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Eye of Maldor

With his last bit of strength, he cut the chain that held the stone around the wicked sorcerer's neck - and with a horrible scream Maldor fell into the shadows, the stone was the eye that could break the dark times ...

By Dawn MichelePublished 2 years ago 19 min read
Eye of Maldor
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

"There weren't always dragons in the valley - I remember life before the dark times. The stone can end it all - the eye of Maldor. One of you can try to fufill the prophecy, and open the gateway to end it all. "

The king glanced around at his people, his arms widely outstretched. He stood on the center of the town square. Drystan stood by a brick wall towards the back of the crowd, a small smile creeping over his face. It had been mid afternoon, a light rain coming down on them he wore a hood that covered his face, covering his steel grey eyes. It had been five years since the last time someone had tried to defeat the dragons, and the wizard himself who had conjured them, Maldor.

The name itself, was now like a curse on the land. When he was a child, the name had only been a thing of myth and legend, fairytales in books. Time would show that he had been lurking in the caves of Eckling, on the outskirts, a dark place with deep valleys surrounding it and a dark river that seemed bottomless.

A few people had started to walk up, had started to take the stone in their hand. The prophecy simply spoke of one who had a pure heart, with selfless intentions, who did not want to take the challenge for mere fame or glory would be the one who could open the gateway.

A man with a bold walk and bright eyes came up, with long golden hair. A spark of unshakeable confidence in his eyes. He took the stone in his hand, holding it up for everyone to see, triumphantly.

A sly grin crossed Drystan's face once again, although he admired the man's self assurance - he had recognized him from walking the town. Philius Blackmore was stark and bold, quite loud and always knew the talk of the town. Drystan personally always found him to be more talk than game.

The crowd watched, waited for something to happen. Seconds passed, and yet the stone remained dull in colour. the drone of quiet chatter began in the crowd once again.

Before he could look at who may emerge next, a sudden hand pushed him against the wall, he could feel the crack of his back as his shoulders hit hard against the brick wall, he felt the breath come sharply out of him and he felt dizzy. Two hands that were unkempt with yellow nails gripped his cloak now, he looked up to see the face that stood his height exactly, the yellow eyes recognizeable immediately.

Sephtis's skin was porous and oily, his teeth were jagged when he smiled, it did not touch his eyes. He too wore a hood, a light rain beat down on the village square. A few strands of his oily sand coloured hair hung in front of his eyes, the rest covered by the hood.

"Hello brother. " He said cooly, yet he could feel his hands shaking. "Not the nicest way to catch up with you. " Sephtis's eyes shifted to the side, as if he was watching for someone, before they came back into focus. He felt his fingers tighten on the cloak, his nails like claws.

"You're behind this, aren't you!" He hissed. His voice was rough and gravelly, unpleasant. "Giving the opportunity of the eye to the people, when it was me, heir to the throne that should've taken it. "

He was shocked at s assumption. It had always been offered to the people, although there had been talk of it being offered exclusively to the three brothers after the last time, it had never been confirmed.

"How can I overthrow both the King and the heir of the throne ?" Drystan said in a disinterested tone. "If the King chose to offer it to the people, what am I to do ?"

Sephtis now nearly spat in his face as he talked, he bit his words out. "Because he listens to you, he trusts you. " His yellow eyes now darted again to the side, Drystan could not see what he kept looking at, yet he could not help but feel unnerved by it.

"He does not see... he does not see what..."

"What is it he doesn't see ?"

He could not help the curiosity that peaked. His father was wise, yet stubborn, his mind was not easily changed when it had been decided.

"If the stone were to choose me... If I were to go..."

"Then why are you not up there ? There is no law that you cannot go and try in front of your people. I was quite surprised to not see you already standing up there. "

"Likewise for you. " The venom in Sephtis's voice was chilling.

"I do not aim for power, or indestructible glory. I know very well that's what he who succeeds will have in the end. " He said lazily.

"Do you not wonder about our oldest brother? Whatever happened to him? If you took the stone, you might be able to find out!"

His jaw now clenching, he could the pride in Sephtis's eyes that something had finally gotten through to him. He could feel his eye twitch, his heart hammered in his chest rapidly, his breaths heavy.

