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Duchanne Diaries

Chapter 1

By Andrya MarshallPublished 2 years ago 80 min read

Andrya Shane Duchanne

I quickly grasp for his hand. Not getting it. I fall into a black pit of nothing. Like a black hole. He screams my name. I wake up screaming. Uncle is in the doorway with a cup. Of coffee? No, it’s tea. I can smell it along with the smell of him from my dream. Old Books and possibly...

“That smell is called Strawberries Ana.”

“Oh Uncle. Did I wake you? I am sorry.”

“Oh, bless your heart Ana. No. I was just about to come wake you for school.” Oh right. My first day at Greendale High. In the middle of nowhere in this town called Greendale.

“Oh. Uncle. Why am I having this dream?”

“I don’t know sweetie. I’ll look up some causes for repeating dreams. But I can’t promise I’ll come up with anything. I will also look in the witch novels.” His southern accent flows. Is he angry?

“Okay. I will get ready for school. Uncle. Shall I make you breakfast?”

“No. I’ve already prepared breakfast. Now, don’t get into any trouble at Greendale. The women who run the town are witches.” I look at him. He surely can’t mean real witches.

“I am not angry and I mean they’re rude and think they can do whatever they please. It’s a human term Andrya.”

“I’m sorry Uncle. I was only confused.” When I arrived in town yesterday, I realized that Greendale was very plain and a cycle of repetition. Uncle told Gramma that. I overheard it. They both agreed that being in a small town would be better. But Gramma agreed only because at my last school I got accused of window shattering and doors falling off the hinges and such. They weren’t wrong but still.

“Andrya. Make sure you take the bug. Not the hearse. Don’t want to start talk now do we?”

“No Uncle Macon.” I say getting out of the bed and being caked in dirt.

“You need a shower.”

“Yes. I know.” I make my way to my closet. I pick out my outfit. My holey jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I also grab my beat up converse and then make my way to the bathroom down the hall.

In the shower I can still smell the strawberries and old books as I apply my vanilla shampoo and then my mint conditioner.

“Andrya! Hurry up. You’ll be late if you don’t get down here and eat right now.”

“One moment Uncle.” I say and get up my nose still in my book and grab my bookbag. I walk down the majestic staircase that is and should only be something from a novel or movie.

“Andrya! Oh, there you are. I’m glad that- Andrya. Are you listening?”

“I’m sorry Uncle.” I put my book mark in the old tattered Withering Heights book. I then put it in my bag and sit down at the table. He places my normal bowl of eggs, scrambled and then my blueberry muffin in front of me. I quickly eat my eggs and then grab my muffin and get the keys. I rush out the door.

“Have a good day Andrya.”

“Goodbye Uncle.”

I drive down the main road. Finishing off my muffin. Piano playing through the speakers. I stop at the town's grocery store and gas station. It’s the closest thing they have to a Speed Way and Walmart. It’s called the Stop&Shopp. It’s missing the e at the end. I walk inside and grab myself a water and coffee. It’s also the closest thing this town has to a Starbucks or Five Lakes. Gosh I miss Manhattan. I walk up to the register to pay and the lady looks me up and down. My hair is up in its messy bun and I have on my circle glasses. Okay I’m a total nerd. I also can’t see without my glasses on. Even if something is right in front of my face. Uncle offered to pay for surgery or just to fix it but I turned him down. The woman then scans my purchases and tells me it’ll be 4.21. I give her a five and tell her to keep the change.

I walk back out to the car and the officer sitting in the parking lot waves me on. He is mowing down a doughnut. The guy must weight over 260 pounds. Maybe he should stop eating so much of them. I pull into the school parking lot and I quickly see that I am right on time. I walk into the office to get my schedule.

“Miss Duchanne.” The receptionist says. “You’re late. But here’s your schedule. Now go. I’m busy.” She has fingernail polish open and it reeks. It’s an ugly shade of pink too. Although I think all pink is ugly. But this is a really ugly shade.

I walk to my first class which is currently Chemistry. Junior year is going to be torture.

I get to choral class. Required to all. I quickly do a double take when I see him there.


Yes Andrya?

He is here.


The boy! Of course!

Well just breathe. The school day is almost over. You have this class and then English. It’ll be just fine. Just make it through the rest of the day. What did you eat for lunch?

Nothing actually. I wasn’t hungry. Everyone was staring at me.

I’m sorry.

The people at Manhattan just got used to me.

I know but this is for the best Andrya.

I understand Uncle.

Okay. It’s better that you do Andrya. Come straight home after school. Your Aunt Charlie is up.

Okay. I will be right home. But it might be awhile. It is raining.

Yes, I understand. Drive safe.

Okay uncle.

I walk to a seat in the front. I am going to regret sitting here but that’s okay.

Gramma: How is school sugar?

Me: Just fine so far. Haven’t shattered anything yet.

Gramma: Don’t jinx yourself. I’m sorry.

Me: Gramma stop apologizing. It’s okay. Will you be at Uncle’s?

Gramma: In a few weeks. I got held up with your cousin. He has become quite the trouble maker.

Me: Okay. Well I’ll see you in a few weeks.

“Miss Duchanne. Please put away your phone now.”

“I’m sorry Ms. Melody.”

“Isn’t her last name Ravenstone?”

“No. It’s Duchanne.” I say. Turning back to see the blonde who spoke. She is clearly a cheerleader. She waves her pride around like they’re car keys. She smacks her gum and smiles innocently.

“Are you sure? Cause I heard you were Old Man Ravenstone's daughter.”

“I am his niece. Uncle doesn’t have children.”

“Miss Snow. Please.”

“No Ms. Melody. She is a Ravenstone.”

“No. I am a Duchanne.” I squeeze my hands as if not to punch the witch in the face.

“Ashlee just shut up. She’s clearly Ravenstone's niece.”

“Edward. Nobody asked you and your boyish charm.”

“Ashlee. Stop. Just because your Mamma told you that she was a Ravenstone doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“Are you calling my Mamma a liar, Edward? Because last time I checked you don’t have a Mamma anymore. You have no room to talk!”

“Now Miss Snow. That is enough.”

“Ms. Melody. Please. You don’t have a daddy anymore either. Andrya Ravenstone what happened to your parents?”

“That is not my name!” I say. I want and need to be calm. I squeeze my hands tighter digging my manicured nails into my hands.

“What happened to them?”

“They died.” I say simply. It wasn’t entirely a lie. Daddy did die. On account of my Mother. She is now the all ruling of the evil witches. Including my cousin. Mamma was dead to me. She left me. She left me with Gramma.

“Oh, so sad. They probably died of disappointment.”

“Ashlee! Stop.” The boy Edward says. His voice is so... familiar.

Uncle! Uncle!

Okay. Calm down. Don’t want to cause a scene. Breathe. It’s just a name.

Alright. But this witch is going to get hurt if she keeps messing with me.

What are you thinking?

Lice? Would that be appropriate?

No. Not at all. He snickers.

Fine. But she will get something in return if she doesn’t stop.

I understand that but giving the head cheerleader lice is extreme.

True. Darn.

“Miss Snow. Please stop.” Ms. Melody says tearfully, “Or I will send you to the office.”

“Yes ma’am.” The boy moves up next to me. He smells of old books and... strawberries.

“I am sorry about Ashlee she can be a real bitch.” He whispers.

“Thanks. But I kinda already figured that out Mr?”

“Um. Scratch. Edward Scratch.”

“Thank you Mr. Scratch.”

“Of course.” Ms. Melody dabs her eyes with a tissue and the hands out a paper.

“This is to be done on your own. See how much musical knowledge you all have.”

“Do you know a lot about music?”

“My Grampa was a musician. He taught Uncle and Ma-mma and my Aunties."

“What happened to you Mamma?” He asks.

“She left. I don’t know.” I say.

“And your Dad?”

“Dead. He died in a fire.” Caused by Mother.

I start working on the test. It is simple. Like how much each note is in each time signature. I finish in five minutes or less and put my name on the top. I open my poetry book by Poe.

“You read Poe?” He whispers.

“Yeah. Why?” I whisper back.

“No one knows who Poe is.”

“My Uncle studied literature. He loves the works of Poe.”

“Old Man Ravenstone?”

“He has a name.”

“I’m sorry Mr. Ravenstone. He just gives everyone the creeps. Staying in his manor forever. He never comes out.”

“He’s out watering the trees today. Boo doesn’t like it when he goes out besides, Uncle is shy. What happened to your Mamma?”

“Cancer. She was hexed or so Ammie says.”

“Ammie? Pronounced as Emmie Like Emma but not Emma?”

“Yeah. She was my Mamma’s best friend.”

“What was your Mamma’s name?”

“Lady Diane Marie Antoinette of London maybe. I don’t remember the whole title. But ‘round here she’s known as Diane Marie Scratch.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“No talking!” Ms. Melody yells. I wince. The number on my hand changes. 167.

“What’s the tat for?”

“Huh? Oh. It’s Daddy’s favorite number.” Daddy’s favorite number was 16. His lucky number. But these little white lies couldn’t hurt right?

“Oh. Well it’s nice.”


“No talking. Mr. Scratch that includes you too.”

The bell rings and I get up quickly, putting my book in my bag and speed walk to English.

On the drive home the bug starts to sputter. “Fucking Bitch!” I say and slam my hands against the steering wheel. I call Uncle.

“Andrya? Why aren’t you home yet?”

“The bug broke down. I’ll be home in a minute. I’ll have to start walking.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Don’t walk in the rain. You’ll lose your way.”

“No. I’ll be fine. But what about the bug?”

“I’ll call a repair service. They’ll come get the car and repair it.”

“Uncle. Can’t I just repair the car?”

“No. Not now.”

“But Uncle I-”

“No. Andrya. Listen to me.” I roll my eyes.

“Fine. I’ll just die out here in this Monsoon!”

“That’s the spirit.” I can see him smiling. I know he is smiling.

“Alrighty Bye Uncle.”

“Bye Andrya. See you soon.” I hang up and grab the umbrella and my bag. I open up the car door and then the umbrella. I put it over my head and start walking. A hear a car skid to a stop and I turn around. Oh, great! Just another thing I needed. Edward Scratch.

