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Coven Chapter Excerpt

Magic is everywhere

By Michelle TaylorPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Coven Chapter Excerpt
Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

October 12, 1695

The cool wind bit into my skin as the moonlight was blocked by dark clouds. The chill in the air was unusual for this early October, especially this close to the coast.

I wonder if the spell has anything to do with the weather, I thought.

I hid my face beneath my cloak. Its rich navy color helped conceal me from the moonlight. The dense fog made tracking difficult, not that any mortal would venture out into this weather.

Mallory was right, a fog-filled night would be perfect. Mortals would be too scared to venture out; they think witches come out with the fog, especially on a full moon night in the deep countryside.

Tonight they are right. We knew that tonight would be our only chance to make this work. Since the churches rise to power, witches up and down the coast have gone into hiding, fear of prosecution or worse, death.

After tonight there will be no more hiding. No more fear. A chill runs down my spine, the cold must be getting to me.

The road is quiet except for when my boots scrape the ground. I know that my sisters are already meeting.

It should be here somewhere, I think as I run my hand along the large grey stone wall. The notch in the stones show a secret rune only those with magic would see. Mortals wouldn’t suspect anything from it, but any well-trained witch would see a passageway to a hidden coven.

I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one is around.

“Ostend te,” I whisper.

The wall has vanished and in its place, a winding stairway appears. Faint light lines the walls as candles flicker. The stone walls feel slick and cold as the wall guides me down the stairs. I follow down the steps as mice scurry past my feet. Warmth hits me before anything. The fire that warms the cauldron is strong tonight. Mine and my sister’s magic has become even more powerful from the drought.

Witches have begun to hold in their magic for fear of a mortal catching them. This backup makes us stronger and more powerful, the drought is why tonight is the perfect time to cast this spell and finally feel free, besides the fact that the church is wanting to start interviewing people.

The smell of peppermint hits me, it’s sweet and strong it almost makes my eyes water. By the time I reach the door, I can hear Penelope’s laugh. The brass knob squeaks as it turns. All laughter and noise from the room stops until I close the door behind me.

“You scared the crap out of me,” Mallory says.

“Sorry, I’m late. The market was packed. I couldn’t leave my booth early and had to head into the woods to pick up the rest of the ingredients,” I say, laying the basket filled with Holly, Mugwort and Juniper on the table. The fire warms me quickly. I feel flush as I lay my cloak down. I look around to see all my sisters standing around the room. I can’t remember the last time we all gathered together like this. Mallory and Penelope are standing by the fire stirring the cauldron and talking, Ellenor is stripping the herbs I brought in and preparing them and Katerina is standing at the book of shadows flipping pages and making notes with her quill.

“Bridget, can you come help me?” Katernia asked.

“Sure, how’s everything going? Do we need anything else for the spell?” I ask.

“No, we have all the herbs and candles needed, just need for it to strike midnight and for the moon to peek out from behind the fog and we are good to go, I do need some help with the incantation. I can’t figure out how to say this last little bit, it's in the old language and I am having a hard time translating it,”

“Let me see,” I turn the book to me, the worn out pages smooth under my touch, I glide my hands over the pages to see where she is struggling. Most of the spell had been translated already but the end read, sábháil sinn tabhair neart dúinn, “save us and give us strength.”

The spell was complete and the protection charms were made and ready to burn, now all we had to do was wait for midnight. With all the work done I went and sat in the corner with tea, it wasn’t long before Penelope was pulling up a chair next to me. “Do you really think this will work?” she asks, there's a touch of nervousness in her voice.

“Yes. It has to work, if not I don’t know what we will do,” I tell her. I think of what other women have went through over the last few years. How many women, witches or not, were killed and punished. I think about my mother and how I lost her before my twelfth birthday to these monsters. I shake the sounds of her screams from my head. It cannot keep happening so if we can join together and defeat this evil that threatens us then we should. The spell is old and it helped save some of our ancestors in Europe many years ago, so I don’t see why it wouldn't work now, especially when we are all banded together. There is power in numbers and that is what we have here tonight. I scan the room to see the 9 witches here. We have the power of three times three. It will multiply our power. This will work, I think.