"I think you know very well that Evander dead. He died twenty years ago, and thats the end of it. "

"How do you know ?" Sephtis cackled, the grin so malicious all of his jagged teeth were now bared. "How do you know ??" He shrugged his shoulders in mockery, his face coming to a faux sadness. "There was no body. No evidence of his death. You and I both very well know that it's up to chance, if he survives. "

The latter was unthinkable. Their oldest brother, the true heir to the throne, had tried to defeat Maldor, a man who had only been something of a legend, a myth that no one had believed to be true until he had brought darkness to the kingdom. No one had seen him since the day that he unleased the dragons, and no one had seen Evander. He knew his father had hoped he had been out there somewhere, yet Drystan had presumed him dead - rather than trapped by Maldor.

A suden breath came through the crowd, followed by a low murmur. Sephtis looked around him, flicking his head as if shaking off a fly, losing the train of thought that he used to taunt Drystan.

A young boy of about fifteen stood in front of the crowd now, he was an average height with dark red hair and deep brown eyes. He glanced nervously around, his face turning a bright red under the heavy blanket of freckles. He held the stone clumsily, and yet it glowed brightly, a vibrant crimson red.

Drystan recognized him quickly, the blackmiths son, Cedric. he had a fondness for the boy. He had been reminded of himself at that age - he had asked him many questions and listened intently, thanking him with a slight stutter at the end of their conversation. The stone had chosen him over those like Blackmore, and another, McNair, who were far more eagar for it's powers.

"The stone has chosen. " Said the King, the surprise also apparent in his voice - and perhaps Drystan detected a flicker of fear, worry for the young boy. "One brave heart, to defeat the dragons. "

"Rubbish!" Mcnair yelled from the crowd. He was a sly man, his features pointed like a rodents, abnormally tall and gangly. "A boy like him, you're sending him to his death ! Mark my words, I give him three days - "

The village now errupted in cries of doubt , of protest. The words mangled in with eachother, some yelling at McNair, others agreeing with him. The boys eyes went wide, his grip on the stone tightening in fear. McNair looked at Blackmore with a wicked grin, who stood silently. All talk and no game.

"Silence ! " Yelled the king over the crowd. His voice was like a thunder. The crowd's chatter fell immediately, they now looked between eachother. A few moments paassed, not a breath taken. Anger like fire burned in the King's eyes, and when he spoke again, his voice was nearly a whisper. "You speak as though no one has ever given you a chance, McNair. "

Drystan now looked at McNair, who's jaw had dropped as if he was chewing over what to say, many emotions passing through before he seemed to decide to hold his tongue. "Apologies. " He said with a dark smile. "Everyone does deserve a chance to prove themselves. " McNair then turned, stalking away.

The King now placed a hand on the boys shoulder, walking back towards the castle gates with him. Drystan had lost focus with the scene in front of him, before remembering once again that his brothers claw like hands still had an iron grip on him.

Sephtis's head whipped back around, he smiled wickedly. "Well well - " He murmured quietly. "How interesting, how very curious. What do you think prompted the boy to go up there? Maybe a dare from his friends, young fool. I personally, agree with McNair. That's an overestimate, three days ? I give him one. Can't turn back either. "

"Your cruelty baffles me. " He said quietly. "To laugh about something so morbid. I'm sure the stone would've seen you're cowardice anyways. Can't turn back - exactly why I do not see you up there. "

Sephtis's eyes flashed. "No! " His voice high and raspy now. "The joke will be on you, my slippery friend. I will win in the end. I'd watch yourself if I were you, dark forces surround these lands." His grip tightened one last time before letting go, before quickly heading in the same direction of McNair.

The people in the square now began to make their way back to their homes, the light rain that had come down on the town now becoming a heavy downpour. Drystan now looked around for Blackmore, who seeemed to want nothing to do with McNair at this time, but he had still been alarmed by how quickly he was the first he had looked to. He had many questions for him, perhaps he would talk this time, on what had happened. Yet he too had disappeared rather quickly.