“What are ya doin’ out in the middle of the road?”

“My Uncle’s bug broke down! Did you almost just run me over?”

“Only cause you’re in the middle of the road like an idiot!”

“Excuse me!”

“I’m sorry. That was rude. Let me drive ya to Ravenstone’s Manor.”

“Nah. I’m good. But thanks. I’ll just wait for the next jock to run me down.”

“There won’t be another jock.”

“You’re the girl. Aren’t you?”

“Excuse me? What girl?”

“The girl from my dreams!” He’s had the dreams too? No way.

“What dreams? You must be crazy Mr. Scratch.” I start to walk again. Turning away from him and towards the Manor.

“Get in the car.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ravenstone Manor is another three miles!”


“You’ll freeze. You’re already freezing.” He jogs over to me. Taking my hand.

I shock goes through me.

“Fine. Sure. Drive me.”

“Of course. Um next time your uncles bug breaks down don’t start walking with an umbrella.”

“Why?” Lightning strikes. I close the umbrella and run over to the Volvo. It’s probably from 2006. I quickly get in and cross my arms.

“Let me turn up the heat.” He says turning it up and then grabbing something from the back. I clean off my glasses and he hands me a blanket.

“Th-Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” My teeth stop chattering and my bottom lip stops quivering. “I heard you’re only 15?”


“Is it true?”

“Turn right. Yes.”

“Oh right. Seriously? Could’ve fooled me.”

“Thanks.” I roll my eyes. The rest of the ride is silent. He pulls up by the porch. “Thank you Scratch.”

“Yeah. For what almost running you down?”

I smile, “Yes that and the ride.”

“Let me walk you up.”

“No thank you. Uncle’s shy. We also have guests but I will see you tomorrow Mr. Scratch.”

“See you.” I run up to the porch and he is pulling out of the driveway. I walk inside and Auntie Charlie almost hugs me.

“Ooh. No thank you. You are all wet.”

“Andrya, be a dear and go dry off will you?”

“Yes Uncle. I’d be delighted.”

“Who drove you?”

“Edward Scratch.”

“Ahh yes. I knew his mother.”

“Who didn’t know Diane? She was a powerful witch. I wonder if she passed it onto her son?? Hmm??”

“What do you mean you knew his mother?”

“She was my best friend Andrya.”

“You also fell for her.”


“She was magnificent Andrya. But I wasn’t going to break up her marriage and she had Mr. Scratch.”

“Uncle, you aren’t serious.”

“Yes I am.”

“Don’t bring him around here again.” Cousin Nathan says.

“Why not?”

“Those Scratch people aren’t the kind to mingle with.”

“Funny. Everyone in this town says that as well cousin.”

“Well those people are small minded cousin. They don’t know anything.”

“Alright Nathan. That’s enough.” Aunt Charlie says.

“Cousin Andrya.”

“What Nathan?”

“Witch!” He says.

“So? At least I’m not a warlock.”

“I am a wizard!” I giggle.

“You’re a small minded person.”

“Hey, at least I’m not hanging around with a Scratch!”

“Oh, Shut up Nathan! At least he’s not like your previous play toys!”

“Excuse you? Play toys?”

“Yes, those things you call girlfriends!”

“Ooh Ana you just crossed a line.”

“Oh did I now? I’m going to go get in a warm shower.” I say and venture off upstairs.

I wake up. From the same dream. But this time something is different. We aren't falling. He isn't falling. But I am. Right out of his tight grasps. I wake up. Sweating and I look at my hands. The spot where he tried to hold on was still there. It still hurt and they're almost bleeding. I head for the shower.

I quickly blow dry my hair and look at my iPod. I straighten my hair and Uncle comes into the bathroom.

"Uncle. Good Morning."

"Indeed. What are you doing up? I was just about to come wake you."

"Well, yesterday I was almost late. Since I stopped at that thing you all call a grocer."

"You had the dream again."

"Omigod. Stop doing that Uncle."

"Well, I looked it up on Google and in the witch novels. The witch novels say it could have something to do with a curse. But Andrya Duchanne don't go and get involved with any boy or get in any trouble today. I will go start your breakfast."


"Yes?" Uncle turns around to face me.

"Could I have regular dippy eggs and bacon for breakfast?"

"Of course."

"Could I also have some tea?"

"Of course." He turns and walks to the stairs. I finish straightening my hair and then I put on my converse. It's still rainy today but it's only a sprinkle. I walk downstairs and Uncle is preparing my breakfast.


"Yes Andrya?"

"Could I possibly get a pill for the migraines I've been having? Or see what's causing them?"

"Yes. I suppose. I'll call Dr .Scratch."


"Oh, not Diane. Although I wish. No. Her sister in law. She is half witch. She has a different father than Mr. Scratch's father."


"When did they start?"

"A few months before I left Gramma's."

"Okay. I will let her know and then tell you when your appointment is."

"Thank you Uncle."

"Of course. Now Andrya no trouble today. Yesterday was enough."

"Right. No trouble. I am calm."

"Would you play the piano?"


"The piano. I had it tuned yesterday and you play so beautifully."


"Just one song. Please Andrya."

"Fine." I walk over to the piano bench and start playing River flows in you by Yirma. Uncle is still cooking my meal. Probably the bacon. So I start another song. I start playing A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.


"Yes Auntie?"

"You play beautifully. But Nathan is still asleep. Let's not wake him."

"Oh." I jerk my hands off of the piano.

"Good morning brother."

"Good Morning Charlie. Breakfast?"

"Sure. Could I have waffles?"

"Yes. Now get the mix out. Do you know what Nathan would like?"

"No. His meal changes. He doesn't have a favorite meal."

"Oh. Andrya."

"One moment Uncle." I say walking into the kitchen. He puts my plate on the island and I hop up onto the barstool.

"Eat up Andrya. You have a test today."

"Thank you Uncle." I start dipping the bacon into the egg.

Uncle was good on his promise. He called someone to get the bug fixed and now it runs perfectly. I drive over to the Stop & Shopp. I get my water and then my coffee. New girl looks me over too. I quickly just pay and get back out to Uncle's car.

Fatty looks me over too. Is my outfit really that bad? I look at my holey jeans and my purple shirt. No. I don't. I turn out of the parking lot.

I walk into Chem. I push up my glasses.


Yes Uncle?

Going good so far I suppose?

Yes. Actually. It has been. Just got to Chemistry.

Okay. Let me know at lunch then Andrya.

Okay Uncle M. I will let you know.

Okay. I'll hear from you soon.

Yes Uncle M.

I sit down at the table and quickly open up my Chemistry book. I start taking the notes required.

At lunch I sit by myself. Like I did yesterday. Until Scratch boy comes up to me.

"Could I sit here? The guys on the team are bein’ asses and I don't wanna sit with them."

"Okay. Do whatever you want." I look down. Totally absorbed in my book. Withering Heights. I then peer up at him while he is eating and scrolling through his iPod for a song. I notice the curls now covering his eyes. Which I know are brown. He pushes his hair out of his face. I quickly put my head down. He is obviously dreamy and ripped of course. He plays sports.


Yes Uncle M?

Stop daydreaming about that boy! Boys are only trouble. Remember the 8 b’s.

Yes Uncle. Books before babyish boys because boys bring babies.

Good Girl.

Actually Uncle I don’t think Edward is a babyish boy.

Andrya all high school boys are babyish. Except for your dear Uncle.

That’s why you have no children.

No. That is not. I- I just never met the right one.

You could’ve at least told Lady Scratch about your feelings. Ooh.

Andrya no. That would’ve ended very badly. Oh so badly. Now no trouble for the rest of the day. You’re doing good.

Thank you Uncle. But what if-

Enough of the subject Andrya Shane.

Uncle M.

Andrya that’ll be enough.

Okay well I will be headed to the library after school don't expect me home right away.

Okay. We’re having roast beef.

Okay. I will find something else to eat. Cousin Nathan?

Yes he wanted roast beef. I’m sorry. Shall I have Kitchen prepare something for you?

I might just go out to a restaurant in town.

No. Most certainly not. There is only one in town and we have our things at dinner to discuss.

Can’t we just discuss this when I return home? I will play you something on the piano.

No. It shall be discussed at dinner.

Fine. Whatever. At dinner.

You better be home for dinner.

Yes. Okay.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. I’m fine why?”

“You look like you’re having an important conversation.”

“Well I am.” I say.

“With yourself? Look, I’m not judgin’. Ammie would have my hind side for judgin anyone even a descendant of Ravenstone's.”

“My mother was his sister. I’m surprised he even wanted me.”

“What do you mean?”

“My Uncle despised my Mamma after she changed. Wouldn’t let her stay at the Manor either. She got into a lot of trouble. Most people didn’t even know she was a Ravenstone until she returned to marry Daddy.”

“Oh, but you can’t be nothing like her right? If she was bad? Miss Duchanne, you are pure I can see it then Old Man Ravenstone should be able to right?”

“I suppose. But please-”

“I’m sorry I mean Sir Ravenstone. Does that make you a Lady?”

“No. My father was a regular townsperson. I am only partly a Lady.” Daddy was a warlock. Not a normal or regular townsperson.

“Oh, well damn. So where are you from?”

“I’m from all over. My most recent home was in Manhattan.”

“Did you really kill somebody over there?”

“Omigod.” I scoff, “You’re just like everybody else. Especially the Mothers of whatever it is. They just assume I’m trouble because Uncle Macon never leaves the house.”

“The Mothers of the Town? Those ladies are called the daughters of the war.”

“What war?”

“The war that this town repeats every year. You haven’t heard?” I shrug.

“No. Never even heard of it.”

“Oh Honey. The battle of Greendale took place during the second Civil War. We reenact it every year on February 14th. This year we actually have to participate. It’s part of our grade.”

“That’s mortal Valentines Day.” I mutter to myself. And the day before my birthday.

“What did you say?”

“That’s Valentine’s Day.”

“Yeah. We have to participate in one of the four days. 14th, 15th, 16th, or 17th and if you participate more than once it’s extra credit.”

