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Hidden In The Closet

Secrets Kept

By Pamela JohnsonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Hidden In The Closet
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

It was a hot summer! I had traveled from California to Oklahoma to give my sister Lynn a break. She was a full time care giver for our elderly mother. Lynn picked me up from the airport and we began our two hour road trip to the small town in Northern Oklahoma were she lived with my Mom. My Mom had stayed home with our friend Shirley, who was keeping a watchful eye on Mom in Lynn's short absence. My mother could no longer deal with heat and was on oxygen 24/7. We chatted about our respective residences and joked as we usually did. We were thirsty so we pulled into a road side market for a bathroom break and drinks. When we re-entered the vehicle Lynn's expression had changed. She looked troubled.

"Sue", she said. " I was cleaning Mom's closet the other day and I noticed something on the top shelf almost hidden in the back. It looked like a package and appeared to be wrapped in brown paper. I couldn't reach it. I am sure that it was not there before. I have never noticed it when I go into get Mom's clothes. What do you think it could be?"

"Did you ask Mom about it?", I replied.

"Yes, but Mom asked me what I was talking about teasing me that I was seeing things. I went and looked again and I was definitely Not hallucinating! There was a package and it was up there and out of reach."

"You will have to show me and maybe I will get a chance to ask Mom about it too."

We contemplated about the contents the rest of the trip home.

"Lynn, do you think it is just something of Mammaw's and she forgot it is there? Gee, I hope it is not a dead hummingbird or something like that which Mom might have wrapped up and left there to mummify. You know Mom's affinity towards hummingbirds. "

Our Grandma Hyatt did take her little budgie bird and put him in a shoe box on the top shelf of her closet when he passed. Our sister Ann had found him when she had gone to Indiana with our Dad, before he died, to make final arrangements for our grandmother. It was quite a shock when Ann opened the box and found little "Jimmy" perfectly preserved inside. He had probably been there more than 25 years!

" No, I don't know what it is."

After arriving home and settling in we visited with Mom and Shirley for a bit. Mom dozed off in her chair. Lynn called me into the bedroom and pointed out the mysterious little package in the top of the closet.

"Let's not try and get it now Lynn. We should wait until Mom goes to bed tonight and get the step stool and get up there and look. No, on second thought let me ask Mom about it first."

"Sue, maybe you shouldn't say anything. I already asked Mom and she will get annoyed at us. Mom can get grumpy if we bug her. She will get mad and give us the silent treatment until she gets over it."

For the rest of the day everytime I passed by that room I would sneak a peak at the little curiosity. I couldn't wait to get my hands on that package. It didn't look to have ever been opened but it was hard to tell since we could not see it in it's entirety. We stayed up late watching Netflix and Mom fell asleep in her chair. We got her tucked into bed and made sure she was asleep and tiptoed out to the garage to get the step stool. We made our way to the bedroom and Lynn climbed the step stool to get a better look.

"Yup, Sue there is a package wrapped in brown paper and it has a ribbon tied around it. It has not been opened. What do you think we should do?"

"I think we should get it down and give it a shake and see if we can figure out what is inside."

Down the package came but it made no sound upon shaking leaving us still clueless as to the contents.

"Lynn, do you think Mom might have wrapped this herself and has something inside for safe keeping?"

"Mom usually tells me everything and it kind of hurts that she would be hiding something from me and playing it off like it is nothing."

"Let's put this back and go to bed and we will ask her together tomorrow. If she pretends we are crazy we can show her the package and she can't deny it then."

The next day we took Mom to a medical appointment. This time I asked.

" Mom when I was putting my things away I noticed a brown paper package on the top of your closet. What is it?"

"Lynn asked me about that yesterday. I am not sure what you two are talking about."

"Oh, come on Mom your mind is as strong like a steel trap door. I am sure you must know."

"I don't have to answer that", she replied.

Two days went by and things were tense with Mom. The next evening she asked Lynn to bring her the package we had been inquiring about.

"Girls, I did not want you to open this until I was gone. I did not want to bring you undue hurt."

"What do you mean Mom," we both inquired.

"Phone Ann, then we will open this with her too."

We phoned our sister in Canada and explained the situation to her. Slowly and with tears in her eyes Mom untied the string and carefully opened the package without ripping it. Inside was a box. It looked like a stationary box. In it was an envelpe with all three of our names on it.

Ann, you are my only child by birth. When you were a little girl I became sick and was advised to have no more children. Surgical steps were taken so that I would no longer be able to conceive. Paul was not your birth father. It was another man named Miles whom I know nothing about any longer. Paul loved us and said it did not matter. In this evelope you will find the medal that Paul won in World War II. You have had to fight for everything in life and it has made you strong and resilient.

Sue, I know you loved your Dad dearly but he was not your birth father either. You were in foster care, born of a drug addicted woman. We took you in and fell in love with you. Inside this envelope is a key to our safety deposit box which contains three valuable diamonds, just like you. You have struggled in life. If you choose you may share a diamond with each of your sisters, but that will be up to your own heart to decide.

Lynn, you have been my special treasure. You too were not born of our blood, but found crying on a doorstep in the mid of winter. You and I have a special bond and understanding. Inside the envelope you will find a necklace with a heart and key on it. It is the key to my heart whether I am in heaven or on earth. We are eternally connected.

Girls, we were a family. I want you to understand that no matter how we came to be together and no matter where you came from Love tied us together. It was thus from the beginning and Love will bind us together in the end for all eternity.


About the Creator

Pamela Johnson

I am an amateur writer who loves expressing myself creatively through words when something brings inspiration to me. I love to read and explore all the creative arts. I enjoy hearing the expressions of others.

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