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Beautiful Vinyl

Everything about vinyl

By Wisnu Trilung Waluyo JatiPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Alright, let's dive into the world of vinyl, where crackles and pops are music to your ears and every record tells a story.

Meet Alex. He's your typical music lover with a passion for all things vintage. He spends his weekends scouring flea markets and thrift stores in search of hidden gems, but there's one thing he loves above all else: vinyl records.

It all started when Alex was a kid. He stumbled upon his dad's old record collection gathering dust in the attic and was instantly hooked. There was something about the warmth of the sound, the crackle of the needle on vinyl, that just couldn't be replicated by digital music.

From that moment on, Alex was on a mission. He spent hours digging through crates of records, hunting for that one elusive album to add to his collection. And when he found it, oh boy, it was like striking gold.

But there was one record that had always eluded him: "Beautiful Vinyl" by the legendary jazz pianist, Miles Davis. It was rumored to be the holy grail of vinyl records, with its silky smooth melodies and hauntingly beautiful tunes.

Alex had been searching for "Beautiful Vinyl" for years, but no matter how hard he looked, it seemed to be just out of reach. That is, until one fateful day.

It was a hot summer afternoon when Alex stumbled upon a small record store tucked away in a back alley. The sign above the door was faded and weather-worn, but there was something about it that drew him in.

As he stepped inside, he was hit by a wave of nostalgia. The shelves were lined with rows upon rows of records, each one holding the promise of a musical journey unlike any other.

Alex made his way to the jazz section, his heart pounding with anticipation. And there, nestled between a dusty copy of "Kind of Blue" and a scratched-up version of "Bitches Brew," was a gleaming jewel: "Beautiful Vinyl" by Miles Davis.

He couldn't believe his luck. It was like the record had been waiting for him all along, just biding its time until the right moment.

With trembling hands, Alex picked up the record and cradled it gently, as if it were made of glass. He made his way to the counter, barely able to contain his excitement.

The clerk behind the counter gave him a knowing smile as she rang up his purchase. "You've got yourself a real treasure there," she said, her voice tinged with admiration.

Alex grinned from ear to ear as he handed over the money. He couldn't wait to get home and listen to his new prize.

As he stepped out into the afternoon sun, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria wash over him. It wasn't just about the record itself, though that was certainly part of it. It was about the thrill of the hunt, the joy of discovery, and the pure, unadulterated love of music.

When he finally got home, Alex wasted no time in setting up his turntable. He carefully placed the record on the platter, lowered the needle, and held his breath.

And then, magic happened. The room was filled with the smooth, soulful sounds of Miles Davis, each note resonating with a beauty that was almost palpable. It was as if time stood still, and Alex was transported to another world entirely.

For hours, he sat there, lost in the music, savoring every moment as if it were his last. And when the final notes faded away, he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh.

From that day on, "Beautiful Vinyl" held a place of honor in Alex's collection. It wasn't just a record; it was a symbol of everything he loved about music: its power to inspire, to uplift, and to connect us all in ways we never thought possible.

And as he listened to it again and again, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for the journey that had brought him to this moment. Because sometimes, the most beautiful things in life are found in the most unexpected places.

Short StoryFan Fiction

About the Creator

Wisnu Trilung Waluyo Jati

Hii nice people, I am Wisnu from Indonesia

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  • Kenneth Lawson24 days ago

    I have Kind of Blue, and Bitches Brew, Both are modern reissues. Along with several of his older material from the late 1950s. Granted mine are stereo reissues from the early 1970s I think, BUt still very good music. I grew up listening to records and collecting them. Sadly most of them disappeared over the years when I moved out on my own. In recent years I've gotten back into them. To that end, I've been collecting them again. I now have a "vintage" early 80s turntable and other early 80's components to drive the turntable. Many of the records I have now are copies of material I had as a kid or copies of Casseetees or CDs I used to have. Along with a lot of new material. There is something to be said for spending hours looking over a sea of records, Finding a record or artist that you know, or just looks interesting. I've picked up records just to have them, even though I'll probably never play them, or they're too bad to play. But I want them in the collection. Records are not the only "Vintage" or unusual thing that I collect and use. I regularly write with fountain pens and wear a 1950s trilby hat when I go out most of the time. A trilby is similar to a fedora,but with a much shorter brim and at slightly different angles a fedora.

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