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He Stood Alone

Alien on Earth

By Hadayai Majeed aka Dora SpencerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
He Stood Alone
Photo by SIMON LEE on Unsplash

He stood in the field and as the night became day, he started to understand the truth of his heritage and promise he would never deny his family again. John had been ashamed to be an alien among humans. His family was from the planet Saturn. Due to the human arrogance, he felt so very different and not worthy to be in their presence when he was a child. His physical appearance was the subject of daily mocking and disdain by his human classmates. His long arms (twice as long as human arms), short legs and globe shaped head made him stand out everywhere he went. Oh yes, he was also sky blue in color. Why, oh why great universe am I this wretched looking being he would say to himself as a child. Why can’t I be human, as a child he longed to be human. Why did my people all have to die in the great war and leave me alone in this vast universe? He would ask himself this several times a day before he grew more knowledgeable and learned about his species greatness. Saturnians were a great people of intelligence and nobility.

John was born about five years after the great war broke out in the Milky Way galaxy the Saturnians fought hard against the Uranians however because of their culture of non-violence they were no match to the Uranians who were a war mongering race. The very existence of the Uranians in the solar system was that of conflict, war and inflicting pain on other species. They were of the conquering mindset. They must rule over all around them. The Saturnians were the very opposite they believed in living in harmony and peace in the galaxy and welcomed all who came among them in peace. Willing to share their food, lodging and culture with all they would encounter.

John was born in 2462 he was smart and had won a scholarship to attend school on earth just before the great war began in 2472. His father a scientist insisted he remain on earth when the conflict started. Many thought that it would not last long. All thought that the Uranians could be convinced that fighting with a people who were inferior to them militarily was not worth the expense and time. Also, many thought the Saturnians would be willing to come to some compromise and the conflict would be ended immediately. They were wrong, so very, very wrong. The Saturnians put up a brave fight and the Uranians refuse to compromise. When no compromise could be made the Uranians destroyed the Saturnians. Mars, Jupiter a Mercury supported the Saturnians. The Uranians had a strong military force with the most advanced weapons only out ranked by the Earth forces. Since Earth had developed strong diplomatic ties with most of the planets in the galaxy it was not in the battle. No one dare attack Earth.

Since most of the other planets in the galaxy needed the earth to varying degrees. Earth was supplying about one third of the galaxy with weather detecting technology, medical detoxifying agents for home use and safe solar batteries for home and commercial use. The Earth was a neutral planet and did not enter conflicts of any type. The academies on earth employ 10s of thousands of instructors (all grade levels) from throughout the galaxy and is home to many of the most highly advanced technology. On Earth you can beam from as far away as Mars with 99.999% percent accuracy and safety. The space docks on Earth can accept almost any ship from any planet to land as well as maintain the vessels of many other planets within the Milky Way galaxy. Recently Earth had built a pre-docking platform a few miles outside of the planet’s atmosphere to accommodate ships from outside the Milky Way. You dock on the platform and take a shuttle to Earth. This helps keep Earth free of any diseases that our medical infrastructure has not studied or have vaccines to prevent illness. It also keeps our agriculture safe from foreign, plants and insects.

Since he is the only one of his kind on Earth his privacy was an issue. On occasion he has local authorities following him and there have been a few abduction attempts. The science community wants to know more about him, and some are a bit on the ruthless side and do not observe the rules about how to treat extinct or nearly extinct alien species. He is officially on the extinction list and like animals in the past has protection from the government. This distinction also grants him a place to live, food and medical care. Unlike animals he does not have to live in a specific area of the planet however he does have a small tracking device implanted in his arm. From time to time he looks at it and gets very, very angry.

Not all is gloom and doom for him. He has a small circle of loyal friends who will fight to the death for him. This is how he was able to evade two abduction attempts. One time he was walking home from class and from out of nowhere two hooded thugs pounced on him and were able to subdue him. One of his friends Lynh (another alien) was able to save him by removing his mask and blowing on them. Lynh has breath that acts like a sedative. This is why by law he has to where a mask. He has two human friends who make sure he has a safe place to sleep. They take turns allowing him to stay in their homes actually in their bedrooms. Due to his value as an extinct species, they rotate where he sleeps to keep anyone from knowing exactly where he is at any time. They have also set up a safe place off world so he can get some rest as well and be at peace.

Their families are scientist and have a deep understanding and empathy for aliens. Since he is from a species known to be very loving and peaceful most who know anything about him do not fear him. However, there has been a growing anti-alien sentiment on Earth. Most of it is out of ignorance and fear. A lot of misinformation has been circulating in the media about aliens that is not based in fact. There is also a dangerous Earth First movement that is gaining in momentum. It threatens to damage all diplomatic relations Earth has with other planets.

John is not his birth name. His birth name cannot be pronounced in English. The closes name to his birth name of Ohn in the English language is John. The Saturnian language has a structure that has not one similar letter or symbol to the Earth language of English. His parents changed his name to the English name of John when he was accepted and received a scholarship to study on Earth. They felt that it would be easier for him to be on earth if at least the humans could easily pronounce his name. His body, blue color and long arms would be enough for them to have to adjust to and they knew the egotistical humans would tease and bully him because of his different appearance.

After the great war Earth has been pre-occupied serving as negotiators with other planets in the galaxy to hopefully prevent another war in the future. On a regular basis the Earth calls for meetings of the representatives of all eight planets in the galaxy plus Pluto to discuss what concerns them in hopes that all real and imagine grievances are heard and acted upon in a positive manner. John has become one of the diplomats representing Earth. He is the first non-human to be put into this position. He is witty, extremely intelligent and very open to hearing the views of other people. The Earth counsel had to push to get him to be appointed as a diplomat. The Earth First movement highly contested his appointment. This he hopes will be his chance to serve his new home and to represent the now nearly extinct Saturnians. John wants to quell the concerns of the Earth First movement about him as an alien with this appointment. If they see he is loyal to Earth maybe, they will end their objection to his presence on the counsel.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Hadayai Majeed aka Dora Spencer

Hadayai Majeed writes short, intriguing stories in many genres. The Joy of Islam series and Pieces of Me with Company are collections of her diverse works and those of others. Each book is unique always leaving the reader wanting for more.

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