Sr.- First ghost. Now witches. You guys are killing me.

A strange voice/a whisper- No, not yet.

Pearl-! Did you all just hear that?

Sheriff Clive/Deputy Axton- Hear what? Might we ask (looking at everyone coldly).

Ernest Sr.- Oh! Come ONNN! Even I heard that and was spooked.

Henry/Cornelia- Most certainly!

Sheriff Clive- How about we just go look for you all's children. How many did you all say there were? Wait... I know you all's children. Ernest Sr. and Pearl, you two have 3 children. Henry and Cornelia, you all have 4. Correct?

Ernest Sr./Pearl/Henry/Cornelia- That's right!

Deputy Axton- Alright, it's late. We were about to close up for the night when you all came in, about an hour and a half ago. Let's just go look for the children. Alright!

It's about 1:20am, when they all got on their horses and rode off back to the Bay. They got there at around 2:20am. It had started to rain when the got there. The lanterns they had went out, so they all had to wait until sunlight to continue their search. Sheriff Clive and Deputy Axton, pointed the way to "safety", getting dry and waiting until Sunrise. There was a pathway on the Southside of the Bay. Pearl, Cornelia, Ernest Sr. and Henry, didn't notice the path way earlier or anytime that they have visited the Bay. The path lead to a house hidden by tall brushes, grass, and trees. Almost like a many forest. The cottage style house looked out of place, like it shouldn't be there. They all were suspicious, but they gathered their horses, and walked with them following the Sheriff and the Deputy, anyway. As they got to the door they smelled food. Which was odd because there was no smoke from the chimney and they didn't smell a thing until they got to the door. The lights, however, were on. Yet it hadn't seem like anyone was there and from the way the food smelt, it seemed to still be cooking.

By Maksim Istomin on Unsplash

The Children

The fog had cleared. The children all saw the shore. The eldest children rowed the boat back to shore. When the got there. The lady was there again. Looking right at Abbie. It was about 11:45pm.

Nicola- ( Pointing and approaching Abbie) My daughter!

Abbie- (Screaming and crying) NO, NO, NO! YOU'RE NOT MY MOMMY. I WANT MY MOMMY!

Nicola- Oh, Rose. Stop this and come home!

Curtis- (Swinging the paddle) GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BABY SISTER, BITCH!

Winnie/Clayton- ( Yelling and charging towards Nicola at the same time Curtis swung) YEAH! GET AWAY FROM OUR LITTLE SISSTER!

Ernest Jr.- Stay behind me Eleanor and Edmund (grabbing his own little brother and sister with a concerned look on his face), don't move away from me. Ok you two?

Eleanor/Edmund- (Crying) Ok, big brother!

Nicola- ( Moved from the swing of the paddle but only saw they wouldn't see it go through her) Well, That's no kind of language to use in front of a lady, young man. ( Moving, towards Ernest Jr.) I don't want those brats! None, of them are myyy... DAUGHHHTER!

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Curtis- Bitch! Don't tell me how to speak. When you're trying to take my baby sister like she's yours.

Ernest Jr.- I'm just protecting my twin siblings as well.

Nicola- Mmmhuh. This will be harder than I thought (disappearing into the night).

That's when a pathway seemed to have magically appeared. Winnie is the one who spotted it. As there were no parents, and no horses in sight. Only the wagons the kids rode in on. They were too cold to walk home. They all followed Winnie to the path. They assumed it was safe because the lady disappeared off into the other direction. Curtis then lead the way forward, and Ernest Jr. stayed in back. They used this tactic in order to protect the others, because they knew at this point that Nicola would be back. About 2 blocks away from the Bay, short blocks, hidden within a small forest, Curtis saw a small cottage with the lights on. At least, from the outside it appeared small. There was the smell of food when they got to the door as well. They were soo hungry they could eat an entire cow. When they entered they soon wished they hadn't.

Nicola Beckwith

After her death, her family and the Clive family each casted spells. Spells that would give them long life and the ability to change looks, grow old and seemingly die of old age. Yet, they did not. The Digby family didn't partake in the spell to live long but through the next generations of their witches, in Ipswich, MA, they help and kept in contact with the others. Nicola and her husband spirts didn't leave the earthly plane, they were curse to roam as ghosts by their own spell binding. They did this to find their daughter before Godwin, the bound their spirits to search for her and then bring themselves back. Nicola was bind by the Bay and Godwin was bind to their home. The family remove their house and most of the soil on their land and hid the house with spells by the Bay.