Drystan took off at a slight jog towards the palace, could McNair and Sephtis now have something to do with Maldor ? The caves where Maldor was said to be hiding were said to be hidden by a spell, an invisibility cast over by the one who had control over the dragons, a spell sealed by the scales of ____. Yet had they found him - would one who had wholeheartedly intended to join him break the spell even without the stone ?


Twenty years ago, Maldor had come into the very same place, the town square outside of the palace. His memory was still clear of the night, he could remember the dragon he came onhad been the dark colour of pond scum, a murky colour with flat scales that did not reflect light. It's tail had been hooked, it had flicked it's tongue like a serpent, it's eyes were crimson.

He could still see dark cloak he had worn , he had not seen his face, yet he could hear his chilling laugh, the voice that had come in through the window piercing like ice. He had hidden inside, only being thirteen at the time. The King and Evander, the true heir of the throne and head of the guards had rushed outside. Rain had beat down on them, such as it had now, the cold water streaming down his face as he remembered the night.

"Sometimes, the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows. The nightmares are real when the creatures from them become alive." The voice that came from the cloaked man evoked a chilling dread within him. The man seemed to be weightless, sliding on the stone towards them. "I can tell you about the things I've seen, and how to stop them. You just have to join me - "

Drystan remembered the hand that was now outstretched to his father , a mottled, rotting colour.

"Join me, and I can lead you - "

He could not see the man's face under the hood, and yet he had now gotten close enough to the palace windows that he could see that his eyes were also glowing a crimson red colour.

"Never! " Evander had yelled, running forwards and pulling out his sword.

Drystan remembered the dark cloud that had come over them as they fought, the age of the dragons coming upon them. The King remained frozen on the spot, as if bound by spell at the dark cloud, unable to move. As the fog blanketed the clearing, Maldor pushed Evander with an unseen force to the ground. He hit the stone with a defeaning crack, Drystan could remember the tears that flowed down his face as he watched, too frightened to do anything.

"You are foolish to try and fight me, young one. " Maldor now said, his voice icy. Evander's breaths were laboured, came in great heaves. He now stepped towards him, a pendant on a silver chain around his neck glowing the same crimson as his eyes. He stood over Evanders's body, the look in his crimson eyes one of distaste.

"You were foolish to come here. " Evander murmured, before jumping to his feet, swinging his sword and cutting the chain that held the pendant. A terrible scream now echoed through the grounds, one that was not human, rather that of an animal - piercing the air. The fog gre thicker though the clearing now, rapid and rolling in in clouds, a dark grey colour, filling the area until nothing was visible. A few moments passed, he could hear the running of footsteps.

"My son!! My son!!! " Yelled the King, his voice filled with agony. "Evander!"

The fog slowly clearing, in horror Drystan watched as there was only the King. The dragon had gone, along with Maldor, along with Evander, as if none of them had ever been there - leaving the world in emptiness. Maldor and Evander were not to be found, but the dragons quickly surrounded them in the valleys, trapping them inside of the Kingdom.


As Drystan reached the palace now, he pushed the door open, thinking of the crimson glow the stone had in Cedrics hand. The red glow the same as Maldors eyes, the chain severing the tie inbetween the two.

He walked into the dark hallway that was lit with a few amber coloured lights, the hallways a light beige colour, statues and pictures of previous kings lining the halls. Pulling off his hood he shook it off the cold rain water, wanting to find his father before Sephtis did.

A woman now came out of one of the rooms at the end of the hall, her dark hair long and messy. She had given him a look of relief, before running towards him. The heavy gold jewlery she wore on her wrists and ankles clinking as she did.

"It's you. " She sighed. "The dragons, they grow stronger and more of them come to the outskirts of the land. I do not know how much longer that I can hold them off for. They grow stronger and greater in number. The eye, who holds it ?"

Amara had been a sorceress of great power, keeping the dragons at bay with a spell, keeping them locked in the outskirts of the valley.

"A young boy. " He said, they walked quickly now. "The blacksmith's son. Cedric"

"I knew it " She gasped. "I sensed it. A boy his age - to fill the prophecy. It all makes sense. " She was now deep in thought.

