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Chapter two

the book

By Samuel BitnerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The madness was unreal. My head underwater I wasn't even fighting to get back to the surface. I witnessed a star in the eye of infinity. I was consumed by the ultimate power. The demons summoned procured the gates of hell. A symbol of devouring destruction. I was damned. I was forsaken.

I stood in plain sight and ignited into a thousand dying suns. These bones wouldn't break. This blood wouldn't freeze. This undeniable force of a will is a reckoning upon my soul. Annihilating curses of a bloodline. A tragedy wrapped in wicked misery. I let the faith burn into ash and I watched silently.

In this a task was born to be completed. Bound by an oath the ones who rise from the scorching light will ascend. The winds of change rip apart houses and cars. The dirt and the dust suffocated and ravaged. Eliminating all that allowed life. I remember the shattered lungs and the house on fire. We had to find the five year plan. Nothing will take us back. We no longer fear losing comfort or grace.

At the edge of a mountain I looked above the clouds. I spoke out loud to the man that would become. I spoke the truths of why certain parts of the soul would have to remain behind. Since then I have lost pieces of myself I gave away over time. I do not blame. I do not regret. Sometimes though I feel empty beneath the moon. Waiting for the blood wolf to rip open the ground and consume reality. In some way I did die that day but I wasn't dragged to hell. I wasn't found by the light. I became the illusion of the gray matter. Face to face with deadly duality. I haven't heard silence since that day. The ringing in my ears sounds like antagonizing demons. Vices without a fuse. Never to explode but always slowly killing.

I look through the glass shield and smirk at the irony. For the first time you saw what you created and what its burden was. For once you knew my name. It was the last time before I took his soul. I used it to forge the weapon that disassembled time. I relish in my story. I linger in its every letter even when it cuts me like shards in a sandstorm. You see there was nothing left here after that night. Alone. The sun abandoned us in the horizon and stole the will of the moon. I wish I could say I didn't see it coming. We all knew we would pay a price. Was it worth anything?

So here we are brother. Watching the house on fire. Cackling to the dead as they dance and turn beneath the graves. They sway and weave in a storm of ashes. I thought I buried them but nothing can stop what we began. Regardless of the reckless will self imploding I know the task will see an end.

I watched their eyes burning in the rain. As hell hissed at our heels. I will not stop and if they aren't coming with so be it. I am only alone when the voices in my head turn on me. That's when I flip the switch and let the tremors in my bones speak. I have plenty of famine in the memories. I let the blackhole swallow time and space into shredded oblivions. I let the filth collapse behind me. I insist on the manifestations. If they deny me I will take what is ours. Do you not believe the promises in my eyes anymore. Maybe the demons won. Maybe I am not done.

I visit the palace once again. It's where I left her to rest. She died as a hero but I was fortunate to never see her become the villain. I pray she doesn't see the villain in me. I do not seek forgiveness anymore. In a way I believe she would be proud of that truth. That no matter the sacrifices and no matter the chaos it is worth knowing oneself.

I stopped lying to myself in this tragedy. I stopped playing pretend and took responsibility of the timeline. I took ownership and control from those who betrayed me. Your options have been depleted. I'm unforgiving in the fact that you will not be able to see within. You will not know what you made me feel. I am reminded of the time I watched god die. You couldn't save them. Neither would I. I withstood the storm and now no man can stop me.


About the Creator

Samuel Bitner

I want to share the energy of my writings. It comes from an infinite place I listen to often.

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