“Edward, could I ask you a question?”

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Were you raised here? In Greendale?”

“Yeah. Mamma had me in the hospital down the street.”

“Oh. Um…”

“So a question for you Miss Duchanne.”


“Why does your name rhyme with rain?”

“I dunno. It’s just how it’s pronounced.”


I walk into English, my last period of the day and take my seat in the front of the class. Marilynn comes in and sits next to me. I smile at her. She quickly opens her book and starts reading.

“So Andrya Ravenstone?”

“Yes Miss Snow?” She sits behind me with her posse. Omigod. This bitch is gonna piss me off today.

“Hey Andrya.”

“Edward. Hello.” I say and he sits next to me.

“Ashlee don’t be stupid.”

Edward don’t.

Don’t what?

Don’t test her.

I start taking notes from the board. I scribble down in my notebook.

“So Andrya as I was saying. Why doesn’t your Uncle ever come out of the house? I mean he owns the plantation but no one ever sees him like ever? I heard that he’s not even you’re Uncle. Just some person that took you in to seduce you. I also don’t believe that blonde is or natural hair color or that Duchanne is even your last name. So start talking.”

“My Uncle is shy, He doesn’t like the people in Greendale. Last time he went out his heartbroke. Shattered into a million pieces actually. He is my Uncle. That assumption is just an assumption. He does not seduce me. He is my mother’s brother for God's sake. Blonde is my natural hair color honey. More natural than yours or that God forsaken tan. Duchanne is my last name sugar. I can bring you my birth certificate. But that still wouldn’t convince your heart sugar would it now. I mean your Mamma’s just pumping you full of information about me right?”

“Don’t you dare talk about my Mamma. I heard that your Mamma committed suicide Missy so don’t test me freak! Don’t comment on my tan or hair either.” My pencil breaks.

“Ashlee stop. It’s none of your business.”

“Shut up Edward! You don’t know anythin’. The only thing your Mamma taught you was how to escape Greendale with music. Then she croaked!”

“Yeah Edward.” I get up to sharpen my pencil.

“And Andrya another thing. Stay away from all of the jocks. You’re just a freak. No one will love you anyway. That’s probably why your mother died. She didn’t love you!” Something within me takes over and then the window shattered in front of me. A glass shard landed in my arm. I take a deep breath. Mrs. Novel looks up.

“Is everyone alright? Miss Duchanne?”

“I-” I can’t talk.

“Mrs. Novel Andrya punched the window. I saw it with my own eyes.” Samantha Asher accuses.

“Andrya did not punch the window.” I pick up my stuff and run. I run until I reach the car and then I put the car in drive and speed to Uncles. He is outside tending to the Peach tree’s.

“Andrya Shane! What on Earth? You’re bleeding! Are you alright?”

“Uncle. I really tried.” I start crying. “But something came over me and the window shattered. I am not alright.”

“Charlie!” My Auntie comes out of the house.

“Oh honey. Let’s get that wound treated.”

“I am so sorry Uncle.”

“Shh. We will attend to this later Andrya. Go get your wound cleaned.”

I don’t know where I was going. Andrya must’ve gone home. To Mr. Ravenstone's. I must go see if she’s alright.

No. Don’t come.

Nathan hands me a tissue as Auntie finishes my arm. She is wrapping it up. “I am going to go out into the field. Calm down.” I tell Auntie. She lets me and I grab my iPod and walk out to the furthest part of Uncle’s Plantation. I put my earbuds in my ears and have Sleeping At Last start playing. I am sitting by a giant rock and I start messing with the grass. I hear Edward yelling for me.

“Andrya? Hey I’m here. Are you out here.”

I told you not to come. Go Away.

No. You need a friend.

I have friends.



I take the earbuds out of my ear and turn around. He trudges out to me. “May I?”

“Sure.” I say and wipe my tears.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah. I think so.”

“I know that they think you broke the window.”

“Do you?”

“No.” He says. He starts messing in the dirt. He picks up something. A piece of a locket maybe? He cleans it off and hands it to me. A shock goes through me.

Josephine stops to catch her breath. She lets her dress drop. She looks around. She smells fire. Smoke. It is suffocating her. Trees and Plantations are burning. She looks around. All of the Vanilla Bean Plants, Mint Plants, Strawberry Plants and books burning. The Peach, Lemon, Orange Lime Trees are all burning. Mamma planted those. Mrs. Mildred Duchanne. She had asked her husband Charles to bring home the assortments to prove to everyone in the town wrong that she could grow them. At first it started out as only a couple of each plant. After those strived Mr. Duchanne brought more home. All of the other wives made this request to their husbands but their plants always died. No one knew how Mildred made them strive. Now Mildred. Harry and Elizabeth were all in the house and Josephine has to get home and warn them Josephine starts running again. She bumps into a man.

“Josephine is that you?”

“What? You’re alive Edward? I thought I had lost you!”

“What do you mean lost me? You would never.”

“I have to get to the plantation.” Josephine explains. She needs to warn Mother, Sister, and Brother about the men burning down the plantations. Edward hears a rustle in the bush.

“Get behind me.”

“Show yourself!” Josephine yells from behind Edward. A woman appears.

“Marilynne? What are you doing out here?”

“I am trying to warn you. They committed sin those men.”

“What do you mean sin?”

“They burned a house with women and children in it! I’m oh so sorry Miss Josephine! But I am one of the only ones that got out.” Josephine then fell to her knees. No. Not mother. Mother planted all of the trees and plants. Tears fell from Josephine’s eyes. Then she fell to the ground. She was shot by a man. In the leg. Not fatal but could still kill her if she didn’t seek treatment. Another gunshot was fired. Edward lay on the ground next to her. Dead.

My vision regained itself when Edward dropped the amulet. I examined it.

“My birthday is on this.” I said. February 15th.

“Except for the year? And these are my initials.” He pointed to E.A.M.S.

“Yes. I was not born in 2053.”

“What do these initials stand for?” J.M.D.

“I think Josephine something Duchanne.”

“Is she related to you?”

“She’s not on my family tree. “


“She could be though.”

“You knew.”

“Knew what?”

“The dream.”

“Yes. We are sharing the same dreams. Uncle is trying to figure it out.”

“Why are we having the same dream?”

“I have no clue. Uncle was looking at it. Uncle loves Google.”



“What does this mean?”

“I will try to figure it out Edward. But for now you should go home. Uncle will have a tantrum if you are here.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah.” He looks over at my arm and then raises an eyebrow at me. “I am fine really. Now go. Uncle will kill me if he finds me out here with some boy.”

“Right of course.” He says. He gets up taking the locket and running off. I run inside. Uncle is in the kitchen. I want to get upstairs without him seeing.


Fuck. "Yes Uncle M?"

"You are going to go get ready for dinner?"

"Yes Uncle."

"Who was that boy outside.?"

"Just a boy from school. Seeing if I'm alright."

"Well are you?" He is chopping up carrots for their meal.

"I think so. Um Uncle could I put in my request for supper?"


"Could I have soup?"

"What kind of soup? Chicken Noodle? Or Potato? Maybe Ham and Cheese?"

"Zuppa Soup?"

"Sure. Dinner is at 6."

"I have some homework Uncle."

"Sure you do. We need to talk about the window shattering."

"Uncle it wasn't me!"

"What do you mean? It's not possible for a human to shatter a window the way you did."

"Uncle I didn't. I swear. Unless something took over me but I didn't do it."

"I don't understand."

"How did you know about Diane Scratch?"

"She was friends with your Mother. After she moved here of course. She came up to get away from her city. She attended school with Charlie and Rosemarie. She was the top of her class. Everyone looked at all of them like they're a strange bunch. One day Rosemarie brought her home. Told her about our ways. She was so absorbed. I have no idea why of course. But I was absorbed with knowing everything about her. We eventually got quite close and she then got very distant. Little did I know, she got married and had Mr. Scratch. Your friend. But then she started coming around again. Wanted to absorb all of the information on our kind."

"Uncle. You lost your soulmate."

"Go do your homework." He says.


"Andrya. Go. Read your books, do your homework, whatever just go." His southern accent is very fluent. I sprint upstairs. He is angry.


Yes Andrya?

I'm sorry I made you angry.

No. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It was unacceptable.

But I made you angry Uncle.

Forget about that.


Wash up for dinner.

Yes sir.

I quickly wash my hands and change into my best dress.

“Well Andrya, the Harvest is coming up.” I eat my soup.

“Yes Uncle. It is right around the end of the month. I remember.”

“Well, Remember Aunt Rose will be here along with Uncle Dawson, Nella, Maybelline, and Lawson.”

“Yes Uncle. I remember. Gramma will too?”

“Yes. Gramma will be here Andrya.”



“What about Kathleen? I mean Braxlee”

“No. She is not invited. She has been claimed and there is no saving her. “ Uncle says finishing his meal. There’s a knock on the door.

“Uncle? May I get the door?”

“Yes. Are you almost done eating?”

“I am pretty close to being full.” I get up and attempt to walk over to the door. I open it and there stands Edward, Ammie I presume and a little girl. “Um Hello. How may I help y’all?”

“We would like to talk with Mr. Ravenstone.” Ammie says. Ammie is a shorter woman. Stalky. She is darker.


“What is it Andrya? Who is interrupting our dinner?”

What are you doing here?

Ammie asked to talk to your Uncle about something. Because you didn’t break the windows. She didn’t want you getting in trouble and being blamed for it.

Oh. What is Ammie’s last name?


“Ms. Brandson, Mr. Scratch and a little girl?”

“My name is Adelaide.”

“We call her Addie.”

“Well may I?”


“Well Miss Addie. Is Edward your big brother?”


“Aww that’s sweet. How old are you honey?”

“I am 8.”

“Aww. I’m so sorry about your Mamma.”

“She is more of a Daddy’s girl.” Ammie rustles Addie’s hair, “Aren’t ya Add?”

“Yes ma’am. Eddie got along with Mamma more.”

“You must’ve been what?”

“Six.” Addie says. Oh my god. My heart shatters.


“I am coming Andrya. Hold on.”

Ding. “Um I need to take this.”

