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Flower of Embers


By A. L. BenwarePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. For so long it had laid barren until a single flower sprung from its center. A pulse of magic and wonder radiated from its glowing petals and into its roots, spreading throughout the land. The flower resembled that of a burning ember and, as if in natures response to its bloom, dragons began to populate the untouched, rolling green pastures. The magnificent, winged creatures lived in the Valley peacefully for millennia and it had become the dragons most sacred space as it was where they always returned to raise their hatchlings year after year. The young dragons would draw upon the natural magic of the land as they grew to be able to breathe their first dragon fire before moving on to distant lands all over the world. Then suddenly, the Valley was discovered.

The humanoid creatures with arched ears and delicate grace came into the lands in search of food, water, and shelter. They were led by one of their women who had been prepared to bargain whatever the cost to save her people. Her people were starving due to a blight within their once plentiful crops and were on the brink of extinction until finding the Valley. The dragons curled around their hatchlings and observed silently as the woman fell to her knees in awe of the beasts with her arms outstretched as a peaceful gesture as the oldest and wisest of the dragons flew down from his cave and landed just before her. The battered and dirty female was trembling, yet held her head high and he waited for her to speak.

"I am Queen Briana and I am here to save my people, wise one, we wish you no harm and will take our leave if you wish for us to do so," she spoke with her head bowed. Her long, moon colored, silken hair hung to the ground obscuring the milky skin of her face. The dragon was surprised she spoke in one of the oldest languages the world had known and stared at her with unflinching, crimson and orange eyes and decided to nod for her to continue. "If we could rest and find a bit of food and water I promise we will leave by tomorrow's sunrise."

"What if I do not trust that you will not speak of our haven?" the dragon replied and the only sign of the female's surprise was the slightest widening of her cerulean eyes, but she held her ground as the gargantuan dragon came closer. "What of the hatchlings that would face grave peril, should anyone speak of The Valley of the Firebreathers? For millennia we have roamed free, what if your kind or others decide to hunt us for our eternal flame?"

"I swear to you my people will not breathe a word, Majesty," she replied. "I swear that your hatchlings will not be harmed due to my people." He looked for the lie in her eyes and found none. The dragon let out a huff of smoke through his gigantic nostrils. He could scent her people's fear and his eyes softened as they roamed over the children peppered within her people.

"Will you take a blood oath, Queen?" the dragon asked. "Will you swear to cut down those who should threaten our land and even lay down your own life to protect it, even against your own kind?"

"Yes," she replied with no hesitation. He raised his gaze from the children to her. He could feel the hatchlings behind him looking at the small creatures with innocent curiosity. Not fear.

"Then you may stay as long as you like. Prove you are worthy of that oath and it shall be done when the sun reaches its peak on the morrow." The dragon turned away from the female and stretched his broad wings and leapt into the skies.

Queen Briana and her people stayed true to her word and each time she would prepare herself to take the blood oath the dragon would look at her and say "prove yourself, young queen, and it shall be done on the morrow." That was how they started each passing day. Days became months and months became years as the Queen and her people's lives became intertwined with helping to raise the dragon hatchlings. When five years had passed the queen finally decided to confront the dragon after once again denying her the oath.

"Why must we do this every morning?" she asked. "I have offered you my life and yet you deny me the seal of that promise day in and day out."

"I am waiting until such a time arises for you to remember that promise, your Majesty, and the time has yet to come," he replied as if the answer had been obvious all along. The dragon looked amused as he watched the queen's temper rise.

"Have we not proven ourselves in helping with the hatchlings? Have I not proven myself by staying here instead of heading out for new land for my kingdom?"

"I never said you had to stay here, Queen Briana, though I do enjoy your company," he replied amusedly. She crossed her arms over her chest and he could tell she was trying to withhold that blazing temper. "It is a shame the All Mother didn't have you born as a dragon with that hot head of yours." The queen's eyes opened wider in surprise and then she threw her head back and laughed until tears ran down her lovely face.

"She must have known I would have to put up with you, Lord Astro," she cackled. The dragon smiled and after she stopped laughing her face was once again serious.

"Surely, you do not assume your people will be the only ones to stumble across our land?" She thought for a moment and her shoulders fell as she shook her head. "Exactly, so when that time comes we don't know if we will be able to defend the land on our own. Your promise could be what saves us one day, Briana. I would not mind if we spent the rest of our days in peace, but that is a fools hope."

"I understand," the female said solemnly. The dragon's face seemed to fall slightly as he looked at the Fae female.

"I need to show you something, Majesty." Astro spread his massive wings and gestured for her to climb on and she did so. Within a few wingbeats they were at their destination in the middle of the Valley and she climbed off of his back.

"I can feel the magic!" she said in nearly a whisper as she dropped to the grass in front of a large boulder.

"This is where we keep our most significant treasure," Astro told her as he used a claw to tap the boulder which vanished at his touch to reveal a single, ember colored, glowing flower. The flower that was the very heart of what the dragons had become. Astro told the Fae Queen of the origins of the dragons and the importance to protect the flower at all costs.

"Why do you tell me this now?"

"I can feel a darkness coming, Majesty. It will be here sooner than I would have hoped and you needed to know so you can protect it when the time comes and I am not present to do so."

"You will not die so easily, Dragon Lord, I will not allow you to admit defeat so quickly," the queen replied haughtily. Almost as if on command, a darkness fell over the land as a black army overtook the rolling green land. The queen spun to the old dragon. "You knew they were coming."

"It was whispered on the winds. The sun is at it's highest peak, Briana," he said knowingly. Without hesitation the queen pulled out a dagger and sliced it across her palm as the dragon used a claw to cut across his scale. As their blood flowed he spoke again. "Do you, Queen Briana of the Fae, swear to protect this land and all who inhabit it? Do you swear to keep the secrets to yourself to protect us? Do you swear your allegiance to me, Astro: Lord of Dragons?"

"I do," she said unwaveringly even though tears streamed down her perfect cheeks. She made to clasp her palm over his scales, but he recoiled.

"Do you swear, Queen Briana, to go down in history as one of my most dearest friends?" The queen's face softened as she spoke once more.

"I do." With that she slammed her palm onto his crimson and gray scales and the oath fell into place. Screams sounded as Briana saw Astro fly as a dragon for the very last time.

1,250 years later...

"You must protect it at all costs, Astraea, you are the last of the bloodline," the Dragonkin male shouted. It took everything the Fae female had not to rip out his throat.

"I am fully aware, Davion, what is it that you have to do?" Astraea spat. "You are more Dragon than anyone, why does this land upon me?"

"Because you are the last of Briana and Astro's bloodline, Faeling," Davion growled as the female scoffed. "Believe you me, I would take it on solely if I was able. The last thing the Dragons need is for some Fae, Thornapple addicted slut to ruin their existence!" He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. "Shit, Astraea, I-"

Astraea narrowed her eyes, took the package Davion had brought to her, and left the small tavern into the cold, rain soaked night.


About the Creator

A. L. Benware

I wrote my first poem in second grade, I had my poetry published in an anthology when I was 15 and now I think I have the beginnings of my first(-ish) novel in the works. My mind constantly builds worlds and stories that I hope to share!

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