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Holy Enemy Number One

Also Known As Friend 'A The Devil

By P. B. FriedmanPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Holy Enemy Number One
Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash

Paranormal ( this is my newest moniker for the poor derelict unfortunately destitute soul Vocal claims to subscribe to me ) here is your fix for the day. I remember a many years deceased person ( described on YouTube as The Late Great Jon Doe ) telling a future bandmate of his that there are lots of songs that sound like other songs. He was picking Friend Of The Devil on Max, a beater type acoustic instrument at the time and I got what was meant by the statement as a fellow amateur musician at the time of the high school variety. Yet it is rare, for the most part, that musicians are involved in a He's So Fine/My Sweet Lord style of controversy a la the late Beatles guitarist G. Harrison.

Any new way, I find Cheap Trick's I Want You To Want Me to sound eerily like G. O'Dowd could cover it or have written and recorded it but I do not do anything professionally, by way of explanation as to how I easily mistake things of this nature for factoids. Speaking of the facts, Ma'am, just the facts Vocal censors everything I type here with the exceptions being story/piece/article titles and subtitles. Not only that but I am unable to use Quick Edit, due to my being a non dues paying V+ hack.

Forty + plus years ago, like most of my patented recollections I remember overhearing and accidentally eavesdropping on someone stating to a lefthanded girl that most lefties write with a hooking motion. So I pondered regarding self trained ambidextrous scribblers and concluded that this statement might easily be disregarded, being as how it does not seem to hold true in my own case. I took decades to master this trivial skill, though. Some other person might well disprove my theory ( like anyone cares or gives a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut ) .

Understandably, it is a rarity that anyone reads my technologically primitive offerings here, if for no other reason than people love flashy offerings. Bells and whistles sell The Black Ball Berry Line ( Up In Seattle ) to say nothing of everything else these days.

Britney Spears is her own owner/operator again, if something I read ( or heard ) is accurate. I wonder if there will be someone else in a situation similar to Ms. Spears who will somehow have a similar result, regarding what I understand to be, in just about one hundred percent of these cases iron fisted control of one person by another. If so, would anybody care were the person in question of the opposite gender? I am doubting it.

As usual I assume that I could be wrong about all of this. The only guardian/conservatorships I have been made aware of, other than Ms. Spears' involved self described retarded people, of which I myself ( as well as an ex acquaintance or two ) once was one. Ms. Spears seems to now suggest that conservatorship originated in her mom's cranium as a concept. In my experience generally it does originate with a so called close relative ( as was the case with myself a handful or so years ago ) .

Taylor Swift ( no one ever calls her Tay Lo" ) supposedly somehow arrived at Nashville as a destination before her sophomore age year in high school would have been complete. She hails from West Reading originally; Pennsylvania, that is. I spent a night hospitalized there in my late teens.

Tabloids and Paparazzi have speculated to little or no avail that the two of us would be highly likely to remain for the most part ignorant of one another despite our few disparities.

I must have been experiencing some weirdly psychotic, type A. phony baloney episode this other morning whence this garbage began spewing forth. I mean I thought I wanted to rant/rave brilliantly about how Ms. Swift and I have so much in common and what not. It is true that she and I did do business with Nashville back in 2003 of a musical nature. We are both refugees in the south originally from Pennsylvania, however the similarities begin before dead ending, right there. It is also true that neither of us qualifies as a fan of the other. That is not to say that her recent SNL video was unwatchable, boring or anything. Her brand of ( country ) music simply does not appeal to me, personally. In fairness, I'm not a country fan.

I feel as though I am going through the motions, as they say this evening, as I type. I just read or absorbed some news and I guess I need to try to make a little something out of it. John Cleese decided not to do his act at Cambridge according to The Daily Wire/Shapiro. The problem is that he thinks somebody would object to him, due to someone objecting to somebody similar to him. Effectively, he blacklisted himself.

Meanwhile Chelsea Handler and Jo K are together, romantically. She now, at age forty six, has renewed belief in the opposite gender.

Jen Psaki seems attractive/believable and has recovered from the pandemic virus. Her boss seems similarly impressive if not downright entertaining. I mean, at least he does not offend the opposite gender. Keep in mind, I am typing on a Sunday night when I tend to be relaxed. Tomorrow morning all bets are off.

Even non Cowboy pro football players get the blues. A. J. Brown revealed, along with a handful of others that he has mental problems. He contemplated ending his life last year.

Cam Newton has no reason to feel similarly, on the other hand, now that he is back playing for the Carolina Panthers. This makes sense; he had his greatest success there and is a former Heisman Trophy winner who starred in the deep south while in school. He scored two touchdowns while making his return debut, one on the ground and one through the air. He is liked and respected in the locker room; I guess you call it a feel good story.

Someone needs to calculate the percentage of would be authors/bloggers/scribes here who use this mainly as something therapeutic if not mildly sedating. I believe we are living in an age of psycho therapeutic overload.


About the Creator

P. B. Friedman

Touch magazine profile. My name is Paul Friedman and I write off. The wall poems, which people don't like and good ones that they do. I'm a sports freak.

The last sentence no longer holds true. My interests are dominated by feminism.


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