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Escape from the desert

Small desert story

By vinoth kumarPublished about a month ago 3 min read

** Escape from the Desert ** The scorching sun blazed down on the endless ocean of beach, casting mirages that danced and wavered in the blistering heat. Jamal shielded his eyes with his hand, surveying the horizon for any sign of relief. The desert stretched on infinitely in every direction, a cruel and indifferent wasteland. Jamal's trip had begun two days before when his caravan was ambuscaded by bandits. They took everything — inventories, water, and indeed the camels, leaving the survivors to forfend for themselves in the most negative terrain imaginable. Separated from the group in the chaos, Jamal had been wandering alone ever ago, driven only by a hopeless will to survive. As the sun climbed advanced, the temperature soared. Jamal's throat was parched, his skin burned and blistered, and his branches felt argentine with fatigue. Each step was a monumental trouble, but he forced himself to continue, knowing that stopping meant certain death. He cleaved to the stopgap that he might find an oasis or stumble upon another caravan, anything that might save him from this agony. The memory of his family back home in the vill prodded him on. He allowed

of his woman

's smile, the way she'd laugh as their children played around her bases. Jamal had promised to return with goods from the request, a pledge he was determined to keep no matter the odds. Hours passed, and the sun began its slow descent. The desert took on an creepy beauty as the sky blazed with tinges of red and orange. prostration hovered to overwhelm him, but Jamal's continuity paid off when he saw a dark shape on the horizon. He squinted, soliciting it was not another mirage. As he drew closer, the shape resolved into a cluster of date triumphs — an oasis. He broke into a stunning run, his heart pounding with renewed stopgap. When he eventually reached the oasis, he collapsed by the edge of a small, clear pool of water. Pulsing hands dipped the precious liquid to his cracked lips, and he drank deeply, feeling life flood tide back into his sick body. Jamal rested under the shade of the triumphs, eating a many dates to replenish his energy. As night fell, the desert cooled fleetly, and he wrapped himself in his cloak, thankful for the sanctum the oasis handed. The stars above were brilliant, a memorial of the hugeness of the world and his small, fragile place within it. In the morning, Jamal knew he could not stay at the oasis ever. He demanded to find help, but at least now he'd the strength to continue. He filled his water skin and set off, the sun rising at his reverse. As he walked, Jamal kept his eyes on the horizon, hoping for a sign of civilization. By noon, he spotted a distant premium of dust, a reflective sign of movement. With a burst of adrenaline, he altered his course and headed toward it. The hours dragged on, but the premium grew larger. ultimately, he saw the outlines of a caravan. With a final drive, Jamal reached the caravan as it was setting up camp for the evening. He called out, his voice coarse and weak, and the trippers

rushed to his aid. The caravan leader, a stern but kind man named Omar, offered Jamal food and water, harkening hardly as he reported his fire. Omar jounced solemnly." You're lucky to be alive, my friend. The desert is merciless." Jamal traveled with the caravan for several days, sluggishly recovering his strength. Omar and his companions treated him as one of their own, and for the first time since the ambush, Jamal felt a hint of stopgap. They were headed toward a bustling trading city on the edge of the desert, a place where Jamal could find help and maybe indeed shoot word to his family. When they eventually reached the city, Jamal was overwhelmed with gratefulness. Omar clasped his hand warmly." Take care, Jamal. May your trip lead you to peace." Jamal thanked him and set off to find a way to communicate his vill. He located a trafficker who agreed to shoot a communication with the coming caravan heading in that direction. As he awaited for a response, Jamal set up work in the city, determined to earn enough to replace what was lost and return home with honor. Weeks latterly, he entered a letter from his woman

, filled with relief and joy. Gashes welled in his eyes as he read her words. The desert had tested him to his limits, but he'd survived. Now, with renewed determination, Jamal prepared for the trip home, ready to reunite with his favored bones

and fulfill his pledge. The desert might have been vast and enduring, but it couldn't extinguish the honey of stopgap and the adaptability of the mortal spirit.

Young AdultthrillerShort StorySeriesScriptMicrofictionLoveFantasyfamilyClassicalAdventure

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    VKWritten by vinoth kumar

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