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Boom. I rise from my pillow...

She thought she was dreaming. She thought she was awake... What was real?

By Anna PatchPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Boom. I rise from my pillow...
Photo by Adam Chang on Unsplash


I raise from my pillow.

What did I just see? What did I just feel? What did I just experience? Did I really just dream that? Surely not.

But I did.

It was so real, it felt like I was there. The frost on my fingertips, holding on like glue. The fuzzy chill. The ice cold spark. Did I really dream this?

Wait… What was that? I turn around and I see someone. You.

Who are you?

What are you doing?

Wait come back.



I raise from my pillow.

Wait, no, not again. Please.

The frost even deeper on my fingers now. What is happening?

I turn around, and I see you, But you are closer now. I see you in the reflection of something. Wait, what? What is this? My month opens and I let out what feels like a scream but is only a gasp.



I raise from my pillow.

No really, again?! Far out. Okay mind I get it, you are trying to tell me something. What?

Am I really there? Am I? What is going on?

I feel the frost in my fingers. It’s real. It’s there. Wow okay. This is happening.

I turn around, and there you are. Right in front of me.

I ask you, what are you doing? Who are you?

You say nothing. But you take my hand and lead me in the direction you have always been in. Am I dreaming? I don’t know. Am I awake? I don’t know. I am so confused now. I thought I was awake, but I think I’m sleeping.

It’s cold. I feel it to my core. It’s like a freezer has been switched up to full blast in my bones. I look around. I am on a lake? Am I? I am here, but it doesn’t really feel real.

“Where are we going?” I ask?

Still no answer.

I turn around and…



I rise from my pillow.

What is that painting? I ask myself. The one that has always been hanging there. I didn’t choose to put it there. Hmm.

My eyes find their way over the cover of this painting. It’s like my dream. But no, it can’t be. It’s just a dream right?

Who are those people? I’ve never noticed them before. In the painting. There are two people. Just standing there.


We are still walking. My eyes find themselves looking at my feet. Where are we? I think I saw this in a dream.

Am I in my dream?

Is this real?

Who are you? I ask. For what feels like the 20th time.

Chill fills the air.



My head rises from the pillow.

This painting is so interesting.

“Hey Mum, did you put this painting in my room?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about dear.”

“The painting of the frozen lake. I’ve never really noticed it before. I thought I was dreaming about it.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about dear. I’m sure I did, or your father might have. Just let it go. I’m sure it’s lovely.”

“Okay. Thanks.”


The people.

Have they moved? My nose becomes smaller on my face as I round my eyes to see. As if squinting would help.


I realise I am on a lake. A frozen lake. Where have I seen this before? Am I dreaming, or am I awake?

Where am I?

I think I’ve seen this before somewhere. But where?

My eyes see something. I am holding a golden locket.


I just said I am. Is this me, in the painting?



I look down, with bones as cold as ice, I am holding a golden locket.

Did I see this one in a painting?


I ask one more time;

“Where am I?”


She looks me in the eyes and says:

You are here. My dear.


But everywhere.

Short Story

About the Creator

Anna Patch

Actress, author, creative.

Instagram: @annapatch_

I love living life to the fullest, being creative, hugging trees, swimming in the ocean, and eating good food.

Best selling poet- 'For the one with stars in her eyes' <3 (Available on Amazon)

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