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Chapter 10: Chavo’s Story

Wind Witch by Sheila L. Chingwa

By Sheila L. ChingwaPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Chapter 10: Chavo’s Story
Photo by Matt Moloney on Unsplash

Slurps of tea were heard as a plate of cookies floated from person to person. Markus set a few more logs on the fire causing the fire to spirt crackling noise. The moment was calming as the sage kept burning in the center of the table to assist in calming the assembled group.

Peter’s eyes focused on the pan of sage and watched the smoke loft up into the air. He watched Jack lean forward and place another ball of sage into the pan. Jack leaned in closer to the ball and blew on the smoldering smudge and Peter watched the sage leaves as they began to be consumed by fire. Jack leaned back in his chair and smiled at Peter.

“Well boy,” he looked at Chavo, “You have a story to tell.” Jack crossed his arms and concentrated his attention on the boy for a moment. Then he leaned forward and blew on the sage bundle once again. The smoke seemed to swirl and dance in the air.

“I really don’t know where to begin because I do not understand everything that happened. I will do my best.” Chavo drew himself up the the table and leaned his elbows on its top. He cupped his head into his hands and rubbed his face in exhaustion. He sat there in a moment of distress trying to unscramble his thoughts.

After a moment he began, “The day was odd. The nuns and Jade were in a panic. The Father was deathly ill and everyone seemed to be focused on his care. Sister Mary was brutal and I went to the Father’s office to do my chores. While I was cleaning, I noticed a letter sitting on the table. It spoke of intent to buy another girl. As I was reading, the truck pulled up in front of the school. I ran and told Jade that visitors had arrived. She nodded and went off to greet the incoming people as I went to work with Sarah in the kitchen.” He took a deep breath and steadied himself once again.

He looked up at the faces at the table. Their expressions had not changed. He stopped and considered the next part of the story. “Sarah and I completed the dishes and we rushed out of there because I had seen the letter and I wanted to show her. After reading the letter Sarah and I went to see what all the chaos was about In Father’s room. In the side closet, is a peek hole and Sarah and I went to go and sneak a peek. We were not prepared to be caught in the hallway by sister Mary. She really hates Sarah you know, so she threw Sarah in the closet and secured the door. She shooed me away and I ran back to Jade.”

“I am not certain what happened to Sarah after that but Jade heard my news and went running to the closet where Sarah was contained. Jade and I were met by the other nuns in the hallway and they tried to stop us from going down the hallway to Father’s room. We came around the corner to see the animal like beast reaching under the door where Sarah was hidden. Jade pulled out a stick and a bright light shot from the end of it and hit the beast. I swear the beast’s scream was deafening as it screamed in pain. Once, twice, then a third time drove the beast to look for an escape and chose to break through the window for its escape.” Chavo stopped talking and looked at Sarah.

“Jade then rescued Sarah from the closet and she told Sarah that she needed to get ready to go. She was to keep quiet and not fight leaving because she would be chosen to leave. Jade sent her to the washroom and Jade took me to the truck and covered me for the escape. She told me to tell Robert about the monster.” Chavo stood there for a moment because he did not understand what had happened.

Peter rose to his feet and walked over to Jack and handed him a note, “More sage please, call the spirits on the drum.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he looked at the boy and said, “Is there something you need to do?”

Instantly, Peter began to write: “I can show the whole event if I hold Sarah’s and Chavo’s hands.”

Peter walked over to Sarah and pulled her over to Chavo and he stood in between. He wrote: “Close your eyes and remember the day.” He watched them close their eyes and he grabbed onto their hands.

Jack added the sage to the pan and Peter nodded that he was ready to work. Jack smudged his drum and began to beat rhythmically on the drum. The drum’s sound mesmerized them and Peter began to pull the smoke around them. The on lookers watched as the smoke lofted up into the air and bent to flow towards the children. Circles of sage smoke flowed around the children. A rush of smoke clouded together to fill the space above the table.

Once again, the images began to appear In the smoke. The wizards and witches watched the day’s events unfold in front of them. Gasp of discuss escaped from their lips as they watched the father’s soul leave its body and transform into the Wendigo. They watched the battle between witch and monster and gasped at the ineffectiveness of the spell. They sighed with relief when Sarah was safely out of the school. The drumming stopped and the children opened their eyes to see everyone peering at them.