This way Nicola and Godwin could be together. They couldn't find their daughter for years, they give up because they knew her spirit was not bound to the earth. The decided to wait until her spirit returned to the earth, to her home, to them. Then Nicola saw the Ellis and Abbott family on the beach a month prior to her appearing in their presence. Abbie was her focus. She looked just like her deceased daughter and had the same spirit. Nicola devised a plan to bring her daughter back to them, to bring her memories back, and for her and Godwin to come back alive, truly. Helewis Axton was a Necromancer and this allowed her to move through the realms of the dead and the living, essentially teleporting. It was Helewis that the parents heard back at the Sheriff's office. The members from each family that are still alive under the "live forever" spell is:

The Axton Family

Richard Jr. and his wife Dorothy . Their daughters Grace, Emma and Mary his son Hugh(Deputy Axton). Richard Jr.'s youngest sister Helewis.

The Clive Family

The twin daughters Beatrix and Blanche. Their baby brothers Jacob and Reginald(Sherriff Clive). Also, as stated earlier, Ulric's baby sister, Alexandra.

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The Children

12:30am. After the children walked into the house there was strange looking people inside. Waiting to greet them, and gave them food. Everything felt off though. Like why was the house here and why are they just now knowing about it? It was not on any maps.

Curtis- Um, Thanks for the food and the warmth out of the cold. But I think it's time we take our leave and go search for our parent (Motioning to the other children' for them to move to the door).

Ernest Jr.- Good idea Curtis ( Grabbing Winnie's hand and his siblings who was closets to him). We should get to looking for our parent or going back to our home. So that our parents wont worry to much and know that we are okay and safe.

Helewis- Why? It's so late. Just wait until morning to go home. It's probably going to rain soon (moving in a circle around the children. now standing in the center of the room close to the doo). Walking back to your house would take a very long time without a horse. Then, she moved out of site of the children and disappeared.

Beatrix/Blanche- Yes! Stay for a while. It's been a long while since we had any company. Let alone the livelihood of children.

Blanche- Lighten up. Stay here and keep warm, eat some more and sleep.

Winnie- (Chuckles nervously) Hahaha. Sleep! Really, in this creepy old house that just appear out of nowhere? We shouldn't even be in here ( Looking at her little brother scornfully).

Curtis- ( Screaming) Well, your the oldest! And Ernest Jr. is next. Are you jerking my leg? Why do you all listen to me?

Ernest Jr.- You don't give us much of a choice. You think then react. Sometimes you're right. If anyone tries to tell you any different, you'll have a gas ass fit, and go with your idea anyone. We follow and listen because you need the protection not protestation. ( Shrugging his shoulders) Although, all day and tonight, your leadership has put us in some manure.

Clayton/Abbie/Winnie/Eleanor/Edmund- That's right!

Clayton- You're off big brother. Now we're stuck here in this creeps house. I feel scared because I don't think we will be leaving this place.

Eleanor-( Hits Clayton on the arm) Please! Don't talk like that.( starts crying) I want to see my mommy and dad again.

Clayton- (Grabs Eleanor and hugs her. The other's exchange glances) I'm sorry Eleanor. I should have thought that through before saying it out loud.

Edmund- I knew you two liked each other. ( sticks his tongue out at them) Eww!

Ernest Jr.- (Slaps the back of Edmund's head) They are too young to like each other but if they do... Well that's okay, too. The will get older and marry each other because they already knew each other ( Looking into Winnie's eyes).

Abbie- Aww, big sis. I think you have an admirer ( giggling).

Eleanor- Right!

Clayton- Marriage! I'm not marrying anyone. I'm 10 years old, for goodness sake.

Eleanor- Mmmph! Well, don't talk to me anymore because I would have married you when we got older. Now, I'll just find a new boy to like and then love and marry (storming off to a chair).

Clayton- Lady! Are you serious. WE ARE 10 YEARS OLD! I have like 5 years to still just be a kid. If, we live.

Dorothy- Well, well, children. Follow me. I'll show you all to your rooms to sleep in.

Abbie- Where did you come? And were did the other lady go? I want my mommy. I don't want to sleep here.

Nicola-( Voice only) Don't worry my precious daughter. We'll be together soon.

Curtis- What in the living hell! Did you all hear the creepy lady's voice? I didn't see her.

Ernest Jr.- I most certainly did!

Winnie- I definitely heard her but didn't see her either.

Eleanor/Edmund- What's going on here!


Richard Jr.- Children! Just listen to my wife. My sister went out and she told you all it's a long walk home and it will be raining soon. Dorothy will be taking you all to your rooms now.

The children agreed. Boys in one room and girls in another. The boys were in their room first. Nice, warm and cozy. They immediately fell asleep. The girls room was a little further down.

Eleanor- Ma'am how is this house SOOO BIG? But on the outside, sooo tiny.

Dorothy-( Laughs) Magic, honey. Here you girls go, your room. Sleep tight, don't let the night crawling bite (She closed the door, looking happily at Abby).

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The girls fell asleep fast as well. 2:45am The parents enter the house.

