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Emerald Dragon

Protector of the grave

By Haris HadzicPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Guardian of legacy

In a time long past, when ancient empires stretched their might across the vast lands of Asia, a legend was born. The Faithful Emerald Dragon, a mythical guardian of the earth, rose from the depths of history to protect a sacred grave, the final resting place of the last great Chinese general, General Wei Chang. It was a grave that held secrets and a promise, a testament to the bravery of a bygone era.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue upon the world, the emerald dragon awakened from its slumber. It had watched over General Wei Chang's grave for centuries, its emerald scales glinting with an otherworldly luminescence. Its eyes, deep pools of wisdom, scanned the surroundings, ever vigilant.

Beyond the tranquil grove where the grave lay, the kingdom of the King flourished. The King, a conqueror and tyrant, had sought to expand his dominion. His armies marched with unwavering determination, and his ambition knew no bounds. The grave of General Wei Chang stood as a testament to resistance, a symbol of defiance against the King's might.

The King had coveted the land surrounding the grave, believing that it held hidden treasures and that by claiming it, he could demonstrate his complete dominance. His soldiers, relentless in their loyalty, marched toward the grove, their red banners fluttering in the breeze.

As the King's soldiers approached the sacred grove, the Faithful Emerald Dragon stirred. Its emerald wings stretched wide, casting a protective shadow over the grave. With an echoing roar that resonated through the very soul of the earth, the dragon warned the intruders. It would not allow the King's soldiers to desecrate the resting place of General Wei Chang.

The soldiers, undeterred, continued their advance, their weapons drawn. Arrows were notched, and swords gleamed in the dappled sunlight. They were determined to claim the land and extinguish the legend of General Wei Chang. But they had underestimated the power of the Faithful Emerald Dragon.

As the first arrow flew toward the dragon, it transformed into emerald light, absorbed by the dragon's protective aura. The soldiers, in their fear and awe, hesitated. The emerald dragon's scales shimmered, and it unleashed a torrent of emerald flames that danced like wildfire, engulfing the soldiers' weapons and armor.

The King's soldiers fled, their faces etched with terror. They returned to their monarch, recounting their harrowing encounter with the mythical guardian of the grave. The King, furious and humiliated, refused to accept defeat. He assembled a larger army, one that would surely crush the dragon and lay claim to the land.

Once again, the soldiers approached the sacred grove. But this time, they were met with the wisdom and power of the Faithful Emerald Dragon. It spoke to them not in fire and destruction, but in a language that transcended violence. It shared the story of General Wei Chang, a warrior who had fought for his people, a man who had become a legend.

The soldiers, moved by the dragon's tale, returned to the King and shared the legend of General Wei Chang. They explained that the land held not riches, but the honor and valor of a hero. The King, though still ambitious, recognized the weight of history and the futility of desecrating a hero's grave.

In a gesture of peace, he agreed to honor the sacred grove and protect the legacy of General Wei Chang. The Faithful Emerald Dragon, satisfied that its mission had been fulfilled, returned to its slumber, its emerald scales glistening in the fading light.

And so, the grave of General Wei Chang remained a symbol of courage and resistance, a testament to the power of legends and the wisdom of the Faithful Emerald Dragon. The dragon's watchful eye ensured that the hero's legacy would endure, undisturbed by the march of time.

Short StoryHistoricalFantasyClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Haris Hadzic

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Comments (1)

  • Test8 months ago

    This piece of writing is a masterpiece.

Haris HadzicWritten by Haris Hadzic

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