“Okay.” Ammie says.

Gramma: Hey Sweet Pea. How’s it goin’?

Me: Cousin Nathan is being mean. Gramma are you coming up before the Holidays?

Gramma: I might arrive at the night before Ana. I don’t know when I am leaving yet. I’m sorry Honey.

Me:Gramma. Something happened and Uncle Macon got mad.

Gramma: What happened? Did you get into any trouble?

Me: A window broke in the English classroom. The school blamed it on me.

Gramma: Well was it you? You know Braxlee did that before… you know?

Me: No. I don’t think so actually. Yes I remember. Please don’t bring it up Gramma.

Gramma:Okay. I won’t. Do you think there’s a warlock or another witch at your school?

Me: I’m not sure. But I really don’t think I did it Gramma.

Gramma: Yes. I believe you Andrya.

“Hello Miss Brandson. Mr. Scratch. Miss Scratch, Presume?”

“Hello Mr. Ravenstone.” Addie shakes his outstretched hand.

“Could I invite you all in for dinner or desert?”

“I would like to talk to you in private Macon. Edward has admitted something to me, I would like to speak with you about it. If you make time for me.”

“Um. Shall I entertain Adelaide?”

“Ooh. Can we play hide and seek?”

“Absofreakinlutely.” I say. “I call hiding first!’ I say running past her and onto the plantation.

“Be safe Addie.” Ammie says. I hide in the garden.

“10!” She announces. “Here I come!” She is looking all over for me.

“BOO!” I jump out and grab her arms.

She screams “I found you. But you jumped out.”

“I am so sorry. Well I guess it’s my turn to count.”

“YOU DID WHAT?” Uncle Macon roars. It starts raining.

“Come on. We can play something inside. You like Candy Land?”

“I don’t think so. Your Uncle sounds angry. Auntie Ammie yelled at Edward all the way here. He did something very bad.”

“What did he do?”


“He broke the window at the school. In English class. What happened to your arm?”

“I um. Was cutting vegetables and accidentally cut my arm.”

“Oh. Edward said he hurt your arm.”

“No. Not at all. It was an accident. He did hurt my arm but it was mostly hurt by the knife.”

“Oh. Are you alright? Should we be playing hide and seek?”

“Yes. Of course!”


“Maybe I should go calm him down.”

“That might be wise. He might cause an earthquake.”

“Excuse me?” I turn around to face the little girl. Her hazel eyes then change to a gold. Then back to hazel.

“Nothing.” She says quickly.

“Omigod! You’re a witch?”

“No! How dare you accuse me of such a thing?”

“Liar! You are lying to me right now!”

“No. I’m not.”

“Let me guess you’re a… Evo? Siren? No wait…”

“Stop.” She throws me up against the cement wall around the garden.

“Addie. Let me down.”

“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Angered you.”


“UNCLE MACON?” I ask walking into the house.

“I’m in the study Ana. Come here please.”

“One moment Uncle.” I walk down the hallway to the study.

“I can’t believe you.” I feel a wind from under the study door. Uncle started a tornado in the study. I quickly open the door and then shut it. My hair twists around my face. Curling and Uncurling itself.

“Uncle.” I say walking over to him and placing my hand on his shoulder. “Take a deep breath. Breathe.”

He takes a deep breath. “Aren’t you angry?”

“No. I’m relieved. I know I didn’t do it now Uncle! You should be relieved as well. You should calm yourself. At least Edward had the honesty to tell you right? He is a very nice Warlock.”

“Brother Macon.” Aunt Charlie asks knocking on the door. “I know you have visitors but Nathan turned himself into a Dragon outside and he can’t turn himself back.

“Okay.” Uncle Macon rolls his eyes. “Dammit Nathan. Excuse me. I have to go fix my nephew before someone idiotic comes up to the house. This will only be a moment.”

“Edward. What are you to say to Andrya?” Ammie says.

“Miss Brandson that’s really unnecessary. Uncle M maybe mad but I’m relieved. Edward doesn’t have to apologize I mean it was an accident right?”

“Not necessarily Ana. See I was trying to create a diversion but I’m not very good at even my own magic. So instead of doing something rational I broke the windows. I am so so sorry Andrya Duchanne. It was irrational and unacceptable of me.”

“I told you not apologize.”

“Well if I didn’t Ammie was gonna have my hind side.”

“Oh shush child. You know I’ve only ever chased you around with the switch. Don’t spout that crap about me.”

“Hey you were swinging it around like you were gonna hit me. You scared me and I thought that you were gonna hit me.”

“Oh hush child. I was never going to hit you.” She rolls her eyes. “I could do that now too. I am only 54. I will chase your ass around again and might actually hit you young man.”

I laugh. “I’m sorry. But I never had a mother that would say that to me. I don’t even know who my Mamma is. Uncle Macon never talks about her and Gramma never talks to me like that. Uncle thinks it’s wrong to hit little girls growing into women.”

“No. It is wrong.” Uncle says returning, “I would never lay a hand on Ana. Ever. Never have never will.” He says placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Uncle Macon?”


“I’m actually feeling a little under the weather. I am going to go get ready for bed.”

“Okay. Goodnight Andrya.”

“Goodnight Uncle. See you at school Edward. It was nice meeting both of you Miss Brandson and Addie. We shall resume our game sometime. I promise you.”

“Is she going to be claimed by the light?” Addie asks as I walk out into the hallway.

“I think so. Andrya is more innocent than her recent cousin. Braxlee.”

“Oh. I guess we should get going.” Ammie says.

I run upstairs, put on my silk pajamas.



“Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m just a little tired. I feel a little ill. Nothing a little sleep won’t fix.”

"Okay. But like what's really going on cuz?"

"I told you I'm just under the weather. I'll be fine by mornin." I say.

Ana? You there?

Yes. I was a little bit ago but now I'm sleeping. Or at least trying to. What's up?

Are you mad at me?

I told you this earlier-

No. For me not telling you sooner.

No. I think somewhere deep down I knew. But I'm not entirely mad.

Why do ya go to bed so early?

I normally don't. But I'm a little sick. From the other day and more rain today. It's probably just allergies.

I know about your family's curse.

I know you do.

Do you like to read?

That's what I was doing before I fell asleep. I was reading your book. Is it any good?

Tons. Mamma used to read him to me. They're horror novels actually.

Oh. I am real sorry bout your Mamma.

Don't worry bout it. What really happened to your parents?

I didn't lie about my dad. He did die in a fire. Caused by my Mamma. I've only ever met Daddy. I don't know Mamma. I read about Daddy's death and Uncle told me that my Mamma was bad. She started the fire. I was only 4 at the time. Then Uncle kinda became like my Daddy. He was always attentive. Uncle Macon is the best. He is only ever stern with me when I do something wrong. Or I start acting like Mamma I suppose. I don't know what I would do without Uncle Macon or Gramma.



What's your Gramma like?

Absolutely crazy. She's the best. She used to let me and Braxlee go around on Halloween and mess with the other kids. She homeschooled us. And when Braxlee got kicked out of school for the first time because some kids were making fun of me she went and threw a huge rock at them. Almost squashed one of them. It was wonderful.

What was Braxlee's name before?


Did you have any siblings?

I did. Mamma killed them in the fire. I wasn't very old. They were both younger but I don't remember them.

Oh. Did you used to play hide and go seek with Macon?

Yes. It was always extreme. Then I grew up and he told me that I was too old to play. That I need to be more womanlike. He always favorited me over Braxlee and that made her angry.


In our family the witches and our Uncles play a very different version of the mortal hide and go seek.

Oh. Delightful.

Well Braxlee got upset because she was never allowed to play. Uncle and I have a special bond so it's not like Uncle Macon didn't like her it's just that, you know…

Didn't like her?

Knew she was goin dark.

How did he know?

Uncle Macon has a good part in guessing and Braxlee.. You could just see it. Although she was innocent. Pure


He's not sure about me. Imma closed book. Don't let anyone read me.

I can read you.

Edward. Don't start. Please. Uncle will be angry that you woke me. I need to get back to bed.

Goodnight Beautiful.

Goodnight Edward.

I wake up in the mornin. My nose all stuffy and red. My eyes are dried out and then I feel lethargic. Tired. I quickly get up and see if my hot shower will help.

I dress in a sweatshirt and my usual jeans. But these jeans are baby blue not jean colored. They're also softer. I put my hair up in its bun and put on my converse. I walk downstairs. Cousin Nathan is on the couch when I flick on the lights. He is in a robe and his pajama pants.

"Good Morning cousin. Running off to see Mr.Warlock?"

"No. Not at all."

"Well Uncle M isn't up and here you are. So what are you going to go do cousin?"

"I was going out for a walk cousin." I stare at him. His eyes change to a dark green.

"Sure you are. To go see the Warlock boy."

"No actually. I was going to explore. Maybe conjure up some trouble. Hang out with Addie. See what normal girls do."

"Adelaide is a little girl."

"Whatever. Nathan I won't argue with you. Maybe I'll go have breakfast with the Scratch's and hang out with Edward. Adelaide is 8. I'm only 7 years older. Big deal."

"She doesn't have control over her powers."

"Neither do I!"

"You are from a more powerful family."

"Nathan! Stop. They are my friends."

"Some friends Andrya."

"Stop." I say and flick my wrist. Then the lamp moves off of the table.

"Nathan. Leave Andrya alone." Uncle Macon says grabbing my shoulders.

"Uncle I just-"

"No. Now for the remainder of your visit don't talk to Andrya. Unless you have something nice to say!"

"Macon!" Auntie Charlie says from the top of the stairs.

"Uncle Macon. I'm going over to the Scratch's for breakfast. I will be home after my visit to the library."

"Yes. Hurry home. We are having a feast tonight." He hugs me.

"Uncle M!" I say and reluctantly hug him back. "I will hurry home. What is the occasion?"

"You making friends and not shattering the windows."


"Oh and mother is coming."

"Ooh Gramma." I say. "When shall she be here?"

"Around 5." He answers.

"I will arrive at 4:45 then Uncle."

"Good. Now go have breakfast." He kisses my forehead. I grab my bag and run out the door.

