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Episode #11 Meeting a Ghost with Jordan!! Have Fun!

Decisiions, Opportunty or Fate

By Susan McGillPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Episode #11 Meeting a Ghost with Jordan!! Have Fun!
Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Wholly crap, Jordan agreed to go with you to meet a Ghost, how amazing is that? You thought it would take a lot to convince her to go back and meet the Ghost! Instead, here you guys are, running for the Lodge, Jordan right next to you. You are more than thrilled that Jordan is willing to come with you to check out this possible ghost. Okay, come on now, let us get real here, you know she is a ghost, and you are just too damn scared to go back there by yourself!

Before you know it, Jordan grabs your arm and starts running at full speed, like there is nothing that could stop her from meeting this ghost. You are completely surprised at how thrilled Jordan seem to be getting about meeting this ghost, you join right in, starting to run faster than her! Before long you find yourselves back at the Lodge, you take a quick glance back reacting to the sounds of the wind wrestling with the leaves under your feet.

Your first thought is to race to your room, reaching out for your map instantly, plopping yourselves next to each other on the bed. Jordan leans over your shoulder, gazing across the map looking for an x in certain areas. Knowing that would tell her where the haunting areas are. There is one right outside your deck door, another down on the stairs leading to the Village, with two x’s positioned in the garden, graveyard section, another in the laundry area, one on the right side of main stairs in the hospital, and a couple on the second level of hospital, among others.

Curiosity overwhelms you wondering if that girl is still outside. Holding tight to your map you look over at Jordan and head out to the deck. Jordan follows you peeking her head around the corner before even leaving the room. There she is this time playing fetch with a young golden lab. You call out her name, but she does not acknowledge you, so you motion for Jordan to keep following you as Alice heads over to the stairs. It is a warm evening; sun is setting in a bright orange radius surrounding the village.

You comment out loud to Jordan, “Are you sure you want to do this? If you are too scared, I will understand, we can always come back later or another day”. Jordan responds immediately, “Oh, no! You are not chickening out on me Now! Come on, this is going to be exciting if not anything else. You aren’t really scared, now, are you?”

Even though the hair on the back of your neck is now standing straight up you comment back, “I am not scared! Just a little leery but not scared! Come on I am in for some more excitement! What about you?” The two of you make your way down the footpath heading towards Alice.

“Hi, my name is Alice how are you?”

Startled, you look over at Jordan, a bit shaky realizing Alice just appeared out of nowhere! She continues, “Did you want to come and see my Village? I need to find my mom; can you help me? I can show you my Village, Mom should be here somewhere.” continuing to play fetch with her dog.

You watch in amazement unsure if either are real or ghosts.


“Excuse me” comes a voice from afar. You turn to see who is talking, noticing a woman coming from the recreational room. She is also wearing a white hospital gown and looks very weak, extremely sick, and very tired. She is nothing more than skin and bone.

You respond, “Mama, were you speaking to me?”

“Oh yes, have you seen my daughter, she should be here in the Village. We meet here at night. I sneak out of the hospital, to see her because they will not let me see her anymore. Can you help me please? She is all alone and so young!”

Jordan continues to just stand there in total bewilderment as she stares into midair! Immediately you think about Alice and how she is looking for her mom. Wow, you can reunite them. Turning to tell Alice you have found her mom, finding her gone. Nowhere to be seen, her dog is even gone!

You turn back to the woman. What? Where did she go?

“Wow Jordan, what the hell just happened here? Was that just two ghosts I was talking too? Holy crap Jordan, I think they are Ghosts! Jordan? Hey, Jordan? Are you still with me? Hello!”

Jordan takes in a deep breath, “Wow just doesn’t cover it! I think they were Ghosts, but wow how is that even possible, I didn’t think Ghosts were real!” “Well, I always thought they might be real! Never, ever thought I would be interacting with any! This is really starting to freak me out!”

“Must agree! I am freaking out too! Especially since they both disappeared, now! What do you think that means? Better yet, where do you think they went!” “Oh my God Jordan, I have no idea how to answer that right now.” Pointing behind her with fear in your eyes! I think that’s them over there!” Jordan quickly answers, "I think you are correct! Which one should we go meet first?"

Oh my, you need to make a huge choice here good luck!



We do not judge, no matter what your decision is we wish you Good Luck! Enjoy and have Fun! Tips are appreciated, hit the heart, like and share! Thanks a Bunch!! Thanks for being You! Stay Safe and Smart! Love Peace and Self Respect goes along way…


About the Creator

Susan McGill

I am a Seer, a Druid, a Teacher, a Healer, an Empath, and I am very Spiritual most of all I am One with the Universe.

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    Susan McGillWritten by Susan McGill

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