Jack sat down in his chair contemplating the events he had seen. He marveled at the amazing ability Peter displayed. “I must be clear, we are in trouble. A Wendigo on the lose, is a dangerous thing. Apparently, it is time to tell you that this beast can not be killed. Once a man eats flesh of man, and betrays the Natives, the soul is no longer his own. He will remain alive until his name is spoken at the time he is being destroyed. He can’t be killed.”

The men and women sat there, at the table, stunned. They looked from side to side hoping that the others would have an idea of how to conquer this. Yet, no one spoke. This beast was from the dark side of magic and they did not have any idea how this was made or how it could be destroyed.

Dragonfly stood in his chair and stepped up on the table. “As long as Sarah and Chavo stays here with Peter, I will watch over them until we can figure out what we can do. My arrow will be at their services. It is clear, they need protection and I am willing to protect Sarah and Chavo.”

“Robert, this decision is yours to make. I agree that the children should stay together for a moment. Markus and Mary, this is a large task we need to ask of you. Are you willing to keep these three here?” Jamison asked the couple sitting at the head of the table.

Mary walked over to Peter and pulled him close to her. “Markus, let’s try. What is two more? Verna, these children need more help then I can do alone. Will you stay and assist for awhile?”

With a tilt of Markus’ head and a side smile aimed at his wife, he said, “Yes, dear, we can help them for a while.”

Robert sighed, “Lyra, tell Seth and Lori that Sarah is going to stay here for a short time. We need to locate that Wendigo and see where it is heading. I believe this is far enough away for all of them to be safe.”

Mary’s eyes glistened as she gathered up her new family near her. “Now its time to get you three to bed. “Lyra and Verna, its time for this little cabin to grow. Can you two help me add on three more rooms?” The two ladies stood, began incantations and soon the room started vibrating. Cracking and snapping began to sound as particles of wood came together and take form as rooms attached themselves to the original cabin. Beds took shape and the children were taken to their separate rooms to rest.

“Robert,” Jamison turned to his friend, “This is not a normal chain of events. We have done other rescues before, but this one is unusual. That Wendigo wants Sarah dead.”

Robert was in deep thought about the chain of events. "You are right my friend, Sarah's mark is not in the proper place. Jack, ask the spirits please."

Jack rose with his drum and walked to kneel in front of the fire. He held his drum towards the fire to warm and dry the elk skin. With a deep breath he blew on the fire and the flames began to rise with each breath he exhaled. Flames made Jack's appearance to glow red. The thudding sound of the drumming began. Jack became entranced and swayed with the drumming. He began to speak but it was clear that he was channeling a spirit. The strange voice said, "The mark on her arm, is not from a Mongolian birth mark, that mark is a birthmark, a spiritual mark, the maiden of all winds." Jack continued to drum.

"The maiden of all wind? I have not heard of such a title." said Robert.

Jack continued to drum and said, "She is the first since the fall of Judah. She is a direct descendant of a long lost tribe."

Robert took a step back, "You mean the Father knew this mark?"

"Yes," Came the voice from Jack, "The church did know. The schools were opened to destroy our magic because Native magic will be needed in the end days to heal the earth."

With an exasperated expression Robert's voice rose, "You mean to tell me that the school were set up to hunt our children and destroy them if they are marked? The government paid the church to destroy the Native children to stop our magic and culture?"

"Marked or unmarked, the government didn't care why the church was willing to do this task for them. They just paid them to do so." Jack began to cough and the spirit left his being.

The men turned from the fire to see the women standing there with their hands over their mouths. The men began to shuffle themselves to the table and planted themselves heavily in the seat. The information totally sent everyone into deep thought.

"Then, Sarah must stay here. She will need to talk to the Creator. The way we pray is illegal. She will be arrested if she is caught. With her here, she will be safer." Robert said to Joseph.

"Mary and Marcus, we will send watchers to troll the woods. We will set up a shield before leaving. This is bigger than we ever thought." Said Joseph to his friends.

With that, coats began to fly across the rooms and the men left to secure their plans. Marcus and Mary sat with Lyra and Verna in exhaustion. The fire's embers simmered the snow off a new log placed upon it. The day was so unbelievable that the adults were totally spent. After a moment, they retreated to their rooms for some much needed rest. That is, if their thoughts would let them rest.


About the Creator

Sheila L. Chingwa

Welcome to my world.

Welcome to my thoughts.

I am proud to be a Native American Elder born and raised in Northern Michigan. Thanks to my hard work I have a B.A. in Education and a Masters in Administration and Supervision in Education.

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