She had been the one the King had called upon about the stone many years ago on that fateful day. She had known of the eye of Maldor, she had been who had known him to be true beyond fairytales and legends.

"Maldor's powers grow stronger, I can feel it. There is something he's feeding on. The gateway between us and him grows smaller every day. I'm not surprised that someone like him would be the one to be worthy of the stone. He seems humble, kind."

She was walking quickly now, still deep in thought , her voice a low murmur, talking to herelf rather than him in particular.

"Sephtis seems to be up to something. " Drystan said.

"When is he not up to something ?" She asked. "He's been sneaking in and out of the castle for weeks now, at odd hours of the night too. McNair was in here the other night. Did you notice the way he looks now?"

"He was in here with McNair ?"

"Yes. " She said, side eyeing him. "I'll try to keep an eye on him here. When Evander cut the chain of Maldors eye, it broke the spell it had over Maldor. He is no longer immortal, and the boy may suceed."

"And if he is still, only a boy ?"

"Then maybe there is someone who can go with him as a companion. " She now glanced at him once again.

His lips now formed into a tight line, he nodded briefly. "Well then I hope that the King is open to the suggestion. I'm sure that everyone will jump at the chance again - "

"Not what I meant. " She cut him off. "You knew what I meant, Drystan. "

"Well, we'll see what happens. " He said cooly.

"You carry more weight on your heart than you did before. I feel the King will offer one of you to go. Who else would go with him? Sephthis? Or how about Nicholas?"

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the room where the rest would be waiting, Drystan deep in thought about the two others. Sephtis, would surely lead the boy to his death, a trap. His youngest brother Nicholas, he perceived overall sheltered, self centered and uncompassionate. He spoke in an oddly high pitched voice, one that was usually only used when extrememely nervous.

He had wished that he could've spoken to Evander, he had been like a mentor figure, a guide to him - fiercely loyal to the people, and the greater good. Evander, what would he have done ?

The room in the castle they now entered was also shaped like a circle, it stood directly behind the doors to the town square. Dim amber lights lit the room, the boy with the red hair stood in the center, as the King sat in a large navy coloured chair at the end. He sat stroking his beard, deep in thought yet not troubled.

"Come in. " Said the King. "It's so good to see both of you. We are just waiting for Sephtis and Nicholas. They should be here shortly. "

The door opening once again, Nicholas walked in - the King's guess of shortly turning to immediate. He had his hands clasped behind his back, he walked with an oddly quick, short legged pace. "Father!" His voice nearly a squeal. "Brother! Amara! So sorry I couldn't make it today. Busy work to do around here! Forgot all about it. Hmm!!" He shrugged.

"Quite a hard thing to forget my friend. Did you also forget that there were dragons surrounding us-"

A hard kick to the shin made him grunt. Amara had still stood beside him, clearing her throat. "Glad you could make it, Nicholas. We have much to discuss. "

Nicholas he shuffled his feet, his cheeks going red. "How kind! Your understanding of my mistake. " He nearly wheezed.

The door opening once again, for a third time, Sephtis now walked in, he looked out at them from under his brow. The rainwater still drenched his hair, it had curled up tightly. He seemed to be out of breath, panting heavily, his hand sliding across the door as he slinked in.

"Well well, our champion. " His voice slick. "I am so honoured to meet you, I was watching you as you walked up there to the stand. I sensed greatness in you as you went up - the smile and the twinkle in your eyes of a true hero. "

Drystan gritted his teeth and bit his tongue, Sephtis had him in an iron grip in those moments, only turning when the boy had taken the stone. Sephtis's charm was slippery, like an oil and many were easily fooled by him.

"What's your name ?" Cedric said, his voice wavering slightly before looking to Nicholas. "And yours ?"

"Sephtis, and this is my youngest brother, Nicholas. I'm guessing the middle one Drystan, has already introduced himself."

Sephtis now walked towards him like a predator closing in on it's pray, a slight swagger in his step. "It would be my greatest honour, to fight beside you, to protect the chosen one, to - "

"I wasn't smiling. " Cedric said, his voice no longer wavering. Drystan noticed held the stone tighter, caution clouding his eyes.