Sheriff Clive- Good morning aunt Alexandra.

Alexandra- I keep the food warm and made muffins.

Henry- Aunt!

Ernest Sr.- I thought she may have been you wife!

Pearl- Most certainly. She looks the same age as you.

Alexandra- I'm years older but thanks for the compliment.

Jacob- Everything is ready brother.

Sheriff Clive- Okeydokey!

Deputy Axton- While we're on the subject of aunts. Has mine come back yet?

Helewis- Right here, nephew.

Grace- We do have guess. You all must be starving? Come come. There's plenty of food to share.

Cornelia- Before we go eat. I must address something. ( Pointing at Helewis) What's your name?

Helewis- It's Helewis.

Cornelia- I'm good with faces, names, and voices. Yours...sounds familiar. Like the voice without a person attached to it back at the Sherriff's office.

Helewis- I just got here but I can assure you...(glancing at her nephew and the Sherriff) I was not at the Sherriff's office.

Henry- Yeah, honey! They said it was nothing. Probably was something new the Sherriff and the Deputy were trying out. I'm starving (Rubbing a rumbling stomach), lets eat. Okey-doke!

Pearl- I'm with Henry on this one. I'm hungry. There's no way to find the children and it's to cold and dark out to try(Jacob and Sherriff Clive exchanged looks). We'll eat, get dry, relight the lanterns and then continue the search for the children ( Dorothy and Richard Jr. looked at one another).

Beatrix/Blanche- Yes. Stay and eat!

Cornelia- Nope. See, where on God's earth did the creepy twins, adult twins, I must say... Come from? This doesn't feel right.

Henry- Honey! Let's be polite to these nice folk and eat please.

Cornelia- You all go a head. Eat! I will not. I'll keep my eye on this bunch.

They walk into the dinning room with the Sherriff and the Deputy. They all set down at the diner table and began to feats. Cornelia couldn't resist. After 10 minutes her stomach started aching from not having eat in nearly 10 hours, but with all the drama it felt like days. Then a voice angry and tired of waiting.


Godwin- I'm sure tire of waiting as well.

Pearl- What was that?

The lanterns and candles in the room went out. It was now about 4:ooam. The sun will be up soon. The witches had all the windows covered, so that the "guess" wouldn't notice morning. Which didn't matter anyway.

Henry- What happened to the light?

Ernest Sr.- Honey, where are you (Feeling around in the dark in the direction he knew his wife to be in before the lights went out)?

Pearl- (Grabbing his arm) I'm still right here darling.

Helewis- Me as well.

Ernest Sr.- Who was that!?

Cornelia- That was Helewis! Where did you come? I knew this shit was off and weird.

Henry- Language! Honey bun, ladies should not speak with such a tongue.

Cornelia- Oh, horses shit we do! Our children are still missing and I tried warning you all about this creepy shit earlier. That's the voice who said we were going to die.

Henry- I don't remember it like that.

Cornelia- I do! Where are you so that I can come closer?

Helewis- I'm right here.

Cornelia-( Screaming) You are not who I was taking to.

Helewis- Are you sure about that ( Her voice then sounded just like Henry's). Wickedly laughing

Henry- I'm right here hon. I have you in my arms. I can't see you. Are you okay you stopped talking.

The candles and lanterns came back on. Henry was looking around but still talking to Cornelia.

Henry- Where did the Sherriff and the Deputy go? I could have sworn I heard Helewis.


Henry- BABY!( Shaking his wife. Who's body was still and open eyes,. That were white and grey, instead of there sky blue) CORNELIA! BABY, GET UP! I BELIEVE YOU ABOUT THIS PLACE. WAKE NOW, SO WE CAN GO ( FANTIC AND SHAKING HIMSELF. HE STARTED SOBBING)!

Ernest Sr. went over to his best friend and grabbed him.

Ernest Sr.- I'm sorry about Cornelia, but Henry, we have to go. We still have the children to find.

Henry- You guys go! I'll stay here with my Cornelia ( Picking her up, he slid is legs under her cold corpse and just held her sobbed). I'm soo sorry baby. I should have listened. a man like me didn't deserve a women like you. Come get us after you all find the children.

Ernest tried one more time to pull his best friend free from his dead wife's body. When he couldn't he gave up and he and Pearl left the room. As soon as the did. The door closed behind them. Henry didn't budge nor looked away from his dead wife. They ran for the front door but it seemed further away than they remembered. They actually made it to the door only to discover, that there were no locks. Just a knob that didn't twist. Pearl and Ernest Sr. turned around.

Pearl- Hon! Is that the woman we saw by the Bay?

Ernest Sr.- That is most certainly her. Wet, not in water or just out. This time she looks transparent.

Nicola- Ghost! The word is ghost. A spirit on the earthly plane without a body.