"Hey?" He answers the phone groggily.

"Edward hello. Could I join y'all for breakfast?"

"Let me ask Ammie. Ammie?" I hear footsteps. "Can we have another person for breakfast?... Ana… She says that's great Ana. She'd love to feed you."

"Okay. I'll be over in a few minutes. Thank you."

"Okay. You're welcome." He says and I hang up pulling out onto the main road.

I knock on the door and patiently wait. Addie and Edward are both at the door.

"Um hello." I say.

"Addie you son of a b-"

"Edward Anthony Mason!"

"She beat me to the door."

"I don't care. We do not curse in this house young man." I giggle. "Now let the poor girl in. She must be famished. She really doesn't eat over at her Uncles. She's really so skinny."

"Ammie. No need to talk bad about Ana."

"Miss Duchanne."

"Yes Miss Brandson?"

"Get in here. I've got a question for a young lady like you."

"Of course ma'am." I walk into the kitchen. Miss Brandson was making eggs. "Yes ma'am?"

"How much do you read?"

"Pardon? I mean I read. All the time."

"What do you read?"

"Mostly banned books ma'am."

"Oh. Delightful." She murmurs the last part. I quickly turn to someone. There eyes on me. I see a man who looks like an older more sophisticated than Edward but his hair was darker, peppered and had a more developed face. The man must've been in his late forties early fifties. He must be Edward's father.

"Hello Mr. Scratch." I say quickly.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"I am Edward's friend from school. Andrya Duchanne. Mr. Ravenstone is my Uncle… Edward hasn't told you about me?" He scratches his head. He looks groggy and he is in blue stripped pajamas. He has on slippers. Green ones. Mr. Scratch wore glasses and his eyes were green not brown. He quickly looks me over.

"Macon Ravenstone? Ahh you're the girl who threw the rock at the window in the English school."

"That is the rumor yes. But Uncle Macon is putting a stop to that sir."

"Well, I'm glad Edward is… making friends. He has been a shy boy. But I guess thats what your Mom was going to teach you."

"Dad. I don't want to talk about that in front of Ana."

"Well I just came out here to eat my Mini Wheats. It was nice meeting you." He pours milk in his bowl and grabs the box and then walks back into his closed study.

"I didn't bring anything up I wasn't supposed to right?"

"You did good Andrya." Miss Brandson says.

"Okay. Well Miss Brandson thank you for having me over for breakfast. I appreciate it. Cousin Nathan was being rude. Making fun of me. Trying to make me use my powers. I just wanted to get away you know?"

"Yes. I understand."

Later at school, I can't even eat lunch with Edward and Link. I have never eaten that much in my entire life. "Not hungry?" Edward asks, looking up from his novella.

"I ate a lot this morning. Where normally I only have scrambled eggs and a muffin or dippy eggs and bacon. Not that much. Not eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, toast, a biscuit thats a lot for me."

"Did you eat over at Eddie's?" Link asks.

"Yes Ammie fed me."

"Miss Brandson is the best."

"Why didn't you tell your father about me?" I ask Edward silently.

"Can we do this another time?" He says back.

"No. I don't have time." I answer a little too loudly.

"Time for what?" Link turns his attention back to us. He's got eyes for Coach Harold. Laura Harold. I guess she is only a few years older than us. She's 21 or something. Graduated early, top of her classes, music lover, sounds like the perfect woman right? But I read her like a book. Sure she's drawn in all the boys but she's gotta dirty secret. Not that I care. But Edward thought she was hot too. Her and her blond hair and perfect body. Why did everybody down here act fake? I absolutely hate it.

"Time before my dinner party. Edward wanted to hang out at the plantation but my Uncle is throwing together a party and he doesn't like visitors."

"Oh right. Old Man Ravenstone. Not a surprise."


"I'm sorry Ana."

"Don't worry about it Link. I know it's hard to change what you talk about just not to offend someone."

Edward, why didn't you tell him?

Ana, please.

No. I want to know. Right now.

My dad is always locked in his study. He comes out like three times a day. Once to get food, once to go to the bathroom and once to get more food and put Addie to bed. He doesn't like to talk much.

Am I not something worth mentioning?

Oh, no Ana you definitely are. It's just whenever my dad and I talk it's about his novel. That's all. It completely spaced my mind. I'm sorry.

Uncle M?

Yes Andrya?

Did you ever get a hold of Dr. Scratch?

Not yet. It's been busy with getting ready for your Aunt Del and the mortal Halloween. You know that's our strongest day of the year.

Yes Uncle. I understand. Shall I come straight home this evening?

I suppose. But wouldn't you rather stay out with Mr. Scratch for a few hours.

Edward has practice. I shall be home before 4.

How is today going?

Better than most days Uncle.

Good. See you when you arrive.

Okie dokie Uncle. What is for dinner BTW?

Excuse me?

By the way Uncle.

Can't you just say that?

Sorry Uncle. I forgot you're a little older than my generation.

Whatever. We are having barbecue chicken. Are you inviting over Mr. Scratch?

Probably not. We are kind of arguing.


Nothing important. I'll be home later. I love you Uncle.

I get up and walk to class. I have my notebook in my hand. Edward gets up rather angrily. I'm glad he has this class to cool down. I walk into my ASL class even though I should be taking French, but they don't offer it here. It's not allowed. It's a sin to know the language down here so I study it privately with Uncle. He checks out the books from the library and teaches me. I completely the test and go back to reading my new novel The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks.

Ana what are you reading?

The Last Song. Why? What class are you in?

Gym and I'm hella bored too. Is it any good?

Eh. Uncle got it for me a long time ago. I guess it's good if you like romance novels or Nicholas Sparks novels. Why?

I don't know. I like to hear you echo the words in your head. So is Sparks any good?

You've never read a Sparks novel?

Not one. I prefer you know Stephan King.

The guy who wrote the book about the clown who eats people.

Shape Shifter. But yeah. Or Dickens, Mark Twain.

I also read Hardy. Thomas Hardy. Harper Lee, John Green, James, Morgan Rice, Skye Alexander, Ransom Riggs, Poe, Meyer, Leah Thomas, Alex Finn, Shakespeare, Preston, Celeste NG-

Alright Ana we get it. You read a lot.


No. It's cool. How you holdin' up Ana?

With what?

The whole light or dark thing. Even though you aren't goin' dark.

You don't know that. I wish everyone would stop sayin' that. It's unpredictable. It is not yet decided.

You sound like Ammie.

What are you guys having for dinner tonight?

I know what you're doing Miss Duchanne.

I'm trying to be polite Mr. Scratch. We are having barbecue chicken. I was going to invite you over. Uncle Macon suggested it actually. But, you were mad at me.

I wasn't mad at you.

Then what were you because you seemed pretty pissed at me.

I was talking to Ammie. She was telling me that Dad hadn't came out of his room yet. He is normally out by now. She told me not to worry and I guess you made my anger explode because you got mad at me for not telling my dad about you as what my friend?

Is that what I am?

I don't know.

I start reading my book again and shut Edward's thoughts out of my brain. But then Uncle messages me as I get up to leave class.

Uncle Macon: Hey, why can't you hear my thoughts?

Me: What? I didn't know you were talking to me. I didn't hear you.

Uncle Macon: I was going to ask you how you think your test went.

Me: Fine. I probably passed again. Like I normally do Uncle. Was there something else?

Uncle Macon: I was wondering if you were feeling alright?

Me: No. I am not. But I think I can last through the rest of the day. But I have a really bad migraine so when I get home I want to take a nap and then maybe yell at some children that walk by.

Uncle Macon: Haha. Very funny Andrya.

Me: Isn't that what you do Uncle M?

Uncle Macon: Very funny. I am going to lie down Andrya. Wake me when you get home.

Me: Yes Uncle.

I walk into the Chemistry room. I am damn well sure that I had my Chem notebook and now it is gone. What the hell? I dump most of my bag out onto the table.

"Woah, what the hell are you doing Ana?"

"My chemistry notebook is gone and I had it this morning!" I say.

I hear three almost identical laughs.

"The periodic table is the basic units for life. The elements create compounds and molecules. Oh Andrya Ravenstone what even?"

"I use it on the tests. Now may I please have my notebook back Miss Snow?"

"No. I think not Miss Ravenstone."

"Ashlee just give it back." Edward rolls his eyes. "Stop bein' such a bitch."

"No I think I'll keep it until you give me that notebook." She says pointing to my little black notebook with spells and poetry and some of my small stories.

"Evanesco." I Mutter silently. Hoping that it works. Latin for vanish or become invisible. Then I hand it to her.

She opens it, "There's nothing in here." Oh thank heaven. "Are you writin' in invisible ink Ravenstone? What even?" I feel myself smile. She throws it back on the desk and I quickly put everything back in my bag. Miss Porter comes in and restores order back into the class.

I recite the spell to put my notebook back into order.

"You did it Duchanne."

"Oh hush. It was nothing. Uncle and I have been working on that since I was 10 years old."

"Wow. Seriously? I guess I should start studying."

"Ha. Uncle would probably mind if you sat in on our lessons. They're private but I can probably help you."

"Yeah okay."

"Je valis. He le jure."


"I will. I swear."

"It's french isn't it?"


"I know that, that's yes."

"Bon travail."{Good Job, French}

"That is…"

"Good Job." I smile.

"Let me guess those are part of the lessons too?"

"Oui. Bien sur. Pourpuoi ne le serait-ce pas?" { Yes. Of course. Why would it not? French.}


"Yes. Of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

"Oh. Latine eloqui bene possunt?" {Do you know latin? Latin}

"Etiam. Yes I know latin are you delusional?" {Yes, Latin}


"Quae quidem."

"Of course."

"I know that you are. You are very good."

"Oh my god. Stop flirting with him Ravenstone. He doesn't go after your kind." I roll my eyes, "My Momma says it's a sin to speak in french."

"How did you know I was speaking french Miss Snow?"

"Just a hunch. I'm not dumb you know? I hear french in some of the movies my father watches."

"So your father is a sinner?"

"Of course not. Not like you and your Uncle Satan himself." I stifle a giggle. Funny how she thinks my Uncle is Satan.

