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Boys Will Be Boys

A Closer Look at a Perpetuating Social Myth

By SamiraPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Boys Will Be Boys: A Closer Look at a Perpetuating Social Myth

The phrase "boys will be boys" is a commonly used saying that has been used for generations as an excuse for male misbehavior. It is often used to excuse boys and men for actions that range from being careless and rough to engaging in violent behavior. While the phrase may seem harmless, it is actually a perpetuating social myth that has serious consequences.

First and foremost, "boys will be boys" assumes that male misbehavior is inherent and inevitable, and that boys cannot be held responsible for their actions. This type of thinking absolves boys and men from responsibility and accountability for their actions and encourages a culture of entitlement and impunity. It also reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and reinforces the notion that boys are naturally aggressive, dominant, and dominant.

Moreover, "boys will be boys" also undermines the role of parents, educators, and other authority figures in shaping and guiding the behavior of young boys. By assuming that male misbehavior is inevitable, it dismisses the importance of positive role models and effective parenting in shaping the behavior of young boys and men.

The perpetuation of the "boys will be boys" myth can have serious consequences, particularly in terms of violence against women and girls. Research has shown that men who believe in male superiority and entitlement are more likely to engage in sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and other forms of violence against women. By excusing male misbehavior as a normal and natural part of being a boy, the "boys will be boys" myth creates an environment that allows violence against women to persist and even thrive.

It is also worth noting that the "Boys will be boys" myth is not limited to just male misbehavior. It is also used to excuse poor academic performance, lack of motivation, and other negative behaviors in boys. This type of thinking assumes that boys are inherently less capable and less motivated than girls, and reinforces the notion that boys do not need to be held to the same standards as girls.

It is important to note that not all boys engage in negative behavior, and not all boys are excused from responsibility for their actions. Boys from all backgrounds and cultures can be held responsible for their actions and taught to treat others with respect and dignity.

So what can be done to challenge the "Boys will be boys" myth and promote positive behavior in boys?

First and foremost, it is important to hold boys and men accountable for their actions. Parents, educators, and other authority figures need to challenge the notion that boys are naturally misbehaved and instead promote a culture of responsibility and accountability.

Secondly, positive role models can play a critical role in shaping the behavior of young boys. By providing boys with positive examples of healthy and respectful behavior, they can learn to respect themselves and others, and develop positive relationships with others.

Finally, it is important to promote gender equality and challenge gender stereotypes. By promoting gender equality, we can help boys understand that male dominance and aggression is not a normal or acceptable part of being a boy, and that all genders should be treated with respect and dignity.

In conclusion, "Boys will be boys" is a perpetuating social myth that has serious consequences. By excusing male misbehavior and reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes, it undermines the role of parents and authority figures in shaping the behavior of young boys and reinforces a culture of entitlement and impunity. It is time to challenge this myth and promote a culture of responsibility, accountability, and respect for all genders.

ScriptYoung AdultShort StorySeriesSci FiSatireMysteryLoveHumorHorrorHistoricalFantasyFan FictionfamilyFableExcerptClassicalAdventure

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25 years young.

inspired creative, enterprenuer and lover of life.

expressing herself through words, songs, images and sounds. writing her story daily, putting meaning to her path.

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