Pearl- HA! Ghost do not exist!

Helewis- Look at these still pictures (Showing them a photos of their families. Then each one transformed into what originally looked like. Except for Nicola and Godwin, of coarse).

Ernest Sr./ Pearl- How did you all do that?

Beatrix- Ghosts exist (wickedly laughing).

Blanche- Witches exist (whispering while appearing in front of them and then disappearing).

Ernest Sr. fainted. Pearl started screaming and went down to her husbands side. Emma and Mary casted a spell to put Pearl asleep and keep them both asleep, until they wake them. Much like what they did to the children but the children's sleep spell had other spells within it. The Ellis and Abbot children were spelled to think that there parents had died, and that Abbie never existed in their lives, when the awaken. The spell also included that, it was up to Ernest Jr. to take over the family business and take care of his younger twin siblings. For him to marry Winnie, employ Curtis, and care for his new wife, and her youngest brother Clayton.

By Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

The Ceremonial Ritual

Abbie-(Waking) Where are I? Where's my brother's and sister, and my friends? I want my mommy and daddy (Crying).

Nicola- I am your mommy Rose. You just have to remember.

Godwin- Yes, my darling girl. You must remember.


Ernest Sr.- What! What is going on? Let Abbie go! Where are all of the other children and Henry? Untie my wife and I and give us back our clothing. At this instance ( Noticing that him and Pearl were naked under white sheets, with hands and feet tied together but not each other, Also, spell bound to the floor)!

Abbie- Mr. Ernest, where my mommy? You only asked about my daddy!

Ernest Sr.- I... She. Oh sweet girl, you mommy is...

Helewis- ENOUGH!

In Helewis's anger she casts the spell to remove Ernest Sr. From his body sooner than expected. Beatrix and Blanche then work on the spell to remove Abbie's memories of being Abbie and replace them with memories of being Rose. She had to be a wake for the process. Ever thing had to happen simultaneously, for the entire Beckwith family to be alive and together again. That's why Helewis impatient anger almost created a problem. After she removed Ernest Sr.'s spirit, she then removed Pearl's, and made sure that their spirits would move on. Henry, had found a way to kill himself in order to be with his wife. Helewis did the same for their spirits as well.

As Beatrix removed Abbie memories, Blanche replaced them with Rose's memories, the spirit was in fact the same. At the same time Helewis was placing Nicola and Godwin's spirit in their new bodies. When the ritual was over. The cover plan was in place and it was like Abbie never existed. The rest of the children, well, except for Ernest Jr. and Winnie who would now be consider full adults with responsibilities, woke up in the 2 days time at the Ellis's House (Many mansion).

Rose- Mommy! Daddy! I missed you! I died. How am I here?

Nicola- Oh, my darling daughter! ( Grabs Rose and hugs her tight) You died but we got you back.

Godwin- Yes, my sweet girl. We all, ( Arms out suggesting everyone involved) brought you back.

Rose- Good! So did you get him, did you all kill him?

Everyone in Unison- HUH! WHO?

Nicola- Rose, who are you speaking of?

Rose- The man who killed me? Did you get him? I saw him out side your shop mommy, I went to help him because he seemed like he needed it. I thought he was coming inside but he snatch me and all I know it a woke up in a house but I couldn't see out. I didn't know were I was. I used spells to try to leave but nothing worked. I heard a female voice talking then the man can in the room were I was talking back with her but she couldn't be seen and used paper to speak with her.

Nicola- He used paper to speak with her?( Glanced a worried look at everyone)

Rose- Yes, he was mute. I think he might have been deaf. Anyway, He took me into another room and I assume killed me somehow. I was a spirit and then the man wrote on a piece a paper some words I didn't recognize. The lady's voice said them, then I was gone. When I woke up I was Abbie and had forgotten that I was Rose.

Sheriff Clive ran to the other room and grabbed a still picture.

Sheriff Clive- Was this the man, Rose? The man who killed you.

Showing her the photo of the deaf and blind man. No one questioned him seriously, at all in Rose's disappearance. They didn't bother when she was found died.

Godwin- Is that the man darling?

Rose- Yes! Oh, man! So he got away with it and you all didn't kill him.

Helewis- Nicola. You bound your spirit to the earth, correct? When you appeared as a ghost you said that you killed yourself but that same guy was on the beach and we never recovered your body. Are you sure you killed yourself and that's why he was running towards you but didn't make it in time?

Nicola- Yes... Well. I'm not sure. It's all still a blur. I remember him running towards me and me dying.

They all looked at each other.

Nicola- What happened to him anyway?

Grace- He disappeared right after your spirit reappeared. Remember?

Nicola- NO.

The End!


About the Creator


Just a woman in a world of glorious people, with immeasurable souls. Some are lost, some never have been, and others are found.

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