"Do you know what Ashlee means in english?"


"Meadow of Ash."

"Well… Hoc age quod praecipio tibi omnes ad indernum." {Latin}

I laugh. "Gratias tibi. Et videre est. Ashlee Nix." {Latin}

"Ugh. I don't know any of that."

"Nix means Snow. You can figure out the rest."

"Rude Witch." I roll my eyes and turn back around to get the test Miss Porter passes out and I fly through it. It is mostly about the elements on the periodic table. Which I already memorized.

Brag much Miss Duchanne?

Oh shush. You already know them too. What question are you on?

Andrya. Don't cheat for this boy…

Oh shush Uncle M. It'll be fine. No one will find out besides you helped Diane cheat once or twice didn't you?

Oh hush now child. How do you know about that?

Oh my dear Uncle. I know a lot. I might even know stuff that you don't..

What don't I know child?

I love you Uncle M.

Knew that.

No. Uncle M. I love you.

I love you too Child. But what don't I know?

You'll have to wait and see.

I'm on question 19.

Question 19 the answer is… Lithium. What's the question?

What element has six protons, neutrons, and electrons?

Excuse me Carbon.

Oh. Okay. Thanks Ana.

Of course.

Andrya Shane Duchanne. What don't I know?

Uncle don't start.

No I want to know Andrya.

Je t'aime oncle m. {French}

Ahh tu as pratique ma nièce. {French}

Oui nom oncle. C'est une belle langue. {French}

Oui je sais Andrya. {French}

Je t'aime Andrya. {French}

I've got to go Uncle. I'll see you when I get home.

What question are you on now?

24. Which is Bromine.

Bon travail. Edward. You are doing amazing. There are only 30 questions.

Andrya. Stop helping the boy.

Uncle M. Stop being so rude. Now hush.

Andrya the boy is finding out something this afternoon and he is-

He is what Uncle?

He is nothing. Nevermind Andrya. Forget I said anything.

Uncle Macon Harvey Ravenstone.

Oh dear. Only my mother knows all four names. You don't scare me.

I have Nana on speed dial Uncle M.

Okay she won't tell you.

Bet. Gramma loves me.

Yeah probably even more than she loves her own.

Definitely more than my mom.

Andrya. Don't speak illy of her. She can't harm you. You know that. Besides Andrya, she is dead to the family. It's wrong to speak ill of the dead.

I'm going to message Gramma. Is Grampa coming too the Holidays with her?

Probably. They are still married. Just separated. Have been since your mother was claimed. No one understands why though.

Grampa is a very nice man. I have only seen him on the holidays though.

I know Child. My father is a nice man. He does love you too.

Alright. I have to go Uncle. Stop chatting my ear off.

Yes ma'am. I will be sleeping when you arrive.

I finish up my day and Edward is getting dressed for his practice. When he comes out he hugs me.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging my friend Ana."

"Oh. Are you coming over for dinner?"

"No probably not. Ammie will have a fit. But I'll call you."

"Okay." I pout. I wanted him to come to dinner.

"Oh by the way Ana. I have to ask you. Ammie is preparing a party for Addie's birthday."

"I'll be there. I'll call Ammarie when I get home as well. Have a good workout. Mr. Scratch." I say breaking his hug and running to the bug. I lips curl up into an unwanted smile. Edward Scratch just hugged me.

When I get to the manor I wake up Uncle M.

"Hello Child. How was school?"

"Very eventful. I used a spell." I beam.

"What spell?"

"The spell for invisible ink Uncle! It worked!"

"Delightful. Why do I feel as if there is something you're not telling me?"

"Edward hugged me today."

"Andrya… I don't want you getting to close to him. Warlock or not. You need to be focused on your birthday. Your powers and being a natural."

"Uncle, what if I'm not a natural and you're wrong?"

"Andrya. When am I ever wrong? Kitchen Tea!" He says and a cup of tea flies right into his hand, "Would you like a cup?"

"No thank you Uncle. You are wrong about me. You can't be so sure. I already feel myself goin' dark."

"Oh hush your crazy talk child. You aren't going dark you hear?"

"Uncle Macon, you can't be so sure."

"This is why I told you to stay away from the boy."

"Uncle, he has the dreams too!" I explode. I immediately regret it and trace the scars on my hands from Edward's fingernails digging into my skin.

"Oh dear… Excuse me a moment child. I have to phone some people."

"Yeah okay. I have homework." I say.

"ne vous inquiètes pas enfant."

"I'm not worrying Uncle." I walk up the stairs. I throw my phone on the dresser and kick off my shoes. I climb onto my bed and plug into my novel that I can't read at school. Fifty Shades of Grey. My phone rings and pulls me out of my trance. It's Edward's ring tone.

"Edward? Hey what's up?"

"Did you do this?"

"Do what?"

"My mom is here."

"What? No I didn't. I didn't even know."

"Apparently she left for a while. Went AWOL. And she was with someone."

"Edward I didn't do it. I didn't even know about her coming back. I thought she was dead just like you said."

"How can I believe you when all you do is lie to me?"

"What do you mean? I have never lied to you. Stretched the truth sure but other than that- you are the one who broke the window and kept it from me made me think I did it. You hid from me that you had a sister and that you're pretending to be okay but your dad hardly ever talks to you and you are trying to keep up the family image by saying that everything is okay."

"You told me that your father died in a fire."

"Edward… He did."

"But you didn't tell me it was started by your Momma! Maybe the people at school are right."

"Excuse you! You did not just say that Edward!"

"Oh yes I did. You also lied to me about everythin' about you! Let me guess your last name ain't even Duchanne."

"It is. I think you should lie down. Recuperate. Edward I have never ever lied to you." Tears flood my eyes, "And it pains me that you would say such a thing." I hear thunder and I hang up the phone. I let sobs rack my body.

"Oh Child. What's wrong?"

"Edward just accused me of bein' a satan-worshiper and a bad person and a bitch! Oh Uncle Macon you were right. Boys are nothin' but people who play with emotions."

"Oh child. I am so sorry this happened to you. Why did he think that?"

"Because his Momma is back. She just returned."

"Diane Scratch returned?"

"Yeah and Edward is an asshole." I hear a familiar noise. It's a clacking of heels. Gramma's heels and Grampa's hard soled shoes hit the floor. "Gramma is here?"

"Yes. I thought they'd make you happier. Besides, Gramma was already planning on comin' next week."

"And Grampa's here?"

"Hey Ana Banana."

"Grampa Jackson." I say and hug him tightly.

"Now child that's not fair. I raised you young lady." I sniffle and hug Gramma. "That's more like it child."

"Ik hou van he Gramma. Ik heb je gemist." ( I love you Gramma. I've missed you) {Dutch}

"Goed gedaan kind. Ik hou ook van joy kind. Macon mijn best, wanner leer he het kind Nederlands?" ( Good job child. I love you too child. Macon my dear when did you teach the child dutch?) {Dutch}

"Ik heb Andrya geen Nederlandse moeder gegeven. ." ( I didn't teach Andrya dutch Momma) {Dutch}

"Uitstkend kind." Grandpa says. In my mind it immediately translates to Excellent Child.

"Ik heb haar Latijnse, Franse, en Duitse moeder deleerd." ( I've taught her latin, french, and german mother.) {Dutch}

"Oh, vraiment infant? Un tel être merveilleux." ( Oh really child? Such a wonderful being.) She strokes my cheek. {French}

"Merci Gramma."

"Of course child. I am always delighted in what you have learned."

"Andrya can play the viola now."

"Uncle M is quite right."

"Still playing the piano I assume?" Grampa sounds disappointed and Gramma elbows him.

"Yes Grampa."

"She is rather good as well. Father."

"Toch mag geen van mijn kleinkinderen piano spelen." ( Still no grandchild of mine should play a piano) {Dutch}

"Vader. Het brengt haar grote vreugde en ze is een wonderkind." (Father. It brings her great joy and she is a prodigy.) {Dutch}

"Grootvader. Geen respect, maar je hebt me nog nooit horen spelen." (Grandfather. No disrespect but you've never even heard me play.) {Dutch}

"Not another word child." Gramma says.

"But he is wrong." I burst into tears.

"This is not about you father. She just had a rather unsettling argument with a friend."

"Er ist ein Esel und sollte in der Holle brennen."( He is an ass and should burn in hell.) {German}

Gramma gasps, "Oh kind. Zulke slechte woorden bezitten jou. Wie is deze jongen?" (Oh child. Such bad words possess you. Who is this boy?) {Dutch}

"Edward Scratch. Zoon van Lady Diane Marie Antoinette hit Londen. Of Diane Scratch." { Dutch, Edward Scratch. Son of Lady Diane Marie Antoinette of London. Or Diane Scratch.}

"Diane Scratch? Macon don't you know a Scratch?"

"Yes. The very one. Excuse me Mom and Dad. I have to go make a few phone calls and then go say hi to some people in town."

"Uncle. You don't like any of the town folk."

"I talk to Ammarie, and the librarian Miss Croft, and Diane is back in town."

"Uncle. Please don't go yell at Edward."

"Oh hush child." Gramma wraps me in an embrace.

"I'm going to go lie down. Maybe look at some music." Grampa says apologetically. I start to sob. He leaves the room and I find it hard to stop crying. Gramma let's me cry into her shoulder. I hear the car door slam and I get out of Gramma's embrace and run. I run into the woods surrounding Ravenstone manor. I see Uncle's, Auntie's, and Momma's old tree house and I climb inside and let the sobs rack by body.

I walk inside. Water dripping off of me. It started to rain.All thanks to of Uncle Macon I know. But I am shivering. My teeth chatter, goosebumps on my skin, and my lips quiver. Gramma wraps me in a towel and I walk to sit in front of the fire. The house is dark and I know Uncle Macon is angry but I am beyond furious.

"Andrya Shane Duchanne. Where in god's name were you?" His southern accent flows. Oh it's on Uncle Macon.

"In the tree house." I reply with my southern accent. I was not backing down tonight. Uncle Macon crossed a line and he is going to get in trouble for it.

"Why in gods name where you out there?"