“Well, here's hoping it does work so that way we can plan a great birthday for you this year,” Penelope said. She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Ever since mom died, she has always been there for me. Her mother took me in and has helped to continue my training and covered for me as her daughter so that I wouldn’t be persecuted just because my mother was..

My sixteenth birthday would only increase my powers and balance out my control. I would be able to finally get my familiar, and I would be free to use them if this spell worked. I would be free of the mortals' hunt and could enjoy my life.

“Girls,” Katherina said, ``the moon is peaking out and will be shining brightly soon, we need to take advantage of this time now, it's almost midnight.”

The clock's hands clicked forward one more minute and we all grabbed our cloaks. A small red curl fell forward out of my hood and into my face. As I went to tuck it back in I felt a tap on my back. I turned to see Katherina holding the translated spell in her hand. “ I need you to help me with this. I need your help with the recitation.”

“But I have never cast a spell out loud like this,” I say. “The only reason I know the mother language is because my mom taught it to me from a young age. She said she didn’t want me to forget where we came from.”

“Well that’s great and all but I need you,” Katerina snarked. “Ascension or not, you are the only witch that is still alive that can translate this book, so I need your help.”

“Fine, only because I need this to work,” I mutter as I pick up the book of shadows. I follow her out the doorway and up the stairs again Once I reach the top, the rest of the girls are outside already forming a circle. I lean against the edge wall and whisper cheilt, the dimly lit tunnel disappears and the stone wall is back in its place. When I reach the small cemetery on the other side of the wall I see all the different protection charms the girls have brought with them to make this spell work. There is moonwater glittering against the jars, satchels of herbs ment as protection waiting to burn, amulets are hanging around a few girls necks and vials of the potion that was being brewed are being passed around to each member of the coven. Protection charms have become something necessary for every witch to keep their true selves hidden from those around them. I pulled out a small satchel of herbs blessed with moonwater and coated it in the wax of a protection candle from the pocket of my skirt. I had kept it on me everyday since my mother passed. The chime of the bells at the church pulls me out of my thoughts as I hold the small bag in my hand.

“Let us begin, girls,” Katherina said. “Take out your charms and hold them tight and ready your potion, once we have finished the incantation you must drink the whole potion for it to take effect. Not one drop can spill or the blessing will not work. Are we ready? Alright repeat after me and Bridget.”

I open the book to the page marked and skimm over the writing. I can;t believe the head of the coven can’t read the mother language I think and I start to read alongside her.

Earth, Sky and Sea hear our plea, protect us and keep us free. Remove the harm that comes to thee.From those who fear we Clear us from their eyes and erase the Fear that holds my sister tight from fire, flame burning bright. Save us and give us strength. So blessed be.

The chorus of voices is the only sound that echoes through the cemetery. Which makes my hair stand on edge there should be some noise even if the winds howl had gone quiet. I shake off the uneasy feeling and throw more herbs on the fire to continue protecting us. Then I uncork my vial and begin to drink down my potion. The sweet taste of peppermint, rosemary and fennel fill my mouth. I swallow the sweet sticky brew and watch my sisters do the same. As we do the moon light sparkes against the fire and fog slowly starts to roll back in.

I think it worked, because something in the air just feels different. The scent of magic is in the air. I laugh feeling my worries drift away and go to grab Penelope when a noise catches my attention. I turn to the woods and see a dark figure walk out.

“So there are witches in this town?” a low deep voice asked.

Everyone turned to look and horror filled Katherina’s face when she saw who it was, Reverend Clark.


About the Creator

Michelle Taylor

Writing is my passion, it's all I have ever wanted to do. Books and stories have always fascinated me, When I am not writing I am busy being a wife and mom in a small town in North Carolina. I also teach high school English

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