Sephtis stopped in his tracks, slightly hunched in his swagger he straightened up, as if the boy had just slapped him. Nicholas let out an awkward sound, a mixture between a hiccup and a giggle.

"I'm sorry ?" Sephtis said, the slick charm quickly fading, his voice dark.

"I wasn't smiling. " Cedric said firmly. "I was terrified to go up there, so I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. "

Silence now filled the room. The only sound that broke it a few seconds later, was Sephtis's laugh, which was an odd, disgenuine sound.

"Of course!" He said, his arms open dramatically. "I couldn't imagine otherwise ! You all knew what I meant, rhetorical smile of the champions - "

"I think we should let the boy speak now. " The king growled. "You should hear the reason why he went up to try and take the eye of Maldor. "

The question had been playing at Drystan's mind. Why would the boy of put himself in such danger ?

"My father is very sick. " The boy said. "He misses the days before the dark times, when we could venture into the valley. Now we're trapped behind the village walls, the solitude is making him ill. I fear he does not have much time left. But if I defeat the dragons, if I put an end to it all - "

Sympathy now flooded Drystan's heart. The boy was truly doing it for reasons that were not only his own, but to protect another life, to save it.

"I've decided the boy can choose on one you to go with him, only grown men have tried to open the eye of Maldor, and have all failed. Guard him. "

Drystan glanced at Amara, she had let out a small smile - one of knowing. Nicholas let out a small sound of fear.

"Surely - if someone volunteers - " Sephtis now said, his eyes darting back and forth.

"The boy picks. " The King said firmly.

"Father - " Sephtis said, bearing his yellow teeth once again. "Don't you think the future King ... the heir of the throne should... "

"I pick Drystan. " Cedric said. "I've spoken to him a few times in the town. He has always been kind to me, I trust him. "

Septhis's mouth hung open. The king now looked at Drystan, bowing his head slightly, the look in his eyes one of pride.

"And will you, take this on ? Do you accept ?"

Drystan looked back and forth between them, his heart pounding. He did not posess the skills many of the warriors in the town did, yet Evander wouuld've found the courage to take the task. Was this his chance to find him, could he save him as Cedric had put aside his fear to save his father ?

"I will. " He said, his voice coming out more assured than he had expected it to. "When do we leave ?"

The King beamed, tears coming to his eyes. "You will leave first thing in the morning. Come. We have much to discuss. "

The King now stood, Cedric following them clutching the stone. He could feel the hatred that slipped off of Sephtis as they left the room, taking a deep breath as the door swung shut behind them. -


A man in a dark cloak ran through the rocks of the caves, the jagged spikes hitting his feet hard, nearly tripping as he ran. His arms flailed as he approached a clearing at the end, kneeling down as he saw his lord with his back turned, the long cloak flowing on the ground behind him.

Quickly he kneeled, his pants echoing in the cave from the long run.

"What have you come to tell me?" The voice like ice, speaking quietly.

"My lord... " He gasped. "I failed. I am sorry. Someone took the stone."

There was a long silence. "Who was it this time that took my stone?" Angrily he whispered. "Yes, I am most disappointed in you. You have failed me once again, I should - "

"No please!!" The man wheezed.

"Another long silence. "

"Don't - " He moaned, now sobbing. "Please ... Just give me one more chance ..."

"Chances are hard to come by, as I'm sure you know. " The man hissed. "You have had far too many - "

The kneeling man sobbed more.

"But, I can be giving. I can give you one more... only one. "

"Oh my lord, thank you... thank you... "

"Stop that! " The standing man's voice was a hiss now. The sobbing stopped immediately, only a light sniffle coming now. "If it is true, and someone has the stone... we must prepare. We must prepare to destroy he who holds my stone. "



About the Creator

Dawn Michele

Hey everyone ! Welcome to my profile. I am an apiring fantasy/ sci fi author. I am a tattoo model from Canada, coaching new models on the side. Other than fantasy, my favorite genre to write is horror. Thanks for looking at my page, enjoy!

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    Dawn MicheleWritten by Dawn Michele

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