"You said I could travel wherever I please as long as it's on the plantation or school or the library or even the Stop and Shopp. You have never had a problem with it until now." My southern accent is heavy. Gosh, I didn't plan on being so angry at Uncle M but he was only makin' it worse.

"Andrya how many times have I told you? That tree house is off limits!" He yells.

"Uncle Macon I've had enough. I don't have to listen to you anymore. You did this! You ruined my shot at having my first friend since Braxlee and you know it!"

"I did not! How dare you accuse me of something like that? I should've taken Braxlee under my wing or anyone else! You cause way to many problems! I'm done with you! You are a disgrace just like Sarafine!" Tears flood my eyes.

"Melchizedek. You hush now!" I have never heard Uncle Macon's first name. All I knew what that it started with an M.

"I need to go lie down. I also need a bath drawn so if you'll excuse me." I say silently and walk up the stairs. I draw a hot bath and then I get it in. The water hotter than I intend and it burns my skin. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. Tears gently stream down my face. How could Uncle say those things to me? Especially now… Especially after Edward was an ass. It doesn't matter. I am over it. Once I am chosen I am out of here. Even if I'm chosen for the light. Uncle will have no more control over me. I've had it.

After my bath and after I calm down I check my phone. It's a call from the Scratch home. Oh goodie. I call them back.

"Hello?" Ammarie says.

"Um hi. I received a call from you." I say softly.

"Oh… Diane. The phone is for you."

"Thank you Ammarie." The woman says. Her voice soft and I completely imagine her as the perfect mother. She sounds like a lovely person. "Andrya Duchanne?"

"Yes ma'am?" The way she pronounces my name makes it seem so beautiful and unique. Yet also like it's just a usual name and a usual conversation between two people who are possibly friends.

"Would you meet me? We have a lot to talk about."

"Um… I don't know. I've already made Uncle quite upset."

"Oh hush child. I know Melchizedek won't mind one bit. You are meeting the only dearest friend he has and I'm sure he'd love it if we got along."

"Okay… Where shall I meet you Mrs. Scratch?"

"The library in ten minutes." The line does dead. I have on pajama's. Silk ones actually. I put on my slide on shoes, grab my coat and my phone then head out to the bug.

I walk into the library and push up my glasses. My hair is down over my back and it looks better than how I am feeling. "Miss Croft? Mrs. Scratch?" I ask. Normally I would've yelled because the library closed an hour ago but I abide most rules and my voice is hoarse.

"Ahh hello child." Miss Croft frowns.

"How can we know she's actually a witch?"

"Oh I know alright Rosie. She has the traditional mark of the Ravenstone's and Duchanne's on her cheek." My crescent moon and itty bitty star on my cheek?

"That don't mean nothing. You know who her Daddy is?" I don't even know that one. Sure I remember him somewhat. A caster who chose dark because of his family heritage.

"Atticus Mayfield. Is her Daddy. Isn't is Andrya?"

"I don't know my Daddy's name Mrs. Scratch. My mother killed him. Arson. She set the house on fire. Killed a total of three people that night."

"Oh dear I'm so sorry. But Rosie she's got the mark of her mother and her Uncle and her Aunts. She has to be a witch."

"I could show you that I am a witch Miss Croft."

"Okay…" She signals for me to demonstrate. I lift up her pencil container and the ink basket. Then the bookshelves. "That's enough dear." She says and I gently put the things back down.

"How is Addie?"

"Oh they're both so fond of you Andrya." My phone rings. It's Uncle Macon.

"Could I take this?"

"Of course dearie. Tell him I'll make sure you get home safe." Mrs. Scratch says.

"Uncle before you start…"

"Where are you? Are you safe?"

"I'm in the library Uncle. With Miss Croft and Mrs. Scratch. Yes I'm safe."

"Oh thank the high heavens. Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Uncle. I don't think that your choice would be wise."

"Why not?" I have caught him off guard surely. But he must know that I have no intention in facing him. He said that I was just like my Mom… and that I was a disgrace. Like Braxlee and Momma even if he hadn't said that.

"Uncle. I don't think I want to see you. I need time to think. To see if I want to forgive you."

"Oh Andrya. I am sorry I said those hurtful things. I was angry. Furious even. I was worried. I thought your mother got to you or something. I just… Blew up. I forgot that you get emotional like that and it takes you a while to forgive someone."

"Because you thought I was Braxlee."

"No. Not at all. Andrya you are not Braxlee."

"But did you think that I was her in that moment? I remember you yelling at her like that before she went dark."

"Possibly. But Andrya that was never my intention."

"Uncle I need to be alone. With Mrs. Scratch and Miss Croft. I will be home later. Mrs. Scratch even said that she would be delighted to make sure I got home safely."

"Yes. Diane has always been that way. Motherly. To children who aren't even her own. Tell her I said thank you and bid her well and that she should visit us here at Ravenstone Manor for dinner some time this week."

"I will Uncle." I hang up and turn to the woman finally getting a look at them. Now that my headache has died down a little. Mrs. Scratch is a woman who is a few inches taller than me who has the most marvelous shade of purple eyes like her son and daughter. Her hair is blonde long, and curly like her sons. She is a skinnier woman and she has a scar on her collar bone and her skin is a nice shade of peach. She isn't tan and doesn't die her hair. We are off to a good start and she is being polite to me. Miss Croft is a totally different image. She is only slightly maybe an inch taller than me. Her long dark brown hair is pulled back and out of her face. In those low buns older women wear. Her green eyes pierce through me and make me feel uncomfortable. Her voice sounds angry. She is tan and not as skinny as Mrs. Scratch but skinnier than me. Mrs. Scratch is wearing dressy pants and a button up green shirt. She has on loafers and she looks ready for the day. But it is 9 o'clock. Miss Croft is wearing her usual cardigan, jeans and t-shirt. She has on high top red converse. They both look radiant and young and it is hard to picture them as being best friends. But then again Braxlee and I were best friends and she was very opening, forth coming. Where I was rather reserved and quiet. She liked parties and boys where I thought boys in books were sweeter and I would rather stay in and read or work on homework or spell casting than party. I think that's what happened and that's why she went dark. She wasn't innocent. She wasn't pure. Like Uncle said but Braxlee was my best friend and maybe Miss Croft was me and her best friend is Mrs. Scratch or the other way around but one of them isn't evil. Or isn't going evil. "So Mrs. Scratch and Miss Croft… What did you want to meet with me for?"

Miss Croft's face finally softens. We have been talking for well over an hour now and I am now fond of the two women that sit in front of me at the table. Mrs. Scratch said that she had been off on some business and it was rather urgent. She told Ammarie to tell the children and Mr. Scratch that she had fallen ill. She wasn't trying to hurt anyone. Miss Croft is actually a nice lady under her hard ass glare. She just knows when to suspect something and for me she didn't know. Mrs. Scratch tells Miss Croft goodnight and so do I. I should get to my car. It is well after 11:30. Uncle will be worried. My curfew is 12.

"I could vouch for you." Mrs. Scratch says reading my unsaid thought.

"Did you just read my mind?"

"Ahh yes Andrya dear. Your Uncle has quite the soft spot when it comes to me. I'll follow you to the manor, make sure you get home safe and vouch for you. It must be past your curfew."

"My curfew is at midnight ma'am."

"That is in five minutes. You won't make it to the manor in time. See I had Rose pick me up. So she could follow us and you could tell me about your Uncle."

"I'd like that Mrs. Scratch. I have grown oh so fond of you already. I can see why Uncle is fond of you as well."

"You could also tell me about the man my son has grown into."

"I don't think we should talk about him. We had an argument earlier. He still hasn't said sorry."

"Hmm…" She says getting into the drivers seat of Uncle's car and I walk around and hand her the keys. "Do you want me to have a word with him? I could set him straight. Why can't you apologize?"

"He called me a liar and said that I was lying about you. I have only met you just now in my entire life Mrs. Scratch and Edward thought that I had something to do with your disappearance."

"Oh… But that is where you are wrong Andrya. Your mother had you right before her 16th birthday. I was relatively close to your mother, uncle and aunt back then.My Aunt lives down here. When things got heated at the castle or back home they sent me up here. That year my father found out about my mothers powers. He was angry. She was born in April you know. Her birthday on the 17th."

"You were there?"

"Oh honey. I was more than just there for your birth. My husband and I were at a disagreement so I told Ammarie to watch my boy and I came to the manor and lived with Melchizedek. I was there when your mother gave birth dear." She smiles. "You were such a beautiful baby Andrya."

"Thank you." I murmur. All of my baby pictures went up in flames. "So how long have you known my Uncle?"

"Oh silly dear. Melchizedek and I have been friends for an eternity. I love you Uncle about as much as I love my husband. Melchizedek has always been very good to me."

"Can I tell you something that you can not tell Uncle Macon?"

"Of course sweetheart." She looks over at me as she drives. She is driving under a street lamp and the light shines over on me.

"Uncle Macon loves you too. But I don't think it is in the same way as you do…" She sits back taking this in for a moment.

"Melchizedek loves me?" She smiles. "He has always been rather reserved. I found it adorable. I would try to get him to open up to me and wouldn't tell him anything about me until he told me about him. I have always loved your Uncle sweetheart but Melchizedek… He is out of luck. I am married. I have two children whom I love very much. I love my husband. Don't get me wrong I love your Uncle but I've never thought he loved me. Melchizedek doesn't love anyone."

"He loves me, and my Aunties and Gramma."

"I am sure he does sweetheart but you should've seen the look on his face when he first held you in his arms. You were so tiny and fragile compared to him and he immediately knew he loved you. His eyes lit up and he said he was going to be the perfect Uncle to you."

"That doesn't sound like Uncle."

"Oh it was him alright. Melchizedek loved you from the start. Thought of you as his daughter and I think you are the first person he's loved. Ever. I think it started with you and I can see why he loves you."

"That doesn't sound like Uncle Macon."

"Is that what he goes by now?"

"Sorry. He doesn't go by his first name. Unless Gramma and Grampa call him that. He doesn't like it. I have never heard it until tonight."

