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Fiona: Her Name and Beyond

A Writer's Unearthly Odyssey

By Dan NovakPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
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Mulligan's Entry Point, a quaint little pub nestled in the heart of Dublin, bustled with life as the evening sun cast long shadows on cobblestone streets. The centuries-old establishment had seen its fair share of characters and stories, and tonight, it was destined to be the backdrop for another tale, one that would set the stage for a most peculiar conflict... wouldn't you say?

As the heavy wooden door swung open, a gust of wind ruffled the menu cards on the tables, and the hum of conversation briefly ceased. In walked Fiona, a writer from across the Atlantic, whose journey had brought her to this unlikely place. Her dark hair framed a face that carried the excitement of exploration and the burden of loneliness in equal measure.

Fiona had moved to Ireland in pursuit of her dream – to write her first book, a novel that would capture the essence of this ancient land. She craved inspiration and a sense of belonging, both of which had eluded her since her arrival.

She took a hesitant step into the pub, her eyes scanning the crowded room for an empty seat. The patrons, lost in their own worlds of laughter and camaraderie, paid her no mind.

Then, as if fate itself were guiding her, Fiona's gaze landed on a stool at the bar. She made her way through the labyrinth of tables and chairs, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Sitting at the bar was a local who had frequented Mulligan's for as long as anyone could remember. Her smooth face gave the appearance of a model, yet her worn-down hands suggested otherwise. "Sinatra," she said. Fiona was nursing a pint of Guinness and seemed lost in thought, staring into the dark depths of her drink. Fiona thought, "Nice to meet you. Wait, I don't remember getting a drink."

Fiona took the seat next to her, trying to muster the courage to strike up a conversation. But before she could utter a word, 'Seems as though you have an uninvited guest,' Sinatra replied. Immediately after, as if emerging from nothing, the bartender flashed her a welcoming smile. 'What can I get you, lass?' he asked in a warm Irish brogue.

"A glass of water, please," Fiona replied hesitantly.

As the drink was being poured, she noticed a curious sight at the far end of the bar. A group of locals, led by a man known simply as Church, was engrossed in a heated debate. Church was a burly figure, his voice booming as he argued passionately with his companions. Fiona couldn't make out the topic of their discussion, but it seemed to be of great importance to them.

Settling into her seat, Fiona sipped her water and took in the ambiance. It was a world unto itself, a place where stories were born and retold, where secrets were whispered, and laughter echoed through the night. Walls were littered with bizarre knick-knacks and vintage photos. Seats were covered with silk and adorned with jewels. The water—oh, wow, the water is what seemed to set her right. Also, what happened to Sin? That's what I'm calling Sinatra. (Redacted) expound. "What was that?!" Fiona yelped. A sudden loud crash echoed through the pub, causing her to jump once more. No one responded; fear and confusion settled in. She finally took note that Sinatra was gone. Her vision started to blur, her legs gave way, and her head fell to the seat. As she began to wonder what was about to happen to her, darkness snapped the lights, and all was quiet.

Unbeknownst to Fiona, as she lay at the bar, she was about to embark on a journey that would take her far beyond the pages of her book. Little did she know that the conflict she would face – a battle to rid herself of an unexpected and unsettling presence. "Hey, I think he's talking about you... nah, I'm just playing." (Redacted) once more graced us with their presence.


About the Creator

Dan Novak

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  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Great work! Dublin is awesome 💜♥️

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