"Well… Melchizedek is going to be called Melchizedek by me whether he likes it or not." She grins. Patting my knee.

"Mrs. Scratch…"

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is Edward mad at me?"

"I think he was just startled that I out of all people lied to him and took it out on you. I will talk to him when I get home."

"Okay. Thank you Mrs. Scratch for the wonderful evening. I had so much fun." I say as she pulls up the long drive way to Uncles.

"I think I should talk to your Uncle Melchizedek for a moment to clear everything up." She says. Uncle is pacing the porch. He looks up at both of us as Mrs. Scratch takes my hand and leads me up to him.

"Hello Diane."

"Melchizedek. I am awful sorry for keeping Andrya here out so late. It won't happen again." She looks sincere. Still holding my hand. I find it comforting. Momma never held my hand. Uncle held them a few times. Gramma held my hand but not a mother figure.

"Thank you for bringing her home. Hello Miss Croft." Uncle M says.


"I am sorry Ana." He says wrapping me in a hug.

"Uncle I-"

"I told you Andrya. He has never ever apologized to anyone else."

"What is she going on about?"

"You. When I first came into the world she said I am the first person you ever loved. Wanted to care for."

"Well she's not wrong." He says. "Diane, I really appreciate it. Andrya has had quite the day. I think she should retire to her bed chambers."

"Thank you for the lovely night Mrs. Scratch." I bring her into a hug she is startled at first and then wraps her arms around me.

"Of course Andrya. I enjoyed meeting you again and our conversation on the way over here."

"Me too. Thank you Miss Croft!" I say. She smiles at me.

"No thank you Andrya. Hello Melchizedek. How is the sulking going?"He frowns at her. "It's probably not as bad as being deaf." She giggles.

"I'm sorry. Could you come over here? I couldn't hear you on account of my old ears." He says playfully. She laughs.

"Look Rose. Melchizedek knows he's old no need to rub it in." Mrs. Scratch says. I laugh.

"Hey. Diane, I wouldn't be talking I am only five years older than you." He says and her smile fades.

"Melchizedek. Thank you for letting us meet with Andrya until such a late hour." Miss Croft says, "Diane, you should come on now. Your children and husband will be worried."

"Are you calling me old?" She finally speaks and it's as if she's been slapped across the face.

"Would that offend you?" He says and he looks pitiful.

"On account of me only bein' 35 Melchizedek I think it's rude to call a woman old." She says, "But calling a 40 year old man old is true."

"Diane, you are wasting your time. Don't you have a caldron to stir?"

"Don't you have a crypt to crawl back into?" She regains her smile.


"One moment Andrya. It seems Diane has forgot who she is messing with." Mrs. Scratch rolls her eyes. Uncle Macon walks over to her and wraps his arms around her. "It is so nice to have you back Diane."

"It's nice to be back." She says. Uncle walks back up to me wrapping his arm round my waist. "Goodbye Andrya. Melchizedek."

"Diane. Rosemary."

"Old Man Ravenstone." Miss Croft says.

"Hey don't make me come after you with my cane now."


"Yes Andrya?" He says leading me into the house.

"Thank you."


"Letting me stay out past curfew."

"I was pretty worried."

"I know Uncle. I'm sorry. But I just lost track of time. Miss Croft was telling me the origin story on how you guys met and I guess I got really absorbed. It was quite interesting. I need to head off to bed now Uncle."

"I know. Miss Croft can be quite the storyteller. Goodnight Andrya." He says. I kiss his cheek.

"Goodnight Uncle M." I say, "I love you too." I run up the stairs and climb into bed. Falling asleep easily because my entire body is so tired.

I wake up at 6:45. My head hurts and I quickly look at my phone which is dinging off the hook.

E. Scratch: Hey. Can we meet up? I have a question…

Me: Edward, I have a lot to do before class today. I don't think I can. Besides I am still mad at you.

E. Scratch: I know. I was upset. Look, Mom and I talked. Apparently she invited you to the library last night. She is absolutely fond of you. But hey. I'll be to the manor with my mom and Addie and I'd like it very much to apologize.

I quickly get into the shower. Someone knocks on the door. "May I come in kind?" She says child in dutch. She always has mostly.

"One moment Gramma." I slide my jeans up and before she opens the door. I grab my shirt off the counter and slide it over my head.

"Good Morning Kind." She grins at me.

"Gramma. I don't want to hear it. I know I was out past curfew and Uncle already knows why."

"I know. You were at the library." The door is knocked upon.

"Yes Gramma. Are you gonna tell me how wrong it was to be out past curfew in a small town like Greendale?"

"Well, I'd rather you be out past curfew than in Greendale over New York City, or New Orleans."

"Yeah. Like I have time to go to either of those places. Gramma my birthday is coming up soon and fast and you know what that means."

"You aren't goin' dark Kind."

"You don't know that Gramma! Braxlee went dark and-"

"We all knew she was goin' dark Kind."

"But you always told her…"

"Sweet Pea we just knew with her."

"Well, do you know about me?"

"No exactly Kind."

"See. I might as well be goin' dark Gramma." I stomp downstairs interfering with Uncle M and Mrs. Scratch's conversation. "You me outside now." I say pointing at Edward and walking out onto the plantation. He follows me out a few seconds later.

"You alright?" I grab his face and kiss him. He pulls away startled. "What the hell Ana? Have you gone mad?"


"Look I know you've gotten a little crazy Ana but just walkin' up and kissin' me. All because of some curse that corresponds with your birthday?"

"On account of me hearin' your thoughts Edward I thought that you felt the same…"

"I do… It's just that I didn't expect it. "

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No no. Don't be sorry." He says. I cast myself back into my room.

"Door!" I say and the door closes and locks. I did not just kiss Edward Scratch. I did not. Impulse control I swear. It kills me. I hear Boo come up and sit right outside of my door. "Go away Uncle Melchizedek!" I scream.The dog stays still.

"Andrya. Unlock the door." Gramma yells.

"No. Go away." The next thing I know Diane Scratch is in my bedroom. "How did you get in here?"

"I am a natural. I can do whatever I put my mind to. Although I am not your Uncle.. Would you like to talk?"

"No. I just want to sit here and cry."

"Oh dear. What is it? Is it your birthday?"

"No. It's not that. I feel a dark entity around Greendale. It's driving me crazy I think it's my mother but if I tell Uncle he'll just go and never let me leave. I'd have to beg him and that doesn't work sometimes."

"Sarafine Duchanne? Are you sure? Gosh, I haven't seen your Momma since her claiming. She went dark and I never have spoken to her. What if I make a deal with you Uncle?"

"Yes. My Uncle the incubus and caster. Gosh I hate this Mrs. Scratch."

"Well he could keep you bond here or you could attend school and I could pick up a part time job as an assistant or something since I have all the time in the world now that my husband has taken up his writing. He let me read it yesterday and I just…" She sighs. "I could also drive you to and from the school building."

"I just don't want to tell him. You know? He is just so overprotective."

"He's like your father." Mrs. Scratch reasons. "My husband is that way with Addie. She begged to come over and see you."

"If I'm goin' dark Mrs. Scratch I don't want to hurt your daughter or your son. It's already gonna be hard enough if I have to hurt Gramma and Uncle Macon."

"That old croon?" She says and I figure that he is eavesdropping.

"Don't you be talkin' bad about me Mrs. Scratch. I will forbid you to see my niece."

"Oh Melchizedek. No you wouldn't."

"Don't try me Diane." He says. He sounds serious.

"Oh hush now Melchizedek. We both know you wouldn't dare to do anything after all you're just an incubus and evo. I'm a natural Melchizedek. I won't go easy on you either!"

"Just get Andrya out of her room. She has class in less than an hour."

"I don't want to go." I whisper. "They make fun of me at school and call me a witch and tell me I'm not normal." Mrs. Scratch stares at me her eyes wide.

"Melchizedek!" She yells the door unlocks and in comes Uncle.

"What do you mean Ana?" He asks.

"Gosh." I roll my eyes. "I guess I should tell you…" I tell him all the things those girls have been saying about me and he is upset.

"I am calling Principal Magnolia." Principal Magnolia isn't what you called Principal Magnolia Peach. She was a force not to be reckoned with. I guess Edward would know that. I came in when Uncle registered me and she was yelling up a storm, expelling people, and then yelling at a mom whom now I assume is Ashlee Snow's mother. I would've put that bitch in her place too. But then again you didn't mess with the GDRH. Granddaughters of Rosemary Hill which was just on the other side of Weatherspeak. A tiny plantation like my Uncle's that was right next door. I wasn't allowed to venture over there. Dark magic still lingered like radiation around Weatherspeak.

"No Uncle. I just don't want to go. Please."

"Fine. You can do your other work. I'll call the school and tell them you'll be absent for today."

"Thank you Uncle."

"What other work?" Mrs. Scratch asks me.

"My language and spell learning."

"Oh delightful. Could I accompany you?"

"I suppose. As long as it's alright with Uncle Macon."

"I suppose that would be alright."

"Wouldn't you rather be with Mr. Scratch though Mrs. Scratch?"

"No. He knows I want to get back to my everyday life. Which was normally hanging out with that old croon and Rose."

"Oh hush now Diane. I'm not that old." Uncle says after a moment. He must've left a message.

"You're 40 Melchizedek."

"And?" He prompts. "Are you going to the library Andrya?"

"I don't know. What did you have in mind Mrs. Scratch?"

"Well, Melchizedek, I might go take the child to get her nails done, maybe go shopping you know splurge, spend a lot of your fortune. You know the usual."

"I have a name."

"I know. But everyone around here in this house calls you child."

"I only call her child when Mother is up."

"Wouldn't want to disappoint mommy dearest now would we?" She prompts and he seems to shrink.

"Andrya has-"

"No this is about your mommy Melchizedek."

"No we wouldn't want to disappoint her."

"Since she is already disappointed enough with her children?"

"Yes Diane. She is very disappointed. Especially with someones mother. Not naming anyone in particular."

"She is also disappointed that you didn't marry."

"I don't like people." Uncle says quietly.

"I'm sorry." She says. Something else must've happened between them. I